Common cold is a very common malady which affects people during monsoons. (Also see the post Beauty and body care in monsoon for a monsoon beauty regimen.) It can be caused by any one of more than 200 viruses. Normally it is confined to the nose and throat although the virus can infect the larynx and lungs. It is said that there is no particular cure for colds, they are naturally relieved within a week. Treatment is just an attempt to relieve its symptoms such as headache, stuffy nose, sore-throat and congestion. Paracetamol tablets are generally taken to get relief from these symptoms.

2) Camphor is used as a smelling salt in bouts of cold. Put a few drops on a hanky and sniff to clear stuffy nose.
3) Eat one gooseberry (amla) twice a day. It is a rich source of vitamin C and strengthens the respiratory immunity.
4) Another simple home remedy is milk and turmeric (haldi). Add ½ tsp of pure turmeric powder to a cup of hot milk, along with a pinch of pepper powder and little sugar to taste and drink thrice a day to get relief from cold. How to prepare turmeric milk the right way and its various benefits are explained in the post Dry Cough - Try these home remedies.
5) Inhalation of turmeric powder added to water and boiled is also a good remedy for cold.
6) Saffron mixed in milk and applied over the forehead quickly relieves cold.
7) Lime is actually ideal in colds and fevers unless you are especially allergic to citrus fruits. Dilute lime juice with honey to drink is the best application in cases of common cold attacks.
8) Water boiled in cumin(jeera) and ginger(adrak) can also be used as a beverage to clear the infections.
9) Apply a fine paste of drumstick (Sahijan in ‘Hindi’) leaves with a pinch of lime at the base of the throat at bedtime. Combine this therapy with a salt water gargle for a sore-throat caused by common cold. Also read about medicinal uses of drumstick leaves.
10) Chewing on cardamom soothes the throat and clears any obstructing phlegm.
11) 1 tsp of honey should be mixed in a glass of decoction of harad (available in any stores selling ayurvedic products) and consumed, twice a day.
12) Regular intake of white radish juice with a tsp of honey is said to be effective in keeping colds at bay.
1) Lemonated warm water should be taken internally.
2) Any of these juices can be taken: ginger, orange, carrot, radish and garlic.
These are most effective when taken early in the morning on an empty stomach.
See also: Benefits of walking / Facial exercises for a youthful look-1 / Facial exercises for a youthful look-2 / Oral-Dental Hygiene & care/ Body Odor / Water-some health benefits of drinking it / For a good-night’s sleep / Bad breath (Halitosis) / Weight reduction diet tips

Home remedies for common cold
1) Black tea prepared with black pepper powder, dry ginger powder and basil(tulsi) leaves. This tea can be taken 3 to 4 times a day to get relief from runny nose, headache and sore throat. It is as good as aspirin or paracetamol tablets.2) Camphor is used as a smelling salt in bouts of cold. Put a few drops on a hanky and sniff to clear stuffy nose.
3) Eat one gooseberry (amla) twice a day. It is a rich source of vitamin C and strengthens the respiratory immunity.
4) Another simple home remedy is milk and turmeric (haldi). Add ½ tsp of pure turmeric powder to a cup of hot milk, along with a pinch of pepper powder and little sugar to taste and drink thrice a day to get relief from cold. How to prepare turmeric milk the right way and its various benefits are explained in the post Dry Cough - Try these home remedies.
5) Inhalation of turmeric powder added to water and boiled is also a good remedy for cold.
6) Saffron mixed in milk and applied over the forehead quickly relieves cold.
7) Lime is actually ideal in colds and fevers unless you are especially allergic to citrus fruits. Dilute lime juice with honey to drink is the best application in cases of common cold attacks.
8) Water boiled in cumin(jeera) and ginger(adrak) can also be used as a beverage to clear the infections.
9) Apply a fine paste of drumstick (Sahijan in ‘Hindi’) leaves with a pinch of lime at the base of the throat at bedtime. Combine this therapy with a salt water gargle for a sore-throat caused by common cold. Also read about medicinal uses of drumstick leaves.
10) Chewing on cardamom soothes the throat and clears any obstructing phlegm.
11) 1 tsp of honey should be mixed in a glass of decoction of harad (available in any stores selling ayurvedic products) and consumed, twice a day.
12) Regular intake of white radish juice with a tsp of honey is said to be effective in keeping colds at bay.
1) Lemonated warm water should be taken internally.
2) Any of these juices can be taken: ginger, orange, carrot, radish and garlic.
These are most effective when taken early in the morning on an empty stomach.
See also: Benefits of walking / Facial exercises for a youthful look-1 / Facial exercises for a youthful look-2 / Oral-Dental Hygiene & care/ Body Odor / Water-some health benefits of drinking it / For a good-night’s sleep / Bad breath (Halitosis) / Weight reduction diet tips
How very interesting to read about the Ayurveda way of curing common cold. Thanks.
ReplyDeletedrink a glass of warm water, with half a lemon squeezed in it,first thing in the morning every day. That way you develop immunity from cold. But it a slow process. Takes time.
ReplyDeleteThen yoga breathing exercises help a lot. They can even cure sinus.
do gargle in Luke warm water daily 3-4 times for itching throat,and for bad cold take hot water steam and it will be perfectly alright,i know this because i had both of them myself and i have already experienced it ,when i tried this everything came back to normal,but it will take a few days to be completely gone,so don't give up keep trying
ReplyDeleteWhenever I had a cold my mom would make me some hot green tea and chicken noodle soup always works, and with a sore throat I would stay away from all sweets, and stick with hot foods,also if you have a lot of crap in your nose I recommend put on layers of sweaters to let all the crap from your nose to come out and blow your nose as often as you can and get tons of sleep, you should be better in no time!
ReplyDeleteThe common cold is a viral infection, characterized by nasal congestion, a clear, runny nose, sneezing, scratchy throat and general malaise.
ReplyDeleteFor all its achievements, medical science does not have a cure for the common cold. The common cold is a minor illness caused by one of as many as 200 different kinds of viruses, including rhinovirus and adenovirus. These viruses can also cause laryngitis or bronchitis by infecting either the larynx (voice box) or the bronchial tubes in the lungs. Infections are spread from one person to another, by hand-to-hand contact, or by a cough or sneeze that sprays many virus particles into the air.
Yes, ginger is good for a common cold.
ReplyDeleteBest things for cold if you want something simple. Take 2-3 cloves of raw garlic boil in a cup of water and drink 2x a day works wonders but taste horrid as a fair warning.
ReplyDeleteNight-Time Cold Remedy
ReplyDeleteJuice from one lemon
1/4 cup Honey
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1/2 cup hot water (not boiling)
3 tablespoons brandy
50 mg zinc
Mix the lemon, honey, syrup, water, and brandy together. Take the zinc and then sip the warm drink
Garlic, onion, water, chicken stock, hot sauce, salt, pepper, basil, oregono and a little bit of white rice mixed together and heated to a boil. Sip while hot. Also drink water with it to avoid stomach aches. Good for sinus/chest 20-30 minute steaming hot shower. Sinus. Vitamin C tablets. Anti-oxidant. Lots of sleep. Move around when possible, do light chores. To keep body active. Lots of water and juice to keep hydrated and to flush the system.
ReplyDeleteRest when tired. Periodic stretching / exercise (cycling does wonders if you’re careful). Good to get the blood flowing and heart pumping. OTC medicine (liquid Nyquil) to get better sleep.
These won’t get rid of the cold right away, but they will help the body stay stronger longer to fight it better and faster. It sure makes me feel better longer and I don’t exhibit as many symptons.
Vitamin C always helps me.I take it daily and when I am sick I drink lots of OJ and water and eat well and sleep as much as I can and it goes away in a few days.Chicken soup helps too :)
ReplyDeleteWhenever I get a cold my throat and my head tell me first. I start to drink tea and water with a self-pressed lemon.
ReplyDeleteI keep my whole body warm, which means I take care not to expose anything to the cold air.
I eat honey.
Doesn’t sound like it, but it helps
Lady's fingers are highly valuable in treating irritation of the throat and a persistent dry cough. This vegetable is rich in mucilage and acts as a drug to allay irritation, swelling, and pain. About 100 gm of lady's fingers should be cut into pieces, and boiled down in half a litre of water to make a decoction. The steam issuing from this decoction may also be inhaled once or twice a day to relieve throat irritation and a dry cough.
ReplyDeleteChamomile Tea boosts the immune system and fight infections associated with colds.
ReplyDeleteDrink chicken broth and potato peeling broth.
ReplyDeleteThe viruses that cause colds can live on the hands for a long time. Washing your hands several times a day is one of the best ways to prevent colds. Even if you’re already sick, washing your hands will help prevent cold virus from reinfecting you and prolonging the misery.
ReplyDeleteDrink plenty of lime juice everyday as the ascorbic acid (Vitamic C) content of lime helps heal wounds quickly, maintain your teeth, helps also hair, nails and complexion in good condition and guard against catching colds
ReplyDeleteA very good protection against Cold is to eat CHICKEN ADOBO, a Philippine chicken dish. Make it as follows:
ReplyDelete6 pcs. Chicken 1 cup soy sauce 1 cup white vinegar 6″ piece fresh ginger root, peeled and sliced thin 1 tablespoon minced garlic 2 or 3 tablespoons brown sugar
Combine all ingredients in a casserole and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour and 5 minutes.
: filipendula flowers. It's a great antiviral agent, so it not only cures but also prevents cold sores, since herpes is a virus. I just pour some boiled water over a tablespoon of flowers and drink it as tea - it smells like honey, and tastes pretty good too. And you can also dip a cotton swab in it and apply to the cold sore, it will help you get rid of it faster. I used to have cold sores every three month - and up until noe did not have a single one since last july. Sounds unbelievable, but worth trying!
ReplyDeleteDrink lots of orange juice or take the recommended amount of Vitamin C.
ReplyDeleteA good thing that can help is to sweat it out. Cover yourself with a thick cover/blanket and sweat. Don't take off the covers just to get some cold air otherwise it won't work. Just stay beneath them and sweat. Make sure you wipe your sweat though or have a towel behind your back and neck.
ReplyDeleteTake lots of vit C ,lots of bed rest ,Drink lots of water ,Stay out of cold air
ReplyDeleteLots of Orange Juice and Lemsip MAX :)
ReplyDeleteThere is no cure for a cold. Your best bet is to treat the symptoms and nothing works as well as over the counter cold and flu analgesic treatments from a pharmacist.
ReplyDeleteNo, there are no cures for the common cold.
ReplyDeleteI take 100% vitamin C tablets or orange juice and it seems to work very well
ReplyDeleteI made a tea of eucalyptus leaves. Fill an empty tea bag with 1 tbsp of crushed, dried leaves, place in hot (not boiling) water and cover for about 5-10 minutes. Try to inhale the steam afterward (great for a sore throat, mind you). Drink this over maybe a course of 2 or so days, but do NOT ingest the leaves themselves as this can be poisonous
ReplyDeletehot cup of ginger and lemon water:
ReplyDeletejust boil a cup of water and add a slice of fresh ginger root (or the powdered ginger form if thats all you have at the time) then add lemon to it
it detoxes your body of the germs, you'll sweat them out
Nothing has been shown to reduce either the duration or severity of a cold. Take plenty of fluids,appropriate doses of paracetamol and wait.
ReplyDeletesleep is the best remedy.
ReplyDeleteUse grape juice to ward off colds.
ReplyDeleteCommon cold symptoms are usually treated with bed-rest and symptomatic medication until the immune system overcomes the infection. Unfortunately, traditional medications often come with unwanted side-effects.
ReplyDeleteAntibiotics are not effective against viruses and only help in the case of secondary infections. They also rob the body of important "good" bacteria. All natural cold medicine can provide safe and effective herbal cold relief.
A popular homeopathic cold remedy is chicken soup.
Once you come down with the sickness, rest and fluids is the only way I know of. Personally, I've found that a cold usually starts with a sore throat, and a salt water gargle (i.e. very salty, like seawater) helps stop the cold in the beginning. It might still help because you have a sore throat; scientifically it makes sense because salt water would dehydrate the virus, making it easier for your body's immune system to kill.
ReplyDeleteI dont recomend you to treat your colds because it will just go away in due time, instead just take more vitamin C in order to boast your immune system. I just recover my cough and colds and i never eat any medicine niether herbal or systhetic. I just rest and drink lots of fresh water and vit. C. LOTS OF REST AND DRINK LOTS OF FRESH WATER( FRUIT JUICES) I RECOMMEND YOU
ReplyDeleteAn almost sure fire way to ward off and beat a cold, congestion and sore throat before they can get a grip is to take lots of colloidal silver, echinacea, and vitamin C along with some olive oil extract capsules. Gargle with the colloidal silver before swallowing - and it is best to have the echinacea in extract form so you can gargle with it too, but capsules will do (if you use capsules take 3 capsules 3 times a day at the first signs of a cold).
ReplyDeleteThe cold virus is self limiting, nothing will really shorten symptom duration. Get rest, push fluids and take appropriate pain relief.
ReplyDeleteColloidal silver will knock it out. Indeed, if you take a tablespoon per day you will not get another cold. Vitamin D is good for prevention too.
ReplyDeleteSimple cold and cough can be cured with the regular eating of grapes for number of days. They tone up the lungs and act as expectorant.
ReplyDeletetry something called echinacea, i use it all the time. it works. and if you can find any of that take 1000 mg of vitamin c this will also cut the cold down in half
ReplyDeleteGo for echinacea tea or hyssop tea.
ReplyDeleteThanks for those remedies, I will surly try them :)
ReplyDeleteBreathing the steam from a hot shower is probably the easiest way to cut mucus and keep it from getting thick- ... When the relief it provides begins to wane, or when you notice that its effectiveness lasts for a shorter time,
ReplyDeleteI stay inside and rest, relax, sleep. You need to conserve energy for healing, not expand it.
ReplyDeletethere is none. Just take paracetamol and keep yourself warm and rested.
ReplyDeleteThere is no cure for the common cold, it has to run it course. You may take some OTC med to relieve symptoms like aspirin for fever and aches, syrup for cough etc.
ReplyDeleteThere is no cure for the common cold, how ever you can eliminate the symptoms.
ReplyDeleteMake up a cup of very very strong coffee, instant will do, and use this to bathe the cold sore at least 10 times in a day. It will get rid of it very quickly.
ReplyDeleteTake 10g. ginger and 5g. Cinnamon cut it into small pcs. and make decoction in 250 ml. water on slow fire till it is reduced to 1/4th, mix one tablespoon honey and drink warm. This is one dose, take two doses a day, once in the morning and at bed time, night. After the night dose just sleep do not drink water over it.
ReplyDelete1st day you will be cured 50% and next day you will be cured 100%.
take rest.
ReplyDeleteThere is NO cure for the common cold, stay hydrated and rested, and wait it out.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, take rest. You can try a nasal decongestant, such as a spray to clear your nose. Gargling will also if you have a sore throat. Another remedy that gives excellent relief is the old-fashioned steam inhalation.
ReplyDeleteTake steam two three times in a day.Add turmeric to a vessel of boiling water. Inhale the fumes just like a vaporizer. It is good for controlling cough, stuffy nose and headache.
ReplyDeleteTake a teaspoon of pure honey and add a pinch of white pepper powder. Take this 2-3 times a day for 4-5 days.
Once you come down with the sickness, rest and fluids is the only way.
ReplyDeleteTake some Vick's vapo rub and put on a good size gob on a tissue. Do Not let it touch his skin. This will help with his cough and should also help with the runny nose.
ReplyDeleteI find a good quality Echinacea works well. One made from freshly harvested plants rather than a concoction based on dried echinacea. Expensive but works a treat for me.
ReplyDeleteTry a hot shower and breathe in the steam to help clear your nose and chest. Keep drinking tea mix some lemon, ginger, and honey and sip that. IT will help your throat and nose and cough. OTher than that just try to rest make sure you're getting vitamin C too it will help get you better faster
ReplyDeletestart drinking more fluids
ReplyDeletetreat yourself for dehydration
ReplyDeleteThere is no way to get rid of cold fast nor there is a cure for it as it has to run it course
ReplyDeleteFirst get really drunk on whiskey and hot tea. Then start taking Vitamins and drinking lots of fluids.
ReplyDeleteDo listen to what the others are saying about getting plenty of fluids, but what has always worked best for me is to simply ignore said cold. By going out and doing normal things, your body will be active and will fight that cold much faster than if you stay in bed all the time.
ReplyDeleteMy 'magic cocktail' is 1000 mg of vitamin C in the morning, same at night with a meal if possible. Oranges are great too, best vitamin C you can get. I've also found ginseng to help a lot with knocking a cold out, lots of water, and as much rest as possible.
ReplyDeleteI've heard that using a Neti pot to clear out your sinuses can be a huge help. I've never used one myself, but I know several people who have, and although the process itself may be rather uncomfortable for some, they've all had great results.
ReplyDeleteDrink fresh ginger tea 3 times a day for a few days.
ReplyDeleteput a teaspoon of vinegar (preferably apple cider or wine vinegar) in a glass of water or juice and drink that like three times a day
ReplyDeletealso drink ginger, lemon and honey (vary the amounts by taste) in a mug of hot water several times per day
and for your nose, get some fresh boiled water in a bowl, add eucalyptus oil(5 drops?) or a throat lozenge containing eucalyptus oil and stick it in there then put your head over the bowl and cover yourself and the bowl with a towel. breath deeply
also, i agree on the netti pot suggestion although i have never tried one i know people who have- they say theyre great.
oh and take an immune system booster
and avoid avoid AVOID sugar
Reduce stress. Studies have shown that serious stress can weaken the immune system making it more difficult to fight off a cold.
ReplyDeleteDrink plenty of fluids. Water and juice flush the body’s impurities from your system.
ReplyDeleteEat plenty of yogurt. Researchers think the good bacteria in yogurt may stimulate output of immune system substances that fight disease.
A cold is a minor infection of the respiratory system.
ReplyDeletecold is a virus, the only way it can be passed is by sharing infected bacteria with others. Not dressing properly in the cold or inclement weather can lead to hypothermia, however, so be sure to bundle up and dress accordingly when venturing outside
The cold virus is self limiting and will usually resolve spontaneously INSPITE of anything you do or take. Push fluids, take paracetamol and rest. They seldom persist for longer than 3 -7 days.
ReplyDeleteEucalyptus is a main ingredient in many of the vapor rubs on the market. But if you can't use them for some reason or another (allergic to the other ingredients or something) then you can use the following substitutes:
ReplyDeleteburning eucalyptus scented incense. if you can't burn incense due to breathing issues or just don't want the smoke around you can make a spray. using eucalyptus essential oil in a basic room/linnen spray is quite easy. depending on the size of the spray bottle, you'll need only about 3-6 drops of oil. fill the rest of the bottle with water, and spray around room as needed. it is completely safe to spray on clothing and pillows as well. not only does the scent open up your sinuses, but it also lends a nice clean scent to the air that others can benefit from as well.
You want the air you breathe in to be moist to avoid further irritating already inflamed nasal pages. If you don’t already have a humidifier, consider purchasing one for your home. There’s some thought that keeping your nasal passages moist through use of a humidifier may ward off cold and flu viruses.
ReplyDeleteRest, Orange Juice, Chicken Noodle Soup, Vitamin C. Table Spoon of honey.
ReplyDeletelots of rest!
ReplyDeleteHaving a cold is a horrible feeling. Drink lots of liquids. Fruit juices and water are the best bet. Also, get plenty of rest and eat healthy nutritious meals.
ReplyDeletePlace a crushed garlic clove, four crushed black pepper corns and a large handful of fresh thyme leaves into a bowl. Pour on boiling water, cover your head with a towel and breath in the fumes from the bowl.
ReplyDeletePlenty of rest is the best way to cure the common cold. If you want to feel better create a warm honey-lemon drink. If it's really that bad I recommend Lemsip.
ReplyDeleteload up on vitamin c to give your immune system a boost! eat fresh fruits and veggies like oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, and green leafy vegetables.
ReplyDeletedrink plenty of clear fluids, such as juice, tea and water, to help flush out your system.
get plenty of rest, so your body has a chance to fight the cold.
take a hot bath.
get plenty of rest & sleep; eat hot broth or chicken soup, as well as plenty of water; and just wait it out
ReplyDeleteYou can't really cure a common cold
ReplyDeleteThe cold is caused by a virus. Unfortunately there are no cures for viral infections.
ReplyDeleteYou can only treat the symptoms while your immune system does the rest.
depending how bad it is vick nasal spray both side of your nostrils, bowl of red hot water towel over your head menthol capsules in the water inhale it or menthol capsules dowsed on your handkerchief also on your pillow all these are the best you can try and you can try menthol crystals if its a really bad cold get some boiled lemonade 2 paracetamol every 4 hrs or normal vick rub it on your chest if it dose persist after trying all these go to see your dr he may give you some antibiotics hope this helps you
ReplyDeletePrepared soybean (Semen Sojae Praeparatum) A product made from soybean. It can not only dispel pathogenic factor attacking the exterior of the body but also stagnant heat. Common cold of either wind-cold type or wind-heat type can be treated with it.
ReplyDeleteIf you also have a runny nose: I think that Dristan is what works best. You could also get a prescription for a corticosteroid inhaler to get the secretions out of your bronchi before the competition.
ReplyDeletetea with lemon and honey, long baths, swalling a small piece of garlick hole, and just plenty of rest. also try having minty things such as gum. it might help relieve you slightly.
ReplyDeleteNo cure hun sorry..but u can relieve symptoms till u ride it out..natural remedies cuts the duration time..lots warm fluids..honey lemon nd medicinal yogi tea cald cold season feel it work rite away..feel better
ReplyDeleteGet a nose flusher! (I do not remember the name [saline sinus rinse??])
ReplyDeletebut it's a little bottle, that you fill up with water and dump a little packet of solution in it,lean over your sink, stick it to one nostril and squeeze the water up your nose.
It's disgusting at first and makes you want to cough but then it comes out of your other nose, and literally makes you feel so much better afterwords.
you cant. its just the common cold. and you just have to let it run its course
ReplyDeleteCoffee is fine and can help the action of tylenol, that's why caffeine is often included in preparations for colds.
ReplyDeleteThe most important thing is to take liquids. Hot honey and lemon is good. Plenty of water or barley water juice. Perhaps you could manage a soup but 2 days without food is not a disaster. When you do start eating take small amounts and graze through the day.
ReplyDeleteliquids is especially important, and you need proteins and nutrients to help you get better, you should drink oj and some slim fast to try and get extra vit c and protein
ReplyDeleteEchinacea tea is a good home remedy against the common cold.
ReplyDeletemanooker honey
ReplyDeletechicken noodle soup
ReplyDeleteThere isn't one. The Nobel prize awaits the one to come up with it first
ReplyDeleteyou can try nasonex or flonase for local use. But make sure you don't take it for more than five days.
ReplyDeleteSudafed, caffeine, also try hot peppers and spicy food as thoughs clear your nose
ReplyDeleteSleep with an extra pillow under your head. This will help relieve congested nasal passages. If the angle is too awkward, try placing the pillows between the mattress and the box springs to create a more gradual slope.
ReplyDeleteechinacea was once a very popular cold remedy
ReplyDeleteResearchers found that when people took garlic supplements everyday in the winter season, they were fifty percent less likely to catch colds. A recommended dose is 600 mg. twice daily.
ReplyDeleteStudies found that gargling with water in the cold months removes viruses before they get the chance to infect you. This process was found to reduce illness risks by 36%.
ReplyDeleteThe cold virus can survive on objects and surfaces for as long as three days, so it is possible to contract the virus on your hands and pass it around. Wash your hands frequently with warm water and soap before you eat, after you use the bathroom, and every time when come in from outside.
ReplyDeleteIve had a cold for about two weeks now,and mid-cold I got the flu.
ReplyDeletetry to drink some soothing tea. Or gargle some water with salt in it. i know it sounds nasty but it should help some.
ReplyDeletegarlic and Echinacea have been known to boost the immune system. Garlic releases a chemical called acillin, which has antibacterial qualities, and Echinacea is a great natural remedy that can kill viruses in the body that can be caused by the common cold.
ReplyDeleteGarlic is nature's wonder drug!
ReplyDeleteClove oil stimulates circulation, and blood flow to the skin, making it very useful for people who have cold extremities.
ReplyDeletechop very fine one clove of fresh garlic, place on a teaspoon, slide it off with your upper lip, and chase down with a half cup of water. The symptoms will be gone in a few hours.
ReplyDeleteAvoid eating cold, fried, and oily food that will only aggravate your condition.
ReplyDeleteEnsure to drink plenty of water and fluids to keep your sinus membranes hydrated. Dry and irritated sinus membranes secrete more mucus that can make your nose stuffy.
ReplyDeleteMix Tulsi, lemon juice and ginger juice in equal proportion. Add some honey. Eat this mixture twice in a day to clear off congestion.
ReplyDeleteonion is a great natural decongestant. Put a couple slices of raw onion on a small plate and keep it next to you until the onions stop stinking. Throw them away and get a couple new slices to replace them. That will keep your head clear. You may smell like you need a shower, but you'll be able to smell, too.
ReplyDeleteI am most definitely very uncomfortably suffering from cold .I stick to Eucalyptus Oil during cold.take bath with it(add a tablespoon of eucalyptus oil to a bucket of water)It will give immense relief !
ReplyDeleteI take Lemon Juice and Honey to ward off cold .
ReplyDeleteThis allows works for me.
Nice and informative post.
ReplyDeletedrink lots of orange juice. Echinacia pills helps to prevent you from getting the cold but if you've already got it it won't do much. Get plenty of sleep, that helps aswell
ReplyDeleteRest, sleep well, eat healthy foods that are light and nourishing, take some cold medicine to manage the worst of the symptoms and rest. Yes, I said it twice. There are no set time limits for cold treatment, your immune system will fight it in it's own time.
ReplyDeleteMake homemade chicken broth. Super good for you. Make it as hot temp wise as you can stand and drink all of it. Also, make this: one big cup half water half oj. Ice a little bit if lemon juice with the lemon, a little bit o lime juice with the lime and a little bit of marichimo cherry juice with the cherries. Stir and drink all of it. Sit in a steamy room too and rest.
ReplyDeleteI'd drink a glass of hot water with the juice of three lemons and two pinches of salt mixed in and go to bed immediately. You will immediately begin to sweat and within two hours feel very much better. It'll be a tough swallow but its been working for me for 50 years.
ReplyDeleteEat chicken soup. Take vitamin C. Drink copious amount of liquid, and stay rest in bed.
ReplyDeleteYour resistance may be down which can be helped by taking vitamins. Multi-vitamins are the best. Also, eating a healthy diet as often as possible.
ReplyDeleteGarlic soup is an old remedy to reduce the severity of a cold, and should be taken once daily. The soup can be prepared by boiling three or four cloves of chopped garlic in a cup of water. Garlic contains antiseptic and antispasmodic properties, besides several other medicinal virtues.
ReplyDeleteYou should drink lots of fluids and stay hydrated.
ReplyDeleteJust take a combination of paracetamol (acetaminophen) and pseudoephiderine 3 times a day for 4 days. it will relieve the symptoms quickly.
ReplyDeletehot water rub ears. Every night when washing a face, with hot water towel rub ears, top and bottom gently friction double auricle 40 times, prevent colds have fine effect.
ReplyDeleteMy husband insists upon chamomile tea with tons of lime and honey and chicken soup with lime and jalapenos.
ReplyDeleteA pot of freshly boiled onions,steaming hot.
ReplyDeleteClears sinuses-makes you sweat-and furthermore stops you coughing(for obvious reasons)!
Freshly squeezed lemon juice, manuka honey, fresh ginger and hot water
ReplyDeleteAdd a little whiskey if you are not working or driving!
clears the sinuses very well!
Here's what you do. Get a wash cloth, run it under warm/hot water until it's conpletlu wet, then squeeze out the water and place it on your whole nose, and press, continue to do this until you feel some movement, then blow out all the nasty yuckiness into a tissue :)
ReplyDeleteTake a steamy shower it will clear it up some or if you have something peppermint to smell it will open your sinuses
ReplyDeleteIf you mix some honey and lemon together,it should work.
ReplyDeleteYou have the common cold, take Buckleys! Tastes awful, but it works!
ReplyDeletehe body is self-healing and will recover naturally from a cold.
ReplyDeleteThis is how alt-med works - by giving pills for things which your body recovers naturally from anyway, and then taking the credit.
Fill a salad bowl with hot water and put 1/2 a capfull of eucalyptus oil into it ~ make a tent with a towel over your head and lean over the bowl and inhale the steamy eucalyptus vapours ........... being careful not to get so close that you burn your face♥
ReplyDeleteEat more foods rich in vitamin C ~ in particular, limes and lemons, also oranges, strawberries, blueberries, tomatoes, leafy and green vegies, red and green peppers♥
ReplyDeletevitamin C will bolster your immunity and help to torch those nasty cold and flu germs♥
Loads of freshly squeezed juices are good too♥
Well, what I do is I take a lot of ginger tea. It really helps but if that doesn't work then you will have to go on antibiotics..
ReplyDeleteYou need to rest since your ill....dont stress your body....
ReplyDeleterub vicks on your chest and underneath your earlobes before you go to helps
or you can inhale vicks that has been put in hot water (the steam that comes off).
That's normal with a cold, because more mucus is lining your throat and nose, and you might have a little mucus in your lungs too. Just take it easy, don't push yourself too hard so your body has a chance to fight the cold.
ReplyDeleteI have heard that neti pots work to unplug your nose quickly and easily. they are usually sold in health product stores
ReplyDeleteTry gargling with golden seal tea,
ReplyDeleteSage is another good choice for a sore throat
Raw garlic is the most effective
Take two or more cloves, crushed or whole, at the first sign of a sore throat and continue eating two or more cloves until your symptoms clear up
ReplyDeletei mean milk with turmeric.
HOT HOT................
You can try a simple breathing technique ,that involves holding your breath and altering the way you breathe. It clears the nose in 3 or 4 minutes.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds simple but it does work. The idea is that carbon dioxide is a natural dilator of the smooth muscle tissue in the body and by increasing your CO2 in your system you open up the airways.
Garlic is amazing for the lungs. This is a great way to fight bacterial infections. It also enhances your immune system and fights viruses at the same time! I love this garlic remedy.
ReplyDeleteWhen you have the cold, as the name suggests, your internal body is "cold" so you need to keep warm, and take food that heats up your body. During a cold, try to avoid fruit juice
ReplyDeleteOne of the things that you should do when you have a cold is clean your tongue. The cold germs will also collect on the surface of your tongue and continue to infect your body. In addition, you need to know the real cause of bad breath:
ReplyDeletevitamin c, plenty of water/fluids, and sleep.
ReplyDeleteTo prevent colds and flu, be sure you get enough sleep each night and minimize stress. Also be sure to wash your hands throughout the day and avoid rubbing your eyes, nose, and mouth.
ReplyDeleteA first indication that you've contacted a virus, like sniffles, sorethroat, etc., chop very fine one clove of fresh garlic, place on a teaspoon, slide it off with your upper lip, and chase down with a half cup of water. The symptoms will be gone in a few hours.
ReplyDeleteTake 1 tbs chamomile flowers, 1 tsp fennel seeds, 2 tbs mint leaves and steep 1 tbs of the mix in a cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Strain and drink.