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Papaya for health and beauty

Few people realize what a wholesome and nutritive fruit the papaya is. It has more carotene when compared to other fruits such as apples and guava, custard apple, plantains. The ripe papaya fruit contains large quantities of carotene. Papayas are high in ascorbic acid content (vitamin C) and the flesh is very high in vitamin A. There are also small amounts of calcium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin present in papaya. It is low in calories and sodium, and high in potassium. Papaya is a common man’s fruit which is reasonably priced and has a high nutritive value. This fruit is available throughout the year. Like the banana tree nearly every part of the papaya tree is said to be useful and of medicinal value.

Papaya aids in digestion

Papaya contains a protein digesting enzyme called ‘papain’ and hence one of the best foods for digestion. The juice of the unripe fruit is used in the preparation of various remedies for indigestion and in the manufacture of meat tenderizers.

Papaya in cosmetics

Papaya fruit pulp and the dried latex is the basic component of many facial creams, salves and shampoos. The skin of the ripe papaya can be refrigerated and later used to wash one’s face. The people of Java Island have a clear skin which they credit to papaya.

Papaya is anti-cancerous

Papaya has been found to have anti-cancerous properties and also helps in prevention of gallstones.

Papaya in weight loss

100 gm of ripe papaya contains only 32 kcal. The comparative low calories content make this a favorite fruit of obese people who are into weight reducing regimen.  

Papaya for diabetics

Papaya is one fruit despite its sweetness is not contraindicated in diabetes.

Papaya to remove corns and warts

Touch the hardened skin or the corn/ wart with the milky juice oozing from the papaya leaf tip to soften it. Refer Feet-Pamper them for more home remedies on removing corns.

Papaya in delayed periods

Eating the green unripe papaya is effective in the case of delayed periods. Aloe vera syrup is also an effective remedy.

Papaya to ease swellings

The juice of raw papaya, being an irritant, can be applied to swellings to prevent suppuration.

Papaya in respiratory disorders

The latex is useful in respiratory disorders like cough, bronchitis and breathlessness.

Papaya to cure chronic ulcers on skin

Mix some butter in the juice of papaya and apply for quick drying and healing of long standing />

Papaya for healing wounds 

The skin of the papaya is a first class external treatment for skin wounds and surgical incisions and other places which do not heal quickly. The pulp from the juicer can be used for this and as a poultice.

Papaya as an antidote for hypertension

The liberal amount of potassium in it helps in checking blood pressure and improving mental alertness.

Papayas provide protection against heart disease 

The nutrients in papaya help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. Only when cholesterol becomes oxidized is it able to stick to and build up in blood vessel walls, forming dangerous plaques that can eventually cause heart attacks or strokes.

Papaya boosts the immune system

The beta-carotene in papaya, is needed for the proper function of a healthy immune system. Papaya is therefore, a healthy fruit choice for preventing such illnesses as recurrent ear infections, colds and flu.

Papaya for better eyesight

Eating 3 or more servings of this fruit per day may lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration, the primary cause of vision loss in older adults.

Papaya is good for skin

Intake of papaya reduces the effects of stress and strain of modern life on skin. The enzyme papain acts as an exfoliative agent and removes dead cells and lifts away the dry skin. The antioxidants in papaya control premature ageing of the skin, thus imparting a youthful look.

Papaya face pack for pimples, blemishes and freckles.

Apply finely ground paste of raw papaya on the face for 15-20 minutes. It is beneficial for pimples, freckles and other embarrassing blemishes besides making the skin smooth and soft.

Papaya face pack for dry skin

Mash a small section of papaya; mix it with one tsp of milk cream (malai). Apply on the face for 15-20 minutes. Then wash it off. This pack is very effective for dry skin.

See also: Know your skin type / Lemon as a beauty aid / Milk for health & beauty / Buttermilk for beauty / Aloe vera, the wonder herb / Cucumber for beauty and health/ Banana-Medicinal and Cosmetic value / Essential Oils/ A brief profile of Essential Oils / Beauty Masks for a glowing complexion


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Papaya is a skin lightener. It helps to brighten your skin and keep it smooth and shiny.

  2. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Papaya is a natural for incorporating into your skin care regime. The fruit offers anti-oxidants and are rich in essential enzymes. Papaya has both preventative and restorative properties when used in skin care. Papaya's powerful fruit enzymes are known to aid and accelerate healing in skin disorders such as acne. In addition, the fruit enzymes gently exfoliate the skin.

    The yellow fruit is usually available all year long, however it is more easily found in the super markets between April and October. Papaya offers extensive benefits in skin care therapy. When applied to the face, it reduces wrinkles, nourishes the skin with Vitamin A which accelerates the formation of new skin cells, and exfoliates the skin. In addition, it is loaded with Vitamin C, which is an anti-oxidant. The beta-carotene in this fruit protects the skin and promotes elasticity.

    Papaya is used is many skin care products today and provides a "natural" face lift and rejuvenation brings a wonderful and natural glow to the skin. It is commonly seen in toners, moisturizers, and facial peels. In addition, it is gentle enough for all skin types.

    Astara Green Papaya Nutrient Mask

  3. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Papaya contains the digestive enzyme papain that is why it is valuable for aiding digestion.
    The ripe fruit is easily digestible and prevents constipation.
    It is shown in a study that this fruit when taken alone for 3 days has a beneficial tonic effect in the stomach and intestines.


  4. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Prevents nausea (includes morning sickness and motion sickness). Taken 230cc. Of papaya juice or pineapple juice.

    Slices of green fruits rubbed over meat and boiled with tough meat, make the meat more tender.

    The seeds are antihelmintic, for expelling worms and they are given with honey. Chew and swallow two teaspoonful of seeds after each principal meal (three times a day).

  5. Anonymous9:06 AM

    As a natural remedy, papaya not only aids digestion but also helps prevent constipation. It provides relief from piles and also has anti-cancer properties. Papaya has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels, prevents the formation of urinary stones, prevents intestinal infection by parasites and aids in the proper functioning of the body’s immune system. For lactating mothers, according to traditional beliefs, papaya also helps to stimulate milk production.

  6. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Papayas are a good source of fiber. Its fiber is able to keep cancer-causing toxins in the colon away from the healthy colon cells. Those who are experiencing constipation or at risk of colon cancer should consider taking more papaya. Papaya’s folate, vitamin C, vitamin A, beta-carontene and vitamin E have been linked with reduced risk of colon cancer.

    Additionally, the antioxidant nutrients found in papaya have also been proven to reduce muscle inflammation and the healing of burns and wounds

  7. Shirley10:10 AM

    Papaya is a great natural exfoliant for the skin and very healthy for the body so eat half then make a mask with the rest. The enzymes in a papaya soften and heal by fighting free-radical damage while dissolving dead cells from the skins surface.Just mash, apply directly to skin and leave on for 15 minutes or so then rinse. This is what I do for a glowing skin.

  8. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Fruits assist in the production of skin protein called collagen and speed up the metabolism of underlying layers of skin.Apart from saving you money, homemade fruit face masks contain higher concentrations of antioxidants than those available in stores apaya face mask

    Ingredients: ¼ cup of ripe papaya, 1 ½ teaspoons of Aloe Vera gel, and 4 teaspoons of green cosmetic clayPreparation: Make a puree of ripe papaya fruit. Add clay and Aloe Vera gel to the papaya puree. Spread the mixture evenly over your face and neck regions. Allow it to settle on your skin for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

  9. Sampada6:09 PM

    The skin of the papaya is a first class external treatment for skin wounds and places that do not heal quickly. The pulp from the juicer can be used for this and as a poultice.

  10. Manohar6:12 PM

    Papaya contains arginine which is known to be essential for male fertility and also carpain, an enzyme thought to be good for the heart.

  11. Sumant8:33 AM

    Papaya is one of the best foods for digestion and works to maintain the human body's good health. The stomach acid level becomes balanced, and people begin to experience more energy.

  12. Surabhi8:46 AM

    According to Australian research, the leaves are strongly anti- cancerous)

  13. Neminath8:52 AM

    Papaya exfoliates damaged and dead skin cells. Exfoliating the skin removes the cells that cause clogged pores that can result in skin eruptions. The fruit, seeds, skin and leaves of the papaya are all rich in essential enzymes that give this fruit outstanding topical medicinal properties for the treatment of skin conditions.

  14. Sadanand4:57 PM

    It is proven fact that consumption of apples reduces some body weight irrespective of your other efforts for the issue of reducing weight. It is recommended that consumption of 2-3 apples per day helps to reduce weight naturally for obese persons .The apples can be consumed as small meal.

  15. Saloni4:55 PM

    When anyone in my family has a toothache due to a hole in any of the tooth, my mother would get a papaya leaf and scrape the bark off the stick then sqeeze the juice out into the tooth that troubles you. You repeated that twice or three times. After a short while, you do not feel the pain anymore. It has been used for many generations in the past.

  16. Prasanna4:14 PM

    I do agree with you that papaya is a great fruit for your health. I myself used it after recovering from Jaundice.

  17. Sasha3:11 PM

    After prolong standing on my feet my feet and ankles would swell to more than double the normal size. A gentlemen from Mexico told me to eat papaya and the swelling would disappear. Sure enough - I ate it and the swelling was gone within 48 hours. It does work and I will continue eat papaya after each meal.

  18. Anonymous12:23 PM

    This fruit contains the enzyme papaya, which has wonderful exfoliating properties - removing dead skin, and specifically damaged skin. This particular property of papaya has extensively been used in medical conditions to debribe the skin from abnormal skin growth and skin diseases.

    Another use of the papaya juice is to help reduce and attenuate freckles or brown spots due to exposure to sunlight, smoothing the skin and creating a healthier looking skin.
    It has been used and researched extensively for the positive effect it has on skin ulcers, as well as helping patients with severe burn wounds. Not only does it have great antibacterial and wound healing abilities but is also extensively used in wound care and is of particular help in removing damaged and dead skin.

  19. Vinodini8:47 AM

    Papaya contains the digestive enzyme papain and therefore valuable for aiding digestion

  20. Dr Ravi8:56 AM

    The papaya contains a natural pain reliever. A papaya paste was used traditionally for the relief of burns, cuts, rashes and stings. A compound known as papain is derived from the papaya fruit and has long been used as a natural meat tenderizer. It is believed that this enzyme may help the body digest meats and amino acids more efficiently.

  21. Food Expert4:36 PM

    Papaya when consumed regularly will ensure a good supply of vitamin A and C. Both are essential for good health.
    Papaya is a good source of beta-carotene, which helps to prevent damage by free radical, which might other wise lead to some forms of cancer.
    Different types of enzymes are present in papaya. Papain, a substance present in papaya is an excellent aid to digestion.

  22. Ramola4:39 PM

    Papaya contains an enzyme called papain which is an Alpha Hydroxy Acid so it exfoliates the skin and nourishes it because it also contains lots of vitamin A and other phytochemicals. If you eat the Papaya it's really great for your skin too because it has a lot of fiber in it , and it helps to clean and detoxify your body so it shows in glowing skin.

  23. Srinath6:26 PM

    papaya is amazingly healthy: lowers high blood pressure, aids digestion of proteins and may protect against some cancers x

  24. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Papaya is rich in an enzyme called papain (a protease which is useful in tenderizing meat) and other proteins. Its utility is in breaking down the tough meat fibers and it has been utilized for thousands of years in its native South America. It is included as a component in powdered meat tenderizers. Papaya enzyme is also marketed in tablet form to remedy digestive problems. Caution should be taken when harvesting, as papaya is known to release a latex fluid when not quite ripe, which can cause irritation and provoke allergic reaction in some people. The papaya fruit and leaves also contains carpaine, an anthelmintic alkaloid which could be dangerous in high doses.

  25. Dr Ashutosh10:52 AM

    Papaya has anti inflammatory character that helps to decrease pain due to arthritis, osteoarthritis, and edema. It could also help in the cure of sports injuries. It’s antioxidant content helps to cure and is a preventive for atherosclerosis, strokes, heart attacks and diabetes. Besides papaya has great properties to improve the immunity of a person.

  26. Dr SHIVASWAMY11:00 AM

    The skin of the papaya is a first class external treatment for skin wounds and places that do not heal quickly. The pulp from the juicer can be used for this and as a poultice.

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  29. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Papaya mask/exfoliant

    Cut papaya in 1 inch chunks. Blend/mash 2 or 3 chunks and store the wrest in the freezer. Apply the blended/mashed papaya and leave on face for 10-20 min. Use 2 or 3x a week.
    The papaya may tingle but that just means that the papaya is working and it is breaking down dead skin cells to give that lovely glow and since it breaks down the dead skin it clears out the pores and in turn they shrink!!!

  30. Sarita9:13 AM

    Cough: peel and boil the papaya, add honey and eat.

  31. Nivedita8:55 AM

    Is papaya good for dark spots and uneven skin tone?

  32. Yes it does. Mash a small piece and mix it with fullers earth ( multani mitti) and apply to your face.
    You can also eat a few pieces on empty stomach. Helps heal many skin problems. Its a great source of vitamin A. Start and you will see results in 1 week. But continue for month and then do it once a week. Always use a ripe papaya. Never raw or half ripe especially if you are pregnant.

  33. I have found that papayas have a lot of vitamin They will help with gum problems. They also help with constipation and the gas problem when consuming beans. Two cups/day will be needed.

  34. Prarthana10:29 AM

    We drink a fruit shake almost everyday, combination of papaya, pineapple and bananas. We’ve been doing this for more than a year now, and so far, none of our family members has been sick. So, the nutrients must have really boosted our immune system.

  35. Breaking down dead skin cells is essential to skin whitening. As papaya helps to speed up the skin cell renewal process, it can help to lighten the complexion. However, papaya does not have any melanin inhibiting properties so will not cause drastic skin lightening. It is ideal for fading dark marks and skin brightening in general.

  36. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Papaya contains an enzyme called papaine which helps in skin exfoliation. It's the same papaine enzyme that is used as meat tenderizer. Technically, papaya extract cannot be considered as a skin whitener because it does not suppress melanin formation. As an exfoliant, papaine accelerates skin turnover so there is this apparent lightening effect with newer, creamier skin on the surface. This effect though is shortlived if sunblock and melanin suppresants are not applied with papaya extract

  37. Gouri9:35 AM

    Papaya & Basil Face Pack
    For Dry and Lifeless Skin!Face Pack
    This mask is a healthy diet for your skin. Face pack is a great mask for dry dull skin. Papaya provides the necessary nourishment and specifically heals damaged skin, Basil fights against infections while Shea butter provides moisture to the skin making it soft and supple.
    Face pack refreshes and rejuvenates the skin.

  38. Sharayu8:22 AM

    Lightens your Skin & Reduces tan Giving you a fresh Glowing Skin.

  39. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Nutritional Facts: Papayas are fat-free
    Papayas are saturated fat-free
    Papayas are very low in sodium
    Papayas are cholesterol-free
    Papayas are a good source of fiber
    Papayas are high in vitamin C
    Papayas are a good source of folate

  40. Mangesh10:42 AM

    The papaya has remarkable medicinal virtues which were fully recognized even in ancient times. It is not only one of the most easily digested fruits, but it also aids the digestion of other foods. Ripe papaya is an excellent tonic for growing children, for pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is an energy giving food.

  41. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Papaya can meet the daily requirements of the essential nutrients like proteins, minerals and vitamins. Papaya is not only one of the most easily digested fruits, but also aids the digestion of other foods. The juice of the raw papaya, being an irritant, is useful in several skin disorders.

  42. Mixing yogurt with papaya or strawberries, along with 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp olive oil and 2 tsp of oatmeal, and applying the mixture for 20 minutes before rinsing it off, ensures that your skin is moisturized and free of ugly blemishes.

  43. Lets go back to natural way! Its more safe, and cheap.

  44. Papaya also contains a number of protease enzymes, such as papain, which are very similar to enzymes produced naturally in the stomach. Eating raw papaya after a meal makes it easier for the body to digest proteins, which helps to ease an upset stomach.

  45. The carotenoids in papaya are extremely powerful antioxidant.papayas have significantly lower risk of heart disease and cancer.

  46. Nandeesh11:31 AM

    papaya can be taken in very moderate quantity for the diabetics as it's glycemic index is more than 50.

  47. Ganesh3:02 PM

    No matter how beautiful you are or how much self confidence you have you cannot feel good if your health is bad.So eat healthy

  48. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Eating papaya aid in whitening skin and overall skin clarity. Papaya is rich in vitamins A, E and C, and other anti-oxidants that help in giving skin the moisture and protection it needs. The nutrients contained in the papaya fruit helps in the skin's healing as well. In certain cultures in South America and Asia, papaya is eaten not only as a ripe fruit but also as a young, green fruit used in stews and soups. Papaya leaves are also sometimes mixed into some dishes as well. A ripe papaya fruit can also be made into shakes and smoothies, or eaten as a stand-alone fruit snack after meals.

  49. Robert10:16 AM

    Papaya is not just a tasty tropical fruit. The leaves, seeds, skin and fruit the papaya contain essential enzymes that can restore and rejuvenate the skin naturally so that you look and feel great.

  50. Anonymous10:17 AM

    An effective ingredient in skin care is papaya because it exfoliates damaged and dead skin cells. Exfoliating the skin removes the cells that cause clogged pores that can result in skin eruptions. The fruit, seeds, skin and leaves of the papaya are all rich in essential enzymes that give this fruit outstanding topical medicinal properties for the treatment of skin conditions. Studies done in the West Indian Medical Journal confirm the healing abilities of papaya and its capability to rejuvenate and repair the skin.

  51. Bhima8:31 AM

    Papayas are a good source of antioxidants such as carotenes, vitamin C, and flavonoids. They are also a good source of folic acid, vitamins E and A, potassium, and dietary fiber.

  52. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Be befits---Reduce High Blood Pressure,Anti Parasite,Cardiovascular Health,Digestive Aid

  53. papaya contains lots of vitamins and nutrients; it is excellent for digestion, the lymph system, infections, and the heart. Add papaya to your next grocery list, and your body will happy with you!

  54. Satyajit10:22 AM

    Papaya is rich in vitamins A, C, E, potassium, fiber, folate, iron, calcium, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, lycopene, lutein, zeaxathin, as well as digestive enzymes.If you frequently suffer from indigestion, acid reflux, constipation, or gastrointestinal distress, papaya is the fruit for you. It is not only nutritionally rich, but it also does wonders for your overall digestive health.

  55. Swati3:39 PM

    Papaya helps prevent constipation and also aid in digestion. Papaya contains the protein called papain which is a digestive enzyme that helps in natural digestion process.

  56. Expert10:05 AM

    If you love papaya see what type of person you are:
    - You are truly fearless and take much that happens in life in your stride. You give considerable thought to things you do. You have a sense of humor that, along with your generous nature, keeps you in most people’s good books. You are a go-getter in your professional life, and have a knack for being in the right place at the right time. You enjoy
    meeting new people and seeing new sights whenever you can. Your sense of humor is what attracts members of the opposite sex to you more than anything else. It is simply charming!

  57. Raveena9:38 AM

    papaya is good for dark spots and uneven skin tone.Mash a small piece and mix it with fullers earth ( multani mitti) and apply to your face.
    You can also eat a few pieces on empty stomach. Helps heal many skin problems. Its a great source of vitamin A. Start and you will see results in 1 week. But continue for month and then do it once a week. Always use a ripe papaya. Never raw or half ripe especially if you are pregnant.

  58. Gouri9:32 AM

    being rich in fiber and low in calories and fat, one medium sized fresh papaya contains 3 times the daily-recommended dose of vitamin C, two thirds of vitamin A requirement, and over a third of the daily potassium requirement.It is Anti-inflammatory,Anti-oxidant and anti-aging.

  59. Susan9:32 AM

    Papaya has been used for digestive problems and intestinal worms. Some herbal/diet supplement products have been found to...

  60. Anonymous9:50 AM

    The papaya is considered to be one of the healthiest fruits to eat . It's rich in an enzyme called papain, a protease which, in tablet form, can help remedy digestive problems.It is used in the treatment of stomach ulcers & fevers.

  61. Nivedita10:17 AM

    Proteins are the building blocks of our muscles. Without a sufficient amount of protein in our diet, our muscles will not have the raw materials that they need to build up, or even hang on to what is already there.

  62. Sujit8:58 AM

    “This low-calorie, nutritious and affordable all-season fruit must be included in your regular diet to ensure that you have a healthy body,”

  63. Dilip8:59 AM

    Low in calories and full of nutrition, papaya has more vitamin C than an orange,

  64. Sanjeev9:16 AM

    papaya is a rich source of antioxidants such as folic acid, fiber, carotenes, vitamin C and E. “Antioxidants promote the health of the cardiovascular system and also provide protection against colon cancer

  65. Abhijit9:28 AM

    Papaya is good for many digestive disorders and is excellent for improving poor digestion. It has also been recommended as part of the treatment for cancer. Therapeutically it can often be combined with pineapple juice in which there is another important enzyme, bromelain.

  66. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Behind the bitter taste, papaya leaf was kept benefits as cancer-fighting substances. By experts, papaya leaf excellence in combating various types of tumors in the body is called a “very impressive”.

  67. Sneha8:31 AM

    The ripe fruit is easily digestible and prevents constipation.

  68. Alaka8:38 AM

    Papaya mask/exfoliate
    Cut papaya in 1 inch chunks. Blend/mash 2 or 3 chunks and store the wrest in the freezer. Apply the blended/mashed papaya and leave on face for 10-20 min. Use 2 or 3x a week.
    The papaya may tingle but that just means that the papaya is working and it is breaking down dead skin cells to give that lovely glow and since it breaks down the dead skin it clears out the pores and in turn they shrink!!!

  69. Rohan8:13 AM

    The leaves, seeds, skin and fruit the papaya contain essential enzymes that can restore and rejuvenate the skin naturally so that you look and feel great.

  70. Sharada8:34 AM

    Papaya contains a compound called papain that helps digestion because it breaks down proteins. It makes an excellent facial, naturally high in vitamin C and E.

  71. Chadani8:35 AM

    Sweet Papaya Facial Exfoliate softens and exfoliates while delivering essential nutrients to the skin.

  72. Kanaka8:46 AM

    Papaya is an excellent skin care product. You can make a mask of papaya pulp and milk powder, to it add a small quantity of honey and apply on the face. This will help clean up blemishes and reduce pimples.

  73. Jalaja8:45 AM

    Papaya also helps to exfoliate and soften the skin.

  74. Rimsha8:27 AM

    papaya is good even for diabetics. It has only one draw back: some people cause dermititis. Others no problem. It is rich if Vitamin A , C and Betacarotone

  75. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Papaya is not only great for fading dark marks and evening skin tone. The many other great properties include treating acne, burns, stings, rashes, anti-aging and it tastes great too!

  76. Aanandi8:13 AM

    Ripe papaya pulp can be applied on the face.. It lightens skin color and have a cleansing effect. You can also mix together cucumber and papaya pulp. Add a little lemon juice to the mixture. Apply it like a face pack three or four times a week. Wash it off after 20 minutes

  77. Papaya is also rich in different enzymes that helps protect our body.

  78. Food Expert8:24 AM

    The high Vitamin C content of papaya makes our body stronger and helps combat these free radicals. Vitamin C is a free-radical scavenger. It fights these free radicals and when they are successful, our body becomes healthy again.

  79. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Papaya enzyme has been used to reduce swelling and edema following trauma or surgery. It can also be used to debride wounds and improve healing from burns. Papaya enzyme is also a common ingredient in the treatment for insect bites and jellyfish stings.

  80. Green papaya enzymes can loosen and dissolve surface skin cells and impurities, and many facial cleansers and scrubs use the ingredient as an exfoliant to improve skin tone and complexion

  81. Suhani3:43 PM

    Has more carotene compared to other fruits. Contains very less calories. Will ensure a good supply of vitamin A and C. Is an excellent aid to digestion. Can be prescribed for dyspeptic patients. Is an ideal food for invalids. Can be used as tenderizer in cooking. Is reported to speed up healing.

  82. Giridhar3:44 PM

    Papaya when consumed regularly will ensure a good supply of vitamin A and C.

  83. Arshana3:46 PM

    It Can be prescribed for dyspeptic patients.It Is an ideal food for invalids.It Can be used as tenderizer in cooking.It Is reported to speed up healing..Has more carotene compared to other fruits.

  84. It can help in preventing strokes.
    It is also beneficial in fighting heart as well as bowel disease. It clears one’s complexion.
    It provides relief for stomach distress.

  85. Narayan12:05 PM

    Helps relieve one of diarrhea. One also gets relief from heartburn. Papaya concentrates are low in fat. They do not contain too many calories.
    It does not contain any saturated fat.

  86. Chhavi7:36 AM

    It increases the immunity and protects from diseases. Lowers Cholesterol because of its fiber content.Aids in digestion because of its enzyme Pa pain particularly protein food. Anti inflammatory.
    It prevents constipation. It cures bleeding piles. As an anti inflammatory in throat infections. The seeds are used to expel intestinal worms.

  87. Yogini10:29 AM

    Papaya to ease swellings.The juice of raw papaya, being an irritant, can be applied to swellings to prevent suppuration.

  88. Expert10:29 AM

    papaya is good for skin. It makes the skin smooth and soft. In addition to accelerating the healing of your acne blemishes, it can also exfoliate your skin, giving it a clearer glow.
    Acne cures

  89. Bhavya9:08 AM

    It is used to treat mouth ulcer, gum disease and toothache.

  90. Expert9:08 AM

    The roots and leaves of Papaya are also diuretic, increasing the frequency of urination. Therefore, they are taken for urinary tract complaints.

  91. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Papaya is magical fruit for your health and skin. It is an excellent source of proteolytic enzymes that are very significant in digesting meal. You will get Papain from the enzymes. As a matter of fact, it is effective to break down proteins in your food and treat cystic fibrosis.

  92. Expert9:48 AM

    papaya is also great for moisturizing, exfoliating and hastening the skin's healing process. And since it also happens to be an antioxidant, it can protect our cells from free radicals!

  93. Papaya is very good for skin glowing. Thanks for the beautiful post

  94. Health Expert2:30 PM

    There are certain foods that speed up your body's metabolism rate and suppress your hunger pangs eg--Celery,Banana etc


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The day dawns beautifully for those who have had a night of good sleep. But the same day drags on for those who have spent a disturbing, sleepless night. Sleep is a biological necessity even as eating and drinking are. Sufficient sleep renders a person normally sociable, lively and high-spirited. It’s a nature’s way of rejuvenating the person for the next day. Realize all this, and make sleep a physiological habit. The consequences of long time sleep deprivation can be very grave. Lack of sleep takes its toll on the skin and hair. It causes acne-breakouts and makes one look aged and haggard beyond years. Experts opine that during sleep as our metabolic rate falls, blood goes to those areas which need the most repairing. This also steps up the production of collagen and keratin, which aid the regeneration of skin cells and help resist premature ageing. So for a younger looking and a problem free skin you need to have a good quality of sleep every night.

11 things you can do with olive oil

Besides lemon , milk , sugar , aloe , turmeric , sandalwood and honey , olive oil is another household item that has multifarious uses as a beauty aid. It is a mild, non-irritant, antibacterial oil that is rich in antioxidants; hence is ideal for the skin. Here are a few things that you could do with olive oil .

A Vibrant Collection of Holi Quotes to Celebrate Love, Joy, and Togetherness

Holi, the festival of colors, is more than just a celebration—it’s a beautiful reminder to embrace love, forgiveness, and the joy of life. Known as the "Festival of Colors," Holi marks the arrival of spring and the triumph of good over evil. It’s a time when people come together to forget their differences, play with colors, and celebrate the beauty of life. Here’s a collection of heartfelt Holi quotes, along with insights into the festival’s significance and tips to make your celebration even more special. The Significance of Holi Holi is deeply rooted in Indian culture and mythology. It is celebrated to honor the divine love of Lord Krishna and Radha, as well as the victory of Lord Vishnu’s devotee Prahlad over the demoness Holika. The festival is a symbol of unity, joy, and the renewal of relationships. "Dipped in hues of love, trust, and joy, Holi arrives to paint our lives with the colors of togetherness. Let’s celebrate the beauty of relationships and the spirit ...

Highly Effective Indian Home remedies For Delayed Periods

Delayed periods or Irregular menstrual periods have become very common these days for a lot of women in their reproductive age and they suffer great agonies when their period does not come on time. A delay of 4-5 days may be fine but if it exceeds 8 days, then it's certainly a cause for concern. In this post, I'll be sharing highly effective Indian home remedies for your delayed periods . I'd been a long sufferer of irregular periods during my teenage to early twenties. I've tried most of the recipes here, along with Kapalabhati pranayama, yoga poses, mudras and other lifestyle habits. Now my periods are extremely regular like clockwork; not a day less or more than 28. When I look back, I'm surprised how I managed those years of anxiety and fear about my late periods.