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Develop a positive attitude

A positive attitude or outlook on life can lead to positive behavior and success. A person with a positive behavior draws others’ like a magnet. After all, everyone would like to be around with a person who is strong and motivated, with the confidence to keep moving forward and not with a person who always stays stuck in one place and whines about his/her imaginary or real worries and insecurities.

A positive person has:
* Fewer problems with work or other daily activities because of physical or emotional health
* Less pain and fewer limitations due to pain.
* Increased energy
* Feels more peaceful, happier and calmer.

Besides changing your way of thinking and attitude to life the following things may help develop an optimistic state of mind and positive behavior.

* Exercises which helps release endorphins, the feel good substances to reduce anxiety, stress and depression.

* A nutritious diet which helps both your mind and body.

* Adequate rest and proper sleep which can refresh you to improve your attitude and to give you energy for physical activity and coping with stress.

* Identifying the areas which cause stress and conflict in your life and working towards it to reducing it or eliminating it.

* Cleaning out the toxic sludge in your body and mind.

* Practicing forgiveness both for yourself and others without holding any grudges.

* Avoiding the company of negative people who have a pessimistic attitude and who give out negative vibes. Being around with positive people will make you to remain upbeat and focused.


  1. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Listen to internal dialogue. Divide one or more sheets of paper into two columns and, for a few days, jot down in the left column all the negative thoughts that come into your head. Rewrite each thought in a positive way in the second column. Practice doing this in your mind until it becomes a habit. (For example, “I’ll never get this finished by the end of the day!” could become, “I will probably get most of this finished by the end of the day.”)
    Learn to communicate. Not saying the things we feel can lead to a sense of frustration, hurt, anger or anxiety . If you find communicating difficult, or are afraid of arguments or bruised feelings, take a course in communicating effectively.
    Get back to basics. Reconnect with old friends, take the dog for a walk, visit an art gallery or listen to your favourite music. Enjoy a long, relaxing bath, read a great book, tell your child a story, or ask an older relative to tell you one! It is the simplest things in life that give us the most pleasure…
    Help someone out. The simple act of helping others helps us to feel good. Pick up groceries for an aging neighbor, volunteer at your local hospital or read a book to someone with failing eyesight. If you are unsure of how to help out in your community, call your nearest volunteer center.

  2. Anonymous12:53 PM

    When you see the signs of a negative attitude or feelings creeping in your mind, say STOP; instead start visualizing those vividly beautiful pictures of success and contentment.
    Experts suggest a novel way of stopping negative thoughts from your mind. Though this method is a bit difficult to master, you can try them at your own leisure. Thought stopping process involves two basic stages: a driving mechanism to shoo away all those negative feelings and perceptions and an infiltration mechanism whereby your negative mind is infiltrated with positive thoughts and feelings.
    Self talk and positive affirmations are known scientific mind principles which can help you develop positive mindset. Develop your own self talk and affirmation statement and start talking to yourself on a regular basis.
    Another unusual method is to create sticky notes with positive statements like, I can do it, I am capable, Success is mine and I have a purpose, and to stick them up on your car dashboard, study table, personal diary, study room cupboard and dining places, where you can see the message everyday and night.
    Get acquainted with highly successful people with tangible achievements. Right association and acquaintance will make things easy for you to develop positive attitude.
    Start reading all those positive self help books and magazine. Attend to self help workshops and seminars

  3. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Negative attitude says: you cannot achieve success.
    Positive attitude says: You can achieve success.

  4. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening.

  5. Divakar3:23 PM

    A negative outlook can have an unenthusiastic impact on the health just as an optimistic attitude can influence health in a positive manner. Living well has a straight connection with a positive attitude. Keep smiling and try to find the goodness in life, even when things are harsh.

  6. Negative attitude is the habit of looking first at negative angle of any situation. Consciously try first to see at the positive angle of any situation then analyse it with negative angles. After analysis you can conclude either way at the weight age merit of positive or negative angle of a problem for you at given situation. Positivity or negativity of any event or situation is a relative term which depends upon the need of the situation or parties. Hence, different people having different needs can have their own angle of getting it positive or negative out of same event. Don't worry! Only end results can prove whether you were positive or negative.

  7. Sometimes you have to 'fake it till you make it.' If you do something long enough, eventually your feelings will catch up to your actions.

  8. Health Expert9:37 AM

    Keep your brain active. Keeping your mind in "good shape" is just as vital as taking care of your physical health, so be sure to indulge your brain on a daily basis. An idle mind is not only the devil's workshop. Often , the feeling of aimlessness or nothingness can cause boredom and can lead to depression and anxiety-related disorders.


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