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Home remedies for joint pain

Here’s a collection of home-remedies for joint pain:
*Heat sesame oil and add few pieces of camphor to make an effective application of painful joints. In cold places mustard oil may be used instead of sesame oil.

*In arthritis, mix a tsp of harad powder in castor oil and swallow. This relieves the pain and swelling and soothes the joints enabling easier movements. 

*In joint stiffness drinking a tsp of fenugreek(methi) powder in some warm water will make the joints more flexible.

*Boil a few crushed cloves in a glass of milk and 4 glasses of water and reduce it to a glass. Take this preparation everyday for about 40 days.

*In joint pains, crush some garlic cloves in green gram(moong) soup and have it daily for relief from pain and stiffness.

*In joint pains soak a tsp of black gingelly(sesame) or Til seeds in a glass of water overnight and drink it in the morning.

*In arthritic joints a decoction of dry ginger(adrak) and castor roots should be taken every morning for lubrication of joints and relief from pain.

*For bone and joint problems take liquorice (mulhati in Hindi, jeshtamadhu in Kannada) with milk to relieve joint pain, strengthen bones and for general good health.

*In leg cramps, massage the feet and legs with warm mustard oil prepared by adding a few pieces of ginger, some pepper powder and cumin seeds. This relieves the tired legs and refreshes the muscles.

*In arthritis, the oil of nutmeg should be mixed with mustard oil and applied on painful joints for relief.
*In painful joints, pepper, cumin and ginger boiled in mustard oil is an effective massage oil to be applied on painful joints.

* Slightly warm papaya or castor leaves and apply over the painful areas. An external application of onion juice mixed with mustard oil can also be used for relief from pain.


  1. Anonymous7:20 PM

    My mother was suffering from joint pain After using some of remedies mentioned by you and practicing kapalbhati pranayam she is feeling better Thanks for info

  2. Chidambar2:35 PM

    Try resting the joint, do gentle stretching exercises or use ice or heat application for a start. Consult a doctor if your symptoms do not abate within three days.

  3. Suresh9:05 AM

    joint pain is tremendous bothersome and affects normal mobility of life at the fullest extent.Regular consumption of fenugreek powder and boiled water helps in relieving the joint pain and muscle stiffness. An herbal
    decoction made of castor oil and dry ginger works fine against the problem of joint pain.

  4. Dr Ravikiran9:23 AM

    You need to take some mustard oil and should add pepper, cumin, and ginger in meshed condition. This combination needs to be mixed together and boiled in mustard oil. This simple but handy remedy has excellent ayurvedic quality in controlling painful joints

  5. Glucosamine is an amino sugar produced by the body. It is necessary for the construction of connective tissue and building strong, healthy cartilage. It has been widely available in powder, pill, and cream form - but now you can get it in a patch. My joints have never felt healthier and I just love that I don't have to swallow a fistful of pills to feel this great!

  6. Jyothi9:23 AM

    Consume steamed fenugreek leaves to get relief for your arthritic joints and rheumatism.

  7. Rubbing painful joints with the sesame oil in which few red chilies and ginger slices have been boiled can be very useful.

  8. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Fish oils rich in Omega3 fatty acids have pain lessening properties. It is very good for treating rheumatoid arthritis. The main ingredients in fish oil are DHA or docosahexaenoic and EPA or eicosapentaenoic which stop the inflammatory agents from attacking the joint in case of rheumatoid arthritis

  9. Anonymous12:07 PM

    . Castor oil can function as an effective pain relief rub. It is also effective in arthritis pain relief. The method of using the oil for pain relief is as follows: One has to soak cotton in castor oil, and place it over a swollen joint. Then one has to cover the soaked cotton pack with a plastic wrap and place a hot water bag over it. The treatment is to be continued for at least 30 minutes every day to get relief from pain. Massing the area directly with heated castor oil also helps. The massaging should be done following up and down strokes.

  10. Joseph10:07 AM

    Ginger tea
    Flax seed tea
    Goldenrod tea

  11. Amaresh9:02 AM

    apply hot compresses to the area. The heat will loosen up any stiffness and soothe away the aches and pains.

  12. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Drink plenty of water, because even a little dehydration can cause pain to become worse. Water is also necessary for joint lubrication, which keeps them moving smoothly without any pain or other movement problems.

  13. Sudheendra9:06 AM

    Exercise,Exercise and Exercise
    Gentle exercises which build up the surrounding muscles without causing joint wear and damage are the best options.

  14. Chadani9:01 AM

    Poppy seeds paste applied over the affected area gives relief, in case of any swelling and joint pains.

  15. Sanjay8:56 AM

    Boil some cabbage leaves, cool lightly, apply the warm leaves to hands or joints wrap with towel

  16. Dheeru9:38 AM

    You need to eat an anti-inflammatory diet.
    no white sugar, no white flour and no white rice.

  17. Unnati9:39 AM

    Try yoga, stretching and natural herbal rubs. There are a bunch of ways to relieve joint pain naturally.

  18. Acupuncture!! No side effects and very effective pain relief.

  19. Bhavana9:43 AM


  20. I've had a joint replacement done on both thumbs, and carpel tunnel on both wrists. The outcome has been good on both of them. They aren't back to 100% of what they were before, but they move well.

  21. Flora8:34 AM

    People with joint pain, low energy and toxic buildup in intestines should do some research on food grade amphormous silica. Perma-Guard Silics products is a good place to start

  22. kelsey8:41 AM

    About a year ago, I cut out meat, dairy, egg, gluten and nighshades. Something helped

  23. Juanita8:42 AM

    try acupuncture for arthritis

  24. Carloss8:47 AM

    I have rheumatoid arthritis and was in excruciating pain.I got rid of chemicals and preservatives in foods. They make your joints swell and hurt.I also limited most of the salt in my diet.. I also started eating whole grains made my own bread i quit eating processed flour because of the chemicals. ate much more fruit and vegetables limited sugar it took me 3 years to recuperate from my bout of arthritis and pain etc .also took vitamins and still do drinking a lot orange juice Hope this information will help with pain etc There are also some herbs and spices that help with pain and tart cherries

  25. Expert3:01 PM

    The pulp, leaves and flowers, in various combinations, of tamarind are applied on painful and swollen joints.

  26. Mamata11:47 AM

    Massage provides greater joint flexibility and range of motion. It relieves muscle tension and stiffness.

  27. Dharmashree11:53 AM

    With regular performance of the massage, deep-seated toxins in the joints and tissues are loosened and released into the system for elimination through the natural toxin-release processes.

  28. Exercising the joints is good. Proper exercise is essential to keep the joints in good shape. Muscle strength improves and joints remain flexible. Isometric exercises can strengthen the muscles. It prevents further damage to the joints. One should maintain proper weight in order to prevent pain in the leg joints and hips and knees. Green tea also helps prevent damage caused by arthritis. It reduces the inflammation as well as the slowing down of the cartilage breakdown.

  29. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

  30. aloe vera pills, and hydrolouronic acid...

  31. Anonymous3:50 PM

    "Barley green is a good anti-inflammatory agent, so I'd suggests sprinkling some on a salad,"
    "Also eat a lot of pineapple when bursitis bothers you,". "Pineapple is rich in bromelain, a natural anti-0inflammatory that speed healing."

  32. Avoid continuous sitting & do exercise properly. Eat fibrous fruits, green vegetables. I love this post. Thanks for this sharing.

  33. stretch your calves by standing on a step (like you're going up the stairs) with your heels hanging off the edge. push your heels down as far as you can for as long as you can. it feels so great afterwards. this is a wonderful stretch, so try to work it into your warmup and cool down before and after you work out.

  34. Dr ARVIND2:18 PM

    Mix oils : Mahavishgarbh tail, Dashmool tail, Nirgundi tail, Mahanarain tail all equal and massage every night on joints after fomentation with rock salt mixed in hot water.

  35. Rakshita2:45 PM

    Place a hot pack to relieve pain.
    Apply a paste of wheat, castor and turmeric mixed in goat's milk or clarified butter on the affected area.
    Avoid squats and knee bends.
    Swimming, biking and rowing helps to shed extra weight, without affecting the knees.
    Powdered seeds of omum (carom seeds) with water can be given twice a day.

  36. Prithvi2:49 PM

    It really help me a lot..Thank you so much for posting this article

  37. Saisharan2:52 PM

    Consider acupuncture, a Chinese needle treatment that uses nerve stimulation to reduce pain in your joints. Some people do report a decrease in joint pain after receiving acupuncture treatments.

  38. Sanket2:55 PM

    Change your workout routine if your method of exercise is taxing on your joints.Bicycling and swimming are two exercises that put minimal strain on your joints while providing adequate exercise

  39. A simple home remedy : mix Ashwagandha, Sonth, Pipplamool powders all equal take one tsp. twice a day.
    Mix nirgundi leaves powder in a glass of water soak overnight, make decoction on slow fire and reduce it to 1/4th, strain & drink empty stomach, (it also reduces high sugar and kidney problems) and doing foamentation with this decoction also relieves pain.

  40. Medini2:20 PM

    Early in the morning before rise up do this.
    Lie on back, fold both legs holding with both hands crossed, around the knees and try to bring the knees near the chest or touch the chest. If it feels any inconvenience release a little and hold for just 60 counts or one minute.

  41. Nilima3:57 PM

    take magnesium supplements and calcium supplements (regular daily dosage). It works! No more crippling leg cramps!

  42. Malashree4:00 PM

    cramping is caused by dehydration and lack of potassium - bananas are good for potassium but there are things which are better - coconut water, low sodium V8 juice (must be the low sodium kind to get the most potassium), sweet potatoes, dried fruit (prunes, dates, figs, raisins).. try to get as many of these as possible..


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