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Home remedies for hoarse voice (laryngitis)

Hoarse voice (laryngitis) is the term used to denote the inflammatory condition of the larynx- the voice box. In Ayurveda this is called ‘swarabheda’.

Causative factors:
* Short term viral or bacterial infection due to an attack of cold.
* Intake of exceedingly hot and cold drinks.
* Drinking ice-cold water or any other cold beverage, eating an ice-cream immediately after taking fried food.
* May also be caused by some other irritants like smoking, pan chewing, gutka, alcohol etc.
* People working in dusty environments or those who use their voices continuously like singers, speakers etc.
* Abnormal growth in the throat, infection of lungs due to tuberculosis may be some other factors.

Signs and symptoms
* The characteristic sign is a hoarse voice, which may lead to total voice loss.
* A sore throat and difficulty in swallowing is also common. Fever and cough may also follow.
* The tongue may develop tastelessness.
* Chronic laryngitis develops over a period of time and sufferers may cough and clear their throats regularly and always have a hoarse voice.

Home remedies for hoarse voice
1. Inhale the vapors coming out of hot water in which a few drops of eucalyptus oil have been added, for about 10 minutes.

2. Add some black pepper powder to a cup of warm milk, and drink the mixture twice a day. A little bit of sugar can also be added.

3. The fresh juice of tulsi(basil) leaves and 1 tsp of honey well mixed should be taken 3 to 4 times a day.

4. Akkarakara (root of Anacyclus pyrethrum). Make a fine powder of Akkarakara, and use in small doses of 300 to 600 mg twice a day with warm water. This increases the secretion of saliva, and thereby useful in hoarse voice.

5. Steam inhalation of turmeric water. Add a pinch of turmeric powder (haldi) to 15 to 20 ml of water.

. Boil a cup of water. Add a tsp of salt to it and gargle with this water as many times as possible during the day.

7. Ayurvedic remedy:
a) Jeshta madhu / Yashtimadhu (liqorice) is found to be useful. 2 gm of powder well mixed in a cup of milk should be taken twice a day.
b) Take 1/4 tsp each of yashtimadhu (liquorice) powder, honey, grated ginger or ginger juice and then add a pinch of pepper powder. Mix thoroughly. Have this mixture 2-3 times in a day

8. Pranayam:
Bhramari Pranayam has been found to be very useful in case of hoarse voice and other ailments related to the throat as it is found to strengthen the vocal cords.

Ginger, black pepper, salt, garlic, dry grapes and ghee are useful in this condition. Food stuffs like pickles, curds, spicy food, all kinds of sour food, spicy food should be avoided.
Smoking and alcohol consumption are a strict no-no.

Other regimens:Don’t expose the throat to cold wind or cold water. Avoid taking head bath for a few days.

See also: Home remedies for cough / Home remedies for common cold/ Home Remedies for fever / Keep your voice young and healthy


  1. Madhuri2:21 PM

    Some of the common prevention tips for hoarseness includes:- Quit smoking. Drink plenty of water. Don't speak too long and loudly. Seek professional voice training. Avoid speaking or singing when your voice is injured or hoarse. Avoid drinks which have alcohol and caffeine.

  2. unknown4:04 PM

    Gargling with DMSO will relieve the symptoms of laryngitis.

  3. Sudarshan5:54 PM

    Sprinkle common salt on the small pieces of adrak. Take the pieces gradually one by one.

  4. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Gargle with warm salt water several times. Drink warm water. Drink Warm lemon juice with just a touch of honey for taste. When 1st waking up, don't speak until you have drunken something warm or taken a warm shower. This allows the mucus on your throat and vocal chords to loosen. If you speak without doing this, the mucus will stick and it will be harder to get your voice back. If you are a singer don't sing for a while, you could ruin your voice forever. If you have to sing be sure to warm your voice up very well. Stay away from soft drinks and sugary drinks. Give your voice a rest. NO EXCESS TALKING!

  5. try drinking hot ginger tea with honey & lemon

  6. Supriya9:33 AM

    Don't talk, as this will strain your vocal cords even more.

  7. Anonymous6:03 AM

    gag on a dick!! works well

  8. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Gargle with warm salt water several times.
    Drink warm water
    Drink Warm lemon juice with just a touch of honey for taste.
    When 1st waking up, don't speak until you have drunken something warm or taken a warm shower. This allows the mucus on your throat and vocal chords to loosen. If you speak without doing this, the mucus will stick and it will be harder to get your voice back. If you are a singer don't sing for a while, you could ruin your voice forever. If you have to sing be sure to warm your voice up very well.
    Stay away from soft drinks and sugary drinks.
    Give your voice a rest. NO EXCESS TALKING!

  9. Anonymous4:31 PM

    a half cup of water and a spoon of apple cider also works also gargle with warm salt.

  10. Anonymous9:25 AM


    Gargling with salt water kills/flushes bacteria in your mouth... that might make your voice come back faster: the bacteria is thriving on inflamed mucous membranes, while your immune system is trying to repair them. If you combine the salt wash with a "cold fighting diet", your voice will come back faster. Substitute all beverages with ginger tea spiked with lemon juice and honey, and avoid mucous forming foods

  11. Anonymous5:18 AM

    gargle with slat water it takes away the pain. do it 2 times a day

  12. unknown8:32 AM

    Some tips to prevent and treat mild hoarseness?
    If you smoke, quit, Avoid agents which dehydrate the body, such as alcohol and caffeine,Avoid secondhand smoke, Drink plenty of water, Humidify your home, Watch your diet - avoid spicy foods and alcohol,Try not to use your voice too long or too loudly, Seek professional voice training, Avoid speaking or singing when your voice is injured or hoarse (this is similar to not walking on a sprained ankle)

  13. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Quantum's Cold & Flu Liquid Extract should have your voice back in a couple of days. But the sooner you take it the better it works.

    Sounds like it may be too late for Boericke and Tafel Alpha CF, but who knows. If you have a generally strong constitution, it could work even now. You can actually use both together. They won't hurt you.

    That's the great thing about herbs and homeopathy, they only react badly when combined with pharmaceuticals.

  14. Netra8:58 AM

    Don't talk, as this will strain your vocal cords even more.

  15. Varuni9:00 AM

    Onion syrup Another excellent gargle is made from onion syrup, honey and lemon. To make the onion syrup: slice three large onions and put them in four or five cups of water; simmer until syrupy; strain. Next, put five or six tablespoonful of the syrup into a glass of warm water, along with a tablespoon of honey and a dash of lemon. Sip slowly.

  16. Unknown9:03 AM

    I know it sounds hard but have a whole day voice rest not a word-this will make your voice chords go down
    next is a warm drink like the others have said something with honey and lemon in
    next is a liquid meal like soup or something easy to swallow this doesn't make swallowing a difficulty which gives your throat a rest

    ICE CREAM!!!!!! it doesn't matter of you are on a diet or anything but a serving of ice cream with cool down your throat and it an excuse for a treat :D

    finally have a sleep and rest a lot i know this sounds silly but your body has just fought what sounds like the start of losing your voice so if i were you rest so that your body can concentrate on getting your voice better not walking or staying awake.

  17. nurse9:04 AM

    voice rest only, honey, warm tea, voice rest for several hours, not even a whisper, vocal cords are swollen, irritated/inflammed.... happens with viruses as you know.

  18. Robert9:13 AM

    I have a few methods that will help you:
    1. Boil a pot of water,and put some honey in it,then put your head over it and breath in the steam. While your doing this put a towel over the bowl and your head so the steam goes directly into your mouth.
    2. Drink decaffeinated Green Tea with honey in it.
    3. Just hum a lot.

  19. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Boil some water. Put it in a large bowl and put in a teaspoon or so of Vic's Vapo Rub. Put a towel over your head and the bowl. Inhale the fumes. It will help a little. Try drinking some warm tea with honey. Don't talk until you have the gig. Warm your voice up before you go on the set, do it slowly and gently. Don't strain or you may really strip a gear and be out for months.

  20. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Voice rest. Hydrate your throat with sips of water. No smoking

  21. Saajid11:57 AM

    Drink lots of liquids, do not whisper, try to talk normal but talk as little as possible.

  22. Suniti9:53 AM

    you could try dabbing some essential oil ie. oil of Eucalyptus or something, on a q tip and putting it on your Uvula/tonsils. But If you've got strep or something, I doubt whether this will do anything.

  23. Dharitri9:54 AM

    Tea and milk/cream or sugar in it at all just plain...

  24. Kritika11:16 AM

    causes--Yelling, singing or speaking for a long time, or a cold are some of the causes of hoarseness and laryngitis.Smoking is a major cause of hoarseness. Smoke irritates the mucous membranes and vocal cords. Dust and strong vapors are additional possibilities.A cold may give you laryngitis, which sometimes prevents you from speaking at all.A very dry environment may affect your throat, so drink plenty of fluids to keep your throat moist.

  25. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Many people who speak a lot develop hoarseness. product that may be of help - "Throat Coat," an herbal tea preparation. Don't talk, as this will strain your vocal cords even more.

  26. Dr. Krishnamurthy8:26 AM

    The presence of mild to moderate hoarseness lasting longer than 3 weeks. Typically, laryngitis lasts only 1-2 weeks, and only causes significant voice problems for less than a week. Hoarseness that continues beyond that period may indicate other problems with the vocal cords.

  27. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Hoarseness that is associated with pain (not from a cold or flu). While it is normal to have a sore throat and hoarseness with a cold, it is not normal to have hoarseness and a sore throat when not otherwise sick.Hoarseness that is associated with a feeling of a lump in the throat. These symptoms are often due to acid reflux disease. However, they can often signal a growth in the throat.

  28. not talking!

  29. Suvarna8:31 AM

    tAKE herbal candy to sooth your throat.

  30. Drink hot tea with a slice of lemon and a tea spoon of raw honey 3 times daily.

  31. Kedar8:33 AM

    It could be due to abusive usage of voice - give your vocal a break. So rest your voice and consult ENT doctor.

  32. Anonymous8:57 AM

    a cup of hot milk that has some turmeric powder mixed to it. In this case, you are supposed to boil the milk and once the milk comes to a boil add a pinch of turmeric powder and turn off the gas. Have this milk hot every night before going to bed and make sure you do not have any water after drinking it. It is essential that you give your voice adequate amount of rest as straining it is going to worsen your condition and therefore, avoid talking, singing, yelling, a lot of laughing or other such things. Having warm liquids help considerably to ease down the inflammation of the throat. You can even have hot soups in this case. You should drink a lot of water throughout the day as that enables to keep the vocal cords moist and thus, reduce the symptoms of a hoarse voice. When suffering from a hoarse voice, you need to exclude the intake of alcohol and caffeine completely as drinking so will add to your condition. Massaging your neck, shoulders and jaws to an extent also help.

  33. Prateeksha9:26 AM

    Buy Braggs apple cider vinegar in a health food store. Gargle with it and let a bit trickle down your throat. Also try slippery elm or horehound drops also available in healthfood store.

  34. Anonymous9:08 AM

    It could be due to abusive usage of voice - give your vocal a break
    Excessive consumption of alcohol - Stop for now and reduce in future.
    Smoking too heavily - stop smoking for the time being and cut down if possible.
    Drink hot tea with a slice of lemon and a tea spoon of raw honey 3 times daily.
    Should go back to normal in a week's time.
    Suck herbal candy to sooth your throat.

  35. Try to drink hot jinger tea mix with lemon


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