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Tips to ease sunburn ouch

Tips to ease sunburn ouch:

* Chill a spray bottle of Vinegar in the fridge, then spritz it on your burn.

* Puree a peeled Cucumber and rub it on your face.

* Pop an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen.

* Never be without Aloe vera Gel, the all-round skin saviour.

* Wipe your face with a napkin kept soaking in chilled rose water (gulab jal) after a long tiring day.

* Apply mayonnaise on sunburnt areas.

* You can even try applying peanut oil (ground nut oil) too.

* Try applying thin slices of cold cucumbers, apples, or potato directly to the skin.

* Apply cold, plain yogurt, then rinse with cool water.

* Apply cold, used tea bags to sun-burnt eyelids to relieve pain and swelling.

Sunburn spray:

2 fluid ounces of distilled water
9 drops of lavender oil
2 drops of peppermint oil
1 drop of spearmint oil

Mix all, and spritz lightly over sunburnt skin.


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I am a great fan of your writing and tips.

  2. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Cool facts!

  3. Anonymous9:31 AM

    To cool down your burned pinky skin you’ll need to open up your fridge for yogurt. Smearing yogurt on your complexion can help UN-burn your damage skin and rebuild the vital pH balance, so it restores faster. Use only plain, full-fat organic yogurt and let it sit on your skin until it warms up, rinse with water. It is good idea to repeat this treatment few times.

  4. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Here a few things you should not do when you have a sunburn:

    * Do not pick at your flaking skin because it can make the peeling worse; instead let it fall off naturally.
    * Do not use body scrubs or exfoliating products until the peeling has stopped. Your skin is delicate when it is sunburned.

    Be sure to protect your skin and learn from your sunburn mistakes by hitting up the sunscreen aisle, so this sunburn is the last one

  5. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Sunburn fades in time and if you are badly burnt you might peel a little bit after a few days .. apply aloe vera gel - it helps cool and soothe the skin, keep out of the sun and if you have to go out wear a very strong sunscreen

  6. Anonymous3:28 PM

    The gel from an Aloe Vera plant will ease the soreness somewhat plus leave you will a cool sensation on the burned area
    Aloe gel is a mucilaginous gel obtained from splitting open the center of the succulent leathery leaves of the aloe vera plant. The gel from the inner core of the leaf is rich in glucomannans and other polysaccharides.

    Recent studies have shown that aloe vera gel facilitates the healing of wounds and damaged skin tissue. It can decrease the redness and swelling associated with a burn. The gel also prevents skin damage resulting from exposure to ultraviolet radiation associated with direct sunlight. Applying aloe gel several times a day causes the redness of sunburn to disappear within a day or two without the skin peeling off. In addition, a cream containing aloe gel has been found to be effective in treating frostbite injury

  7. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Vinegar has many uses around the home and yet another one is that it is an effective and cooling way to soothe sunburned skin. One suggestion is to put vinegar in a spray bottle and dilute it with a small percentage of water and then apply it topically to the affected skin.

  8. Suvarna9:10 AM

    Use olive oil. Wash it off after a few minutes and add a thick layer of Vaseline before going to bed.

  9. Ravish3:56 PM

    Make a paste of Barley, turmeric and yogurt in equal proportions. Apply it over the area of sunburns

  10. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Apply undiluted apple cider vinegar to sunburn.
    Mix 10 ounces Non-fat Dry Milk, 2 tablespoons salt and 25 ounces water. Saturate cloth and apply to sunburn 20 minutes. Apply mayonnaise as a skin cream to sunburn. Use Aloe plant, or pure aloe vera gel. Apply peanut oil to sun-burned area(s). Apply thin slices of cold cucumbers, apples, or potato directly to the skin. Apply cold, plain yogurt, then rinse with cool water. Apply cold, used tea bags to sun-burned eyelids to relieve pain and swelling.

  11. Vanamala10:00 AM

    There is something that you can do. Get Aloe Vera leaves, slit them in half lengthwise and apply the pleasant goo- like substance all over your burned areas.

  12. Durgesh10:14 AM

    To cool down your burned pinky skin you’ll need to open up your fridge for yogurt. Smearing yogurt on your complexion can help un-burn your damage skin and rebuild the vital pH balance, so it restores faster. Use only plain, full-fat organic yogurt and let it sit on your skin until it warms up, rinse with water. It is good idea to repeat this treatment few times.


  13. Sugandha11:52 AM

    These are really good tips. I loved reading you article. I have had sun burnt feet before and it really hurts.

  14. Vinayak8:19 AM

    Apply sunscreen to exposed skin. Don’t forget the back of your neck,the tops of your feet, your face, the backs of your legs, and your ears. The sun’s rays are strongest between 10:00 in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoon.
    # Always use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) rating of 45 or higher. It’s a good idea to reapply the sunscreen every 2-3 hours, especially if you’re swimming or sweating a lot

  15. Avani8:31 AM

    These are really good tips. I loved reading you article. I have had sun burnt feet before and it really hurts.

  16. Saiprema8:34 AM

    These are very cool tips on the common sun mistakes that we all generally do. Thanks for these very useful advices. I would try to follow. :-)

  17. Surabhi8:42 AM

    for the sunburn, mix together some aloe Vera and fresh plain yogurt. the yogurt will cool the burn and draw out the pain, and aloe Vera promotes healing and reduces inflammation. the roughness of your cheeks sounds to me like sun damage so till also be soothed by the above face pack.
    another nice face mask is to mix a mashed-up banana with a tablespoon of honey. this will combat the oiliness.xx

  18. Saloni8:48 AM

    Here are a few remedies make a paste with barley powder and milk,add a little olive oil and an EGG WHITE only. Blend into a paste and apply it to the face Another is mix tomato juice in buttermilk at a 6(tomato juice) to 1 (buttermilk) ratio. Apply to face and this usually helps heal the skin pretty quickly. A simple fix for the cheeks and eye areas is tea bags, cucumber , potato, or tomato slices. Also a cold wash cloth dipped in a pan of cold water with about a1/4 vinegar of mixed in then lay on the affected area. this remedy works for any part of the body.

  19. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Here are some great ideas for home-made remedies for stubborn blackheads.
    - Crush fenugreek leaves and mix with water to make a paste. Apply that for about ten mins and wash off.
    - 1 tsp of coriander leaves juice mixed with 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder before going to bed every night.
    - 1 tsp of curd mixed with rice flour for a few mins. everyday.
    - Lemon juice on affected areas should help too. Needless to say this might sting just a wee bit.

  20. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Lavender essential oil not only relieves sunburn, it also prevents peeling and lets you keep the tan.

  21. Vasudha9:57 AM

    use a paste made of barley, turmeric and yogurt in equal proportions. Apply it over the area of sunburns for sunburn relief.

  22. Be sure to apply vitamin e oil and plenty of moisturizer for several days after the initial sunburn.

  23. Kishori10:01 AM

    Avoid using any products which contain lanolin immediately after the sunburn. As lanolin can actually make the burn feel worse once it is warmed by the body’s temperature. Many aloe products contain lanolin.

  24. Suhani9:21 AM

    Great tips Aparna! Even with a dark tan, I still burn from time to time in the southern sun so these will come in handy! Thank you for writing it!

  25. use a gentle face scrub use Ambi Fade cream.

  26. Soumya10:02 AM

    Take a rag and pour COLD milk on it then place the rag on wherever the sunburn is (:

  27. unknown9:30 AM

    Heal with herbs. The herbs comfrey and calendula promote tissue healing and have anti-inflammatory properties, says Dr. David. Ask at your local health foods store for a cream that contains this combo, or try Country Comfort Herbal Savvy, which contains both of these herbs as well as aloe vera. Or you can buy calendula tea bags, wet them and apply them to sensitive areas of your skin, leaving them on until you feel better. Mint tea bags are also a good pick, as mint has cooling, pain-relieving properties. If you don’t want to apply tea bags directly to the skin, you can brew the tea, let it cool and then dip cotton balls into it to dab onto the affected area.

  28. Saikiran9:31 AM

    Drink up. “Dehydration is a serious side effect of sunburn,” says Andrea Donsky, co-founder of, a website for natural, organic and green living. She recommends drinking plenty of water (your healthiest option) and other fluids to help re-hydrate the skin and fight dryness.

  29. Vasudha9:29 AM

    egg whites work on burns, i got burned badly on my hand and the egg whites helped take the red out. If you're up for it, put it on your face, leave it for as long as you can and don't touch it!! i hope it works, and have fun at prom :) you can always put makeup on if none of these remedies work a green-colored concealer to counteract the redness and then put your regular foundation on

  30. Prema9:45 AM

    Enriching Face Cream(external use only) is good for sunburn

  31. Kishor4:45 PM

    put aloe on it

  32. Ratan8:47 AM

    The areas where is there is sunburn could be numb because of damage to skin.Please apply any good moisturizer over it,do not apply any other chemical on it.Please take care to apply sun screen lotion with SPF as per your region next time

  33. Ronit8:51 AM

    Never wax sunburned skin, it has a tendency to come right off.

  34. Avantika8:53 AM

    Sandalwood and fuller`s earth have incredible cooling [properties. The burning sensation of sunburn can be calmed using a smooth paste of sandalwood and rose water. Fuller`s earth, mixed with glycerin and rose water does the same work.

  35. Malashree9:01 AM

    To remove marks of sunburn mix equal quantities of honey, lay juice a cucumber juice. Apply this mixture on skin and scrub on using lemon peels. Scrub entry for 10 minutes and let the mixture work for 30 minutes. It is better to do this remedy before bathing. Additionally, this mixture helps in lightening the skin tone.

  36. Arpita9:12 AM

    Apply Banana Boat After Sun on your back. I've used it and still use it whenever I get a sunburn here and there.

  37. Leela9:13 AM

    Use watermelon juice or i guess you could rub a watermelon on your back but i think the juice works better!

  38. Subhas10:00 AM

    don't let it become dry. and do not pick at it!
    take maybe 1 hour out of your day (old trick my gram told me)
    and soak a couple wash cloths in vinegar.
    lay on your stomach and put the wash cloths on your back and just let them stay on it for a will definitely take the sting away, do it for a couple of days.
    works great for me.

  39. Expert8:28 AM

    Relieve a sunburn with a grape facial. Crush a small bowl of green grapes, and stir in 1 tsp. of pure honey. Wash your face and apply the grape mixture while your skin is still damp. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse.

  40. Jyotsna2:16 PM

    sandalwood paste effectively removes sun burns
    from your skin


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