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Cinnamon (Dalchini) based home remedies

Cinnamon (dalchini) is a common spice used in the Indian kitchen. Cinnamon aids digestion, blood circulation and stimulates all the vital functions of the body. Cinnamon essential oil is extensively used in aromatherapy. According to a study, cinnamon helps keep blood sugar level in diabetics as well as non-diabetics. It helps lower blood levels of fats and ‘bad’ cholesterol.


A collection of cinnamon based home remedies
  • A decoction of cinnamon and peppercorns if taken with honey, will cure sore throat, cold and cough.
  • A paste of cinnamon ground in lime juice can be applied on pimples to get rid of them. This paste if applied on the forehead, will prove to be a good remedy for a splitting headache.
  • Cinnamon decoction will ease all pains if consumed by new mothers post partum.
  • Cinnamon powder taken with honey helps reduce frequent urination.
  • Cinnamon taken along with curds will ease stomach ache.
  • Chew cinnamon after meals to get rid of bad breath.
  • A pinch of cinnamon powder if taken at bedtime will help increase your memory power.
  • Cinnamon tea offers helpful relaxation for the stomach upset by the tension and strain of modern living.
Caution: Bark, essential oil can irritate, redden, and even burn sensitive skin. So use highly diluted. Not to be used during pregnancy.


  1. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I always wondered what cardomon was. Thank you for showing how useful it is.

  2. Anonymous6:22 PM

    This spice is very new to me. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Never knew so much could be done with this nondescript spice.

  4. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Cinnamon is a not just a common household spice; it’s a valuable medicinal herb. As a circulatory tonic, cinnamon is the perfect flavor for winter to help warm cold hands and feet and get the blood flowing on chilly winter mornings. Cinnamon is a stimulant, too, perfect for those dark days when staying in bed seems most appropriate. And you don’t even need to consume it! Studies have shown that the mere scent of cinnamon can increase alertness and mental function, helping to improve memory, coordination, recognition, and attention.

    There’s more. Using just 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon a day can help lower high blood cholesterol and glucose levels, minimizing your risk of type-2 diabetes and heart disease. Some research has shown that cinnamon protects against thrush and can be useful in preventing stomach ulcers.

  5. My leg muscles and joints have been hurting me for about 3 months. I done some research on the health benefits
    of taking cinnamon mixed with honey.....I used the recipe for arthritis benefits. I do not know for certain as
    to whether or not this mixture of honey and cinnamon has eased the pain to almost nil, or not....but it's
    going away. My legs had hurt me so much at night, that I had to sleep with a pillow between my legs to get any
    relief from the pain.....and I have only been using the honey and cinnamon mixture for just one week. If my
    relief is really attributed to this honey and cinnamon mixture, I will be telling the world's arthritis
    suffers about it. But.....before I nake any hasty moves in this respect, I am going to stay on honey and
    cinnamon and will know for certain on down the road if I have found a miracle for my arthritis pain.

  6. Hemant10:18 AM

    Cinnamon helps in cold, flu, influenza, sore throat and congestion.

  7. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Scientific research has shown the existence of a possible link between cinnamon and better levels of blood sugar. In a study made public in 2003, it was shown that people suffering from diabetes who consumed cinnamon pills every day reduced their cholesterol, blood glucose and triglycerides levels considerably.In addition to being beneficial for treating diabetes, initial studies carried out in the laboratory and on animals suggest that cinnamon has other benefits. It may also play an anti fungal and antibacterial role in treating diseases, such as thrush, yeast infections and ulcers in the stomach.Never take cinnamon doses on your own as it can be potentially harmful to your health. Always consult your physician before you decide to use cinnamon to treat any condition.

  8. Ambarish9:05 AM

    Give cinnamon powder with tea take every night it is believed to lose weight.

  9. Suhila9:29 AM

    Cinnamon – This tasty little seasoning reduces your blood sugar levels keeping them at an even keel

  10. Swashtika9:36 AM

    I really learned a lot from this article. And it really helped me with my diet, thanks. And thank you again because you shared to me that cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels and it will really help my grandmother a lot…so..Lots of thanks again!!

  11. Lalita4:34 PM

    Combination of cinnamon powder and honey needs to be smeared on the pimple affected skin; this simple remedy is an efficient herbal remedy for quick elimination of pimples. This remedial medicine gives best output if applied at night before bedtime. You should wash the herbal mixture on next morning.

  12. Some of the health benefits of cinnamon are:
    - Improves circulation
    - Eases cold symptoms
    - Relieves stomach upsets
    - Menstrual aid

  13. Lakshmi6:23 PM

    Cinnamon prevents nervous tension, improves complexion and memory. Cinnamon is an effective medicine for common cold. Cinnamon checks nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

  14. unknown8:27 AM

    Cinnamon cures for colds. It has also been used to treat diarrhea and other problems of the digestive system. Cinnamon is high in antioxidant activity

  15. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Cinnamon has traditionally been used to treat toothache and fight bad breath

  16. Ganesh8:54 AM

    Colic, digestive, stomachache, and gases: drink the mixture of half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in one cup of tepid water, 2 times a day. You can also drink the brew of cinnamon twigs. Boil from 0.5 to 1g of twigs per liter of water for 2 minutes. Drink a cup after each meal.

  17. Vilas3:49 PM

    patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month.
    When added to food, it inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative.

  18. Naresh3:50 PM

    cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria in unpasteurized juices. It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.

  19. Dharitri3:53 PM

    I'm glad the info was useful. I am going to increase the amount of cinnamon in my diet as well!

  20. Anonymous3:54 PM

    What about cinnamon toothpicks? Wouldn't they be beneficial for diabetes?

  21. Yuktamukhi8:31 AM

    cinnamon is good if you are lethargic but bad if you are overstimulated.

  22. Food Expert8:33 AM

    The health benefits of cinnamon can be attributed to its antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, astringent and anti clotting properties. Cinnamon is rich in essential minerals such as manganese, iron and calcium. It is also rich in fiber.

  23. Dheeraj8:35 AM

    Cinnamon is diuretic in nature and helps in secretion and discharge of urine. It is also aphrodisiac and is believed to arouse sexual desire.

  24. Dr Subhadramma8:47 AM

    Cinnamon has the ability to control blood sugar. Diabetics find it very useful as cinnamon aids them in using less insulin.

  25. Cinnamon is considered a pain-killer due to its prostaglandin-inhibiting action.

  26. benefits----Soothe an upset stomach,Clear up urinary-tract infections,Allow diabetics to use less insulin,Aid digestion,Kill many disease-causing fungi and viruses,Relieve Pain and Relieve Colds and Flu

  27. Pratham12:09 PM

    Half teaspoon cinnamon powder mixed with one tablespoon honey may be taken every morning to get relief from inflexible joints.

  28. Kokila11:54 AM

    I like cinnamon, and its nice to know they have secret health benefits

  29. Thanks for sharing the great benefits of cinnamon

  30. using a cinnamon paste will lighten your hair. Mixing cinnamon (powder or boiled sticks) and water and letting it sit in your hair for an hour will add a carmelish color to your hair. I have medium brown hair and i dont know what will happen for other colors.i’ve tried the lemon trick, on my hair it doesnt work well.

  31. Food Expert11:29 AM

    Cinnamon is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. It has good amount of sodium, iron and manganese with small amount of zinc, copper and selenium.Cinnamon is rich in choline and has good amount of vitamin A, C, E

  32. Dr Aravind12:23 PM

    Cinnamon is used in winter seasons as it is warm in nature. It cures common cold, cough and congestion of lungs, digestion troubles, toothaches, bad breath and diarrhea. Cinnamon is used in the treatment of type II diabetes and insulin resistance and reduces risk of colon cancer.

  33. The benefit of cinnamon is that it reduces inflammation, and recently scientists have found out that consumption of cinnamon reduces cholesterol and is good for heart.

  34. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Chili peppersAdding a bit of heat to your diet can give you a weight-loss boost. Studies show that having a spicy start to your morning, i.e. eating chilies as a part of your breakfast


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