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Kapalabhati Pranayam for wrinkle-free, radiant complexion

Did you know that Kapalabhati Pranayam / kriya can also be used to enhance your beauty and ward off skin aging? Done the right way,  Kapalabhati Pranayam can be used as a beauty aid - it can give you a wrinkle-free, luminous forehead and radiant complexion.

Kapalabhati For Beauty

‘Kapalabhati’ Pranayam breathing exercise is an excellent way of maintaining good health and fighting diseases.

‘Kapala’ means ‘skull’ (and ‘forehead’ also) and ‘bhati’ means ‘shining’. By doing kapalabhati, the ‘nadis’(nerves) of the brain get good exercise.

This is achieved by exercising the diaphragm. There will be a glow on the forehead.

After the age of 25, the tell-tale signs of ageing start making their appearance in the form of fine lines on the forehead.

A regular practice of Kapalabhati for 10-15 minutes everyday will give you a tight forehead sans wrinkles for many years to come.

Avoid Botox, try Kapalabhati

Why resort to Botox  and other expensive chemical or surgical procedures to get rid of your age lines when you know it is harmful and can even affect your brain and central nervous system?
Besides Botox injections don't guarantee a wrinkle free face. On the other hand,  Botox injections in one part of the face could cause newer facial wrinkles to appear elsewhere.

Here’s how it happens: After a Botox session, a patient tries to make a facial expression, but Botox-injected muscles can’t move. Nearby muscles contract instead, causing new wrinkles. [Source]

When there is such a simple, natural and healthy alternative available to you in the form of ‘Kapalabhati’ which can make your face glow like a radiant sun, you need not go fall for procedures like Botox, chemical peels, cosmetic surgery and the like!

Kapalabhati pranayam, besides gifting  you with a luminous forehead and a glowing skin will also  improve your overall health and well-being.

All you have to do is spare a few minutes everyday and practice this amazing breathing exercise, which Swami Ramdev calls as ‘Dharti ki sanjivani’ (the world’s miracle cure for diseases.)

Read about anulom-vilom pranayam, Sitali and Sitkari Pranayams and Bhramari Pranayam also.

Procedure To Do Kapalabhati:

Sit in a comfortable pose preferably in Padmasana(lotus pose). Those who are unable to sit in any suitable asana can sit on a suitable chair, keeping the head and spine erect.

Concentrate on the tip of your nose. Exercise the diaphragm by exhaling suddenly and quickly. This process consists of two actions – Rechaka (exhaling) and Puraka (inhaling).

In Rechaka, the main and important part is sudden exhaling and in Puraka, inhaling is automatic and passive.

In Rechaka, all the air should be exhaled out of the lungs by sudden and vigorous inward stroke of the front abdominal muscles. Let the abdominal stroke be complete and let the breath flow out fully.

In Puraka no willful expansion of the muscles is necessary and the abdominal muscles are also kept relaxed. In short, breathe in normally and breathe out forcefully, so as to influence the organs of the abdominal area.

Best Time To Do Kapalabhati Pranayam

Early morning or early evening is the best times to practice. In the morning, practice before breakfast and half an hour after a glass of fruit juice or a cup of tea.

Try to empty your bladder and bowel before you begin. Never practice after a meal.

Wait an hour after a snack or light meal, three hours after a heavy one.

It is better not to practice it when you are having your periods, especially during the first 3 days when the flow is heavy. And you have to totally avoid it during pregnancy.

Duration of Kapalabhati Pranayam:

Start doing this with 20 to 30 strokes in a minute. Relax, when you feel tired. After a month or two, you will be able to do it continuously for 5 minutes at a stretch.

You may do this exercise for 5 minutes, resting after every 2 minutes or less if you feel tired or uncomfortable. Do not hurry, struggle or strain.

If you feel tired, rest for a while and resume.

Throughout the practice of Kapalabhati, the thorax muscles are kept contracted. Watch Swami Ramdev doing it here.

Caution to be exercised while doing Kapalabhati:

Do this pranayam only under proper guidance from a competent yoga guru. Doing it improperly or pushing it to the extremes can result in catastrophic consequences as mentioned in Kapalabhati Pranayama: Breath of Fire or Cause of Pneumothorax?

Advantages of Kapalabhati:

Persons doing Kapalabhati will be inhaling a good amount of oxygen which purifies the blood and in turn strengthens the nervous and brain centres.

It also gives good massage to the internal abdominal organs. Incorporating Anulom Vilom Pranayam and Kapalabhati breathing exercises in your daily exercise regimen not only cures chronic diseases but also strengthens your immune system, thus, warding off many diseases.

Those suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obstinate skin diseases, high blood pressure, obesity, chronic depression, constipation, flatulence, menstrual problems, kidney diseases, respiratory problems, allergies, sinus etc. have benefited tremendously from a regular practice of Kapalabhati pranayam.

Examples from Baba Ramdev's Yoga Shivir about Kapalabhati Health Benefits

In one of Swami Ramdev’s yoga workshops telecast on Aastha TV, a woman was relating how she lost 15 kilos within a year by regularly doing kapalbhati. Another woman who had leucoderma / vitiligo, narrated how her white patches reduced by about 60% within 3-4 months of her practice of this pranayama.

She humorously remarked that many people after seeing the drastic change in the color and texture of her skin were wondering whether her husband had remarried. She even showed her old photographs to substantiate her claim.

These two narrations are still vivid in my memory; there were many more who related their experiences about how it cured them of diabetes, throat cancer, asthma, depression etc. They even submitted their medical records in the presence of all. However all these are anecdotal evidences.

Final Thoughts

Have you ever observed people having a hearty laugh? Belly laughter expels more air from the lungs, than you take in, almost replicating kapalabhati. That’s why laughter is so good for health.

So do you practice Kapalabhati Kriya? Did you achieve any health benefits through it? Did it improve your mental health, stress or any other issue? Do drop your feedback in the comments.


  1. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Hi I have white spots on my back which have grown in the last 3 years to about a pea size which started as a needle point size.
    i am really worried and have recently atrated doing pranayam as taught by Ramdevji ..I am trying to be positive and alos plan to combine with Homeopathy tretament do u think its advisable

  2. Seek proper medical help for a correct diagnosis of your condition. Also do Kapalabhati according to Swami Ramdev’s instructions.

  3. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Ooo I will have to try this pranayama. I. DEFINITELY TRY IT

  4. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I am inspired.
    I like to read about things i can immediately take action on.

  5. Anonymous7:05 PM

    "First of all, let me say that this entire site is great. Its truly a labor of love. Each time I find an article that I think is great, I read more and find another article that I think is even better.

  6. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Powerful Yoga to Cleanse & Detox Your Body

  7. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Kapalbhati makes me feel good !!! I hope it will help me get in shape .

  8. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I noticed that Breath of fire done regularly is helping me quite a bit.Anyways right now I am focusing on doing breath of fire for half an hour every day and that is giving results.

  9. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Great to hear you have found Kapalabhati Pranayama is proving to be helpful.

  10. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Hi, Very Interesting. I am always interested in anything that can make me less stressed and a better person!!Thanks, great info!

  11. Hi, thank you. I am suffering from Vitiligo (white patches on the body) and have tried all sorts of treatment, but nothing has worked. After reading this I am highly impressed and have started doing Pranayam daily. I hope this will surely help me. Ramesh from Bangalore.

  12. Hi Ramesh, Glad to know that you liked this article. Hope your vitiligo patches disappear soon. And keep dropping by to report your progress in yoga as well as any improvement in your health

  13. Anonymous7:10 PM

    please I need this bad I just lost 5 K g

  14. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Thanks so much for this. I've been reading about these kinds of pranayama.I am always looking for ways to improve or attain more. It's one of the reasons I joined online yoga class.

  15. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Good advice. I'll have to try this out

  16. Anonymous10:34 AM

    This is a really good article - I especially appreciate the caution. Stress really can make lives miserable -

  17. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Purifies the frontal region of the brain
    Quickly exhale by both nostrils while naturally letting the breath come in
    Concentrate on the forehead
    Breath deeply between the rounds

  18. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I also looking fwd to reduce at least 10 lbs. I prefer to get rid it in healthy way. I know it will take some time. But no risk and side effect. Important thing is the weight will not jump up very fast caused I not depends on any medicine to loose weight. Once I reach my target, I will try to control with moderate exercises pranayama and eating habits

  19. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Point to Note:
    a) Exercise should not be done if you are feeling uncomfortable at any time during the
    b) Rapid breathing used in this technique should be from the abdomen and not from the
    c) Kapalbhati should be practice on an empty stomach only
    d) Chest should not move very much.
    e) It is always good that in the beginning one should learn this exercise with yoga teacher.

  20. Anonymous11:18 PM

    it is the best way to loose weight really fast and easy, if you do this prayanama and watch what you eat, i did that and in just 8 days i lost 5 kgs, i was amazed with the results.

  21. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Great post. I need a wake up call on appreciation now and then.

  22. Thanks for pointing out the harmful effects of Botox injections and other medical procedures for beauty when similar results can be obtained through natural means.

  23. Nileema4:02 PM

    Very informative and makes sense - what I’ve learned in past years. But what if you do all the above and still don’t achieve hormonal balance. That’s where I am at and it’s been years of this struggle.
    Thank you-

  24. Parthiv9:19 AM

    Very detail-oriented guidance. Thank you very much for the compilation.

  25. Vinod9:24 AM

    Practiced over time, Kapalbhati Pranayama also helps reduce abdominal fat, fight obisiety, tone abdominal muscles and bestow core abdominal strength and power. From an emotional stand point Kapalbhati Pranayama puges the system of accumulated emotional debris such as anger, hurt, jealousy, hatred etc., thus dissolving the blockages and removing the imbalances such emotional history causes in the energetic pathways.

  26. Mohan9:29 AM

    Very good site. Excellent explanation detailing every step and the pros and cons with precautionary measures. Very helpful.A great help to me.

  27. Kashinath4:02 PM

    Your website is very informative. Thank you for helping us in keeping healthy.

  28. Sandeep5:55 PM

    It is known to activate the liver, spleen, pancreas and abdomen muscles. It improves digestive power; drains the sinuses and is known to instill a sense of well being.

  29. Anonymous6:00 PM

    It generates Prana to activate the entire body. Long practice of Kapalabhati is detrimental to the system as the breathing process is forceful.
    It is contraindicated in persons suffering from ear or eye complaints viz. pus in the ear, detachment of the retina or glaucoma.
    It is contraindicated in persons suffering from high or low blood pressure. Stop Bhastrika or Kapalabhati if your nose starts to bleed and ear starts aching or throbbing. Do not practise it for sometime.

  30. Ulhas9:37 AM

    super great post! i loved this!

  31. Anonymous8:22 PM

    great job bravo!!

  32. Aamir9:04 AM

    Kapalabhati Pranayana is useful for mostly people who sincerely want to reduce weight.

  33. Kashyap8:39 AM

    Hey - great article. Stumbled upon it by accident but I’m glad I did. Will be back again daily. Cheers

  34. Balaram2:54 PM

    You made an extensive post about the importance of this pranayama . thanks1

  35. Hi I have severe skin prob, can it be cured by kapal bahati

  36. Anonymous8:51 AM

    A number of studies over the years have focused on the effect of yoga on the vagus nerve, which regulates the activity of the lungs and heart. Yoga stimulates the vagus nerve and helps to reduce heart rate and blood pressure. Studies have found effects including reductions in cortisol (the “stress hormone”), reductions in catecholamine (“fight-or-flight” hormones), and other measures of stress on the heart and body, including heart rate and rate of respiration.

  37. Amaranath7:09 PM

    I love this article =)

  38. sayonika2:24 PM

    i am a 23 year old girl and am underweight.will i lose more weight if i practise kapalbhati?

  39. Hi sayonika, you won't lose more weight if you practise kapalabhati. In fact, your appetite will increase and it may even help you put on some weight.

    1. but how..?
      as its written that ppl lose weight after doing this

    2. when you are already underweight, it won't make you more thin, that's what i meant to say

  40. Harrshada8:49 AM

    Great post and keep up the great job blogging!WOW. Nice written instructions.

  41. kapalbhati is best and easiest way to lose weight naturally ..if u are willing to give time taht even not mcuh time ..then u can eaily lose your weight in very short time.. thanks to baba ramdev

  42. Anonymous9:13 PM

    I do kapalbhati regularly, in the meanwhile if i conceive and i continue kapalbhati till i know that i am pregnant will it harm the baby during the 1st month .

  43. Raksha10:56 AM

    The best information i have found exactly here. Keep going Thank you

  44. hi ...very glad to know the best way to loose the weight,will take action soon & do regularly.thanks.

  45. Shiva8:26 AM

    Benefits: cleansing, invigorating, warming, prevents illness and allergies

  46. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Precautions- Women should avoid during periods and pregnancy. Patients with severe heart problems should not do with force and they must practice under a experienced yoga teacher.
    Blood Pressure patients should avoid doing with force in the beginning.In the summer season, if the temperature is very high, it is prohibited for over five minutes.

    * In the beginning, any pranayama practice must be done under experienced yoga teacher’s training.

  47. unknown8:45 AM

    Kapalbhati is the best solution for weight loss without any side effects. If it is practiced 15-20 minutes daily, along with yoga diet control chart, the weight can be decreased by 4-8 Kg. per month very easily. Excess ‘Hair Loss’ is controlled by including kapalbhati in daily routine. Depression is cured, as mind becomes stable, happy and peaceful which removes negative thoughts automatically.

  48. Naveen11:00 AM

    Today's the world is returning towards natural way of curing due to the harmful effects of today's chemical & synthetic medicines. People are deeply worried on this issue and also insisting to use natural way of curing to get health & security.

  49. Nivedita5:32 PM

    Excellent article, I've been practicing yoga and pranayama for years
    thanks for the information.

  50. Haripriya5:02 PM

    very good article, I am definitely adding this to my daily practice…

  51. Subhadra9:08 AM

    This may be the best post.

  52. Geeta5:52 PM

    Super information., I have sent to many fiends

  53. Anonymous9:59 AM

    can i do kapalbhati when i am having my many days later can i start doing it if i can't the first few days. thanks.

  54. Aparna10:00 AM

    Not a good idea to do kapal bhati DURING the cycle but you can start soon as the cycle or menstruation stops.

  55. Anonymous8:54 AM

    By doing this Kapal Bhati Pranayam for 15 minutes or more every day you can cure the following diseases.

    1. Indigestion
    2. Acidity and gas.
    3. Obesity.
    4. All other abdominal related diseases

  56. Anonymous3:22 PM

    My son is affected with Vitiligo on left side of the face. I am following Ramdev Baba's CD which he has released on "Vitiligo". Initially I found some improvement. Now I am finding that the patches are increasing on the face. Kindly guide me what changes to make or to continue the procedure told in the CD

  57. @Anonymous comment #56: I cannot advise you anything regarding this. Please contact someone from Divyayoga.

  58. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Hi I have acne problem. I get them on lower cheeks and chin specially. Which pranayama should i practice and for how long?


  59. Kapalabhati is an exercise for the purification of the nasal passage and lungs.

  60. Yoga Guru5:05 PM

    Kpalabhati is the best exercise to stimulate every tissue of the body. After and during the practice, a peculiar vibration and joy can be felt, especially in the spinal centers. When the vital nerve current is stimulated through this exercise, the entire spine will be like a live wire and one can feel the movement of the nerve current.
    Great quantities of carbon dioxide gas are eliminated. Intake of oxygen makes the blood richer and renews the body tissues. Moreover, the constant movements of the diaphragm up and down act as a stimulant to the stomach, liver and pancreas.

  61. Rahul6:00 PM

    Great article!!!!

  62. Sarita11:36 AM

    While doing kapalabhati pranayam i feel pain in abdomen which vanishes the instant i stop it.whats the reason?

  63. If you feel any pain while doing kapalabhati stop doing it. Check for following;-
    1. Make sure you have not eaten anything for three hours before doing kapalabhati pranayama.
    2. Get your BP, Sugar and cholesterol levels checked.
    3. Ensure that you do not have constipation.

    Try to do alom vilom pranayama for 3-4 weeks before attempting kapalabhati.

    Finally it is better to consult a yoga teacher in your city to get further advice.

  64. Anonymous11:05 AM

    i do practice kapala bhati breathing and yoga 5 days a week. But i still smoke like 6 ciggies a day. Im trying to quit hardly.
    Does my practice still get benefits while im still smoking?

  65. Of course, it helps. But it's better if you quit smoking as soon as possible.

  66. Anonymous5:02 PM

    is kapalbhati harmful during 1st month of pregnancy?

  67. The whole abdominal muscle has to be pulled in slightly while doing Kapalbhati exhalation. The upper abdomen to the lower abdomen are one continuous non jointed muscle group. They have to be moved synchronously at once.

  68. Suhas9:38 AM

    There is definitely no time limit but please begin slowly and increase gradually .It may have serious consequences for your Respiratory drive, cardiac and cerebral circulation if done incorrectly and without supervision. i.e. your body systems sometimes need time to adjust to hypocarbia being generated due to Kapalbhati.
    If u dont understand this technical jargon ask ur doctor to explain it.
    Please avoid it specially if you have diseases like COPD and ischemic stroke

  69. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Kapalbhati should not be practice by those
    a) Suffering from heart disease
    b) High blood pressure
    c) Hernia
    d) Should never be practiced when an asthmatic attack is in progress.
    e) If pain or dizziness is experienced ,it is preferable to stop the practice till the sensation has passed. Practiced can be restarted with less force.
    f) Quick exhalation should be comfortable to oneself. i.e. quick exhalation should not be too forceful.

  70. unknown9:43 AM

    Kapalbhati is not for losing your weight. It is an exercise which makes your lungs regain and maintain their strength to supply fresh air to blood. It also expels any phlegm or mucous covering air passages within. It is a great lung-cleansing exercise. It will surely prove beneficial to your overall well-being. If you wish to lose only weight, try jogging for 20-30 minutes daily, slowly increasing to 45 or even an hour.

  71. Anonymous4:27 PM

    There are comments saying kapalbhati is good for HIgh BP and against it.Should it be totally avoided or done with less force.Does 30 strokes 2 times with a one minute gap give any benefits.pls advise.

  72. @Anonymous comment 71: It is recommended that people with high blood pressure should not do Kapalabhati. However, if your blood pressure has been normalized by the pills prescribed by your doctor, you can do mild kapalabhati, exerting very little force. 30 strokes sounds fine to me. However you can do Anulom-vilom, Bhramari and sheetali; they too help.

  73. dhiraj3:32 PM

    Hello! Kapalbhati is SANJEEVANI as per baba Ramdev.This is realy true.While doing all 5 Pranayams I feel a current sensation in my body i.e all the cells gets charged with Oxygen & after pranayam i feel much fresh & relaxed.
    Please do it it causes nothing except your 15 min time.....
    Jai Hind

  74. Anonymous2:06 PM

    om by doing this pranayam i cure my throyid problem i practice this exercise last 3 years early in the morning thanks to baba ramdev who tell this miracle

  75. Hi Anonymous (comment #75), Glad to know that you got rid of your thyroid problem and thanks for sharing this with us. Kapalabhati Pranayam is known to work wonders.

  76. Sandesh8:35 AM

    If you do kapalbhati for 5 to 10 minutes it puts pressure on stomach which will clear your constipation. But drink at least one glass of water in morning when you get up

  77. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Each stroke you breathe out from your nose just like blowing your nose, makes you loose a small amount of body weight. If you keep doing it for upto 2 or 3 hours you can loose like 2 pounds of weight in 2 or 3 hours, it is very effective! And thousands of people have effectively reduced their weight and are enjoying healthy and fulfilling lifestyles today.

  78. Shubhagi9:29 AM

    Thanks for this great post. I'm inspired now to try pranayama!

  79. Ravi shankar9:42 AM

    • Purifies the frontal portion of the brain (hence improves blood circulation and reduces grey hair)
    • Cleans nasal passages
    • Helps in combating asthma, diabetes, chronic bronchitis and nervous disorders.

  80. Anonymous10:26 AM


    Am a personal who does pranayam almost everyday since last 5 yrs.Now am trying to conceive and thus want to knw whether shud I continue with kapalbhat for 15 min asusal, am scared if it affect sperm throwing out of the body. I really need ur help . pls help

  81. @Anonymous comment #81: Kapalabhati should not be done if one is pregnant and also during periods. If you are trying to conceive and are so worried that kapalabhati might prove counterproductive, I suggest you do it only during the first half of your menstrual cycle, say for the first 12-13 days (of course excluding the days when there is menstrual flow)

  82. Anonymous10:49 AM

    baldness problem?

  83. Yoga Guru10:50 AM

    Learn and practice the Kapalbhati pranayma and Alom Vilom pranayama through videos, text or any means available to you. Learn it properly. Perform each of these breathing exercises for at least 20 minutes in a day. It will increase the flow of oxygen rich blood to the scalp. The main problem people face is that they are never regular. Consistency is the secret ingredient for naturally reversing baldness.

  84. Thanks. And I will read your blog :-)

  85. Shekhar8:38 AM

    Great article. Thanks for the information!

  86. Druva8:27 AM

    Breath of fire is most often used in the practice of Kundalini yoga and is believed to relieve fatigue by restoring vitality and energy to the nervous system. Breath of fire is usually practiced for 30 seconds up to 3 minutes.

  87. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Helpful in :

    - Thyroid
    - Diabetes
    - Stomach problems
    - Snoring
    - Obesity
    - Asthma
    - Bronchitis
    - Piyaria
    - Abdominal disorders
    - Pancreas
    - Liver
    - Improves respiratory system
    - Any skin disorder

  88. Kapil8:33 AM

    What are the precautions to be taken in terms of food intake. What should be the minimum time gap to be maintained before and after doing Kapala-Bhati for intake of any kind of food?

  89. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Breath of Fire is a vigorous, very fast-paced breath from your navel center. It requires some coordination to pull off. It would be extremely difficult to learn the breath solely from this website or any book. Hopefully, you also have a qualified teacher who can watch you in the breath. I’ll give you the basic directions and some keys to focus upon to develop your practice more fully at home. As you learn Kapalabhati and Bhastrika, Breath of Fire will get easier. These three form the core of vigorous pranayama practice. Since they use similar musculature and coordination, learning one will reinforce the others. Breath of Fire is not unlike breathing by performing a drum with your abdominal sheath.

  90. Shravan8:43 AM

    Great article, thanks very much!

  91. Anonymous9:34 AM

    It cleanses the respiratory system and the nasal passages. It removes the spasm in bronchial tubes. Consequently, Asthma is relieved and also cured in course of time. The apices of the lungs get proper oxygenation. Thereby they cannot afford favourable nidus (breeding grounds) for tubercle bacilli. Consumption is cured by this practice. Lungs are considerably developed. Carbon dioxide is eliminated in a large scale. Impurities of the blood are thrown out. Tissues and cells absorb a large quantity of oxygen. The practitioner keeps up good health. Heart functions properly. The circulatory and respiratory systems are toned to a considerable degree.

  92. Aravindo9:21 AM

    the practice of Kapalabhati seems to promote decarboxylation and oxidation mechanisms due to which quieting of respiratory centers is achieved, which is also the prerequisite for the practice of Pranayama, another important technique of Yoga.

  93. Krupa9:22 AM

    If you're suffering from cardiac problems, nasal obstruction, cold any severe respiratory infection, it is advisable to consult your physician. It should also be avoided if you suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes or abdominal ulcers.

  94. Anonymous9:24 AM

    you will feel totally de-stressed and should experience a unique calmness with this process.
    The mind becomes remarkably clear. Regular practice will lead you to higher levels of awareness.The physical benefits include a tremendous stimulation of the digestive organs and the circulatory system

  95. hi this is chanti. i am sufering fom white hairs problem last two the white hairs came mostaches and beard and cheast and testicles also what i do pls help me?

  96. Anonymous11:32 PM

    I have irregular periods...once in 2-3 months, i am trying to have baby...will Kapalbhati help in regulating my periods.

  97. Hi Anonymous (comment #97), Please check the post on Home remedies for delayed periods. Read the comments as well.

  98. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I've recently started doing kapalbhati and did not know that it should not be practiced during the time of menstruation.Well I did practice and now have pains scince two days around my bladder area,what can I now do?I notice more pain when I need to go to urinate,and the pain is worse if I hold the urine even for just a minute.Hope you can advise me.

  99. @Anonymous comment #99: Has your pain subsided now or is it worse? Looking at your symptoms, it's better to consult a doctor at the earliest. Also do not do kapalabhati or any form of yoga until you feel better. Also, by any chance did you do kapalabhati with a full bladder? A full bladder along with the discomfort of menstruation could have given you that pain. Anyway, don't ignore your problem and visit a doctor immediately. And next time be cautious. Best of luck!

  100. Anonymous6:53 PM

    hi..dis is very informative article..i am ispired by dis..i am suffering from hydrocele problem.can it cures?

  101. Srivatsa9:24 AM

    Breath of Fire I think it’s called from Kundalini yoga? I try to practice that everyday because it should eliminate toxins in the bloodstream.

  102. Shaila9:31 AM

    love the post!

  103. Tarun9:37 AM

    massages your internal organs, keeping the tissues stimulated and free from disease.

  104. Shubham9:51 AM

    Great article! now I want to go to yoga. :)

  105. Chandran10:16 AM

    I really enjoyed this article!! I have to try yoga now :)

  106. Bhanupriya8:35 AM

    Thanks for the article! Just browsing around online I get into some cool stuff!

  107. Bhanupriya9:11 AM

    Kudos for the great piece of writing.

  108. Bhanupriya9:11 AM

    Kudos for the great piece of writing.

  109. Excellent article.Every one should read and practice this pranayama!

  110. Kapalabhathi cures lots of disorders.I can tell this out of my own experience and the experiences of persons closely known to me

  111. @ Ramesh= Yes. Kapalbhati has the capability of curing all tough diseases. I had breathing problems and depression and Chronic Fatigue which no medicine could cure. One week of Kapalbhati cured all. As regards Vitiligo (Leukoderma), it is an immunity related problem. Kapalbhati can cure it because it promotes balancing all systems.I too have seen people benefiting from Kapalbhati. It would heal and "calm" the immune system so that it does not "over" react and destroy the body's own cells (autoimmunity) plus it promotes healthy growth of Melanins. But I think one should be patient, improve his diet, minimize exposure to the sunlight after 10 am and add another Pranayama to this : Anuloma Viloma. Ideal would be 20 mins of Kapalbhati plus 10 mins of AV. (Pranayama and Yoga affects DNA too It heals from roots).... and a lot of water and health foods particularly veggies like carrots, papaya, figs and mango, apple, grapes etc. In case of Vitiligo, avoid eating much "sour" foods and keep your skin moisturized. Expose i to mild sunlight one alternate day (not after 10 am though) and meditate. Remember, be cheerful and dont worry a lot about it because the nervous system is linked to the Immune system. So, more tension would make the immune system react more and cause hormone imbalnce thereby aggravating the problem. In any skin condition : BE CHEERFUL AND PEACEFUL. If you can follow all this advice plus about 15 mins of MEDITATION daily, I am sure that will help a LOT. But remember: Regularity and Patience are the Key. May the Supreme Healer Heal you soon.

  112. @Andiee: Thanks for your suggestions. I hope everyone will benefit from this. Keep dropping by!

  113. Kalpana9:20 AM

    I am so glad I found your site!Thanks to the information on the website

  114. Hritik10:55 AM

    Kapalabhati helps control obesity, diabetes, kidney and prostate diseases, heart, brain and lung problems and many other diseases.

  115. Virochan9:44 AM

    Benefits: cleansing, invigorating, warming, prevents illness and allergies

  116. I do kapalabhati regularly.In the meanwhile if I concieve will it harm to my baby during first month of pregnancy.

  117. Hi Pavani, please refer to comment #82. It's similar to your question which commenter no #81 had asked.

  118. Hi thanks for a nice artical.i have been doing yoga since 3 years.i am a psychologist and in this profession i have to interect with people who have mental problems.i know that yoga is the best for stress relief so i advice my patient to do breathing exercise.

  119. That's so wonderful of you Jyotimala. A holistic approach towards mental health is so very necessary.

  120. That looks like a good addition to my routine. I never expected to be able to lose that much weight and gain so many benefits by simply breathing.

  121. Nice one, there is actually some good points on this blog some of my readers may find this useful, many thanks.

  122. thanx to baba ji who help me to keep my body fit. i was 97 kg just before a year but now i am of 75 kg . amazing and borringless exercise.

  123. Hi I am suffering from irregular periods does this help me to get back my periods..

  124. Kapalabhati surely helps. But you must do it regularly. But before that get yourself thoroughly examined by a gynaec to know the cause of your delayed periods.

  125. I used to practise both kapalbhati and anolomb bilomb consistently for 10 minutes each, since the past 3 months. I did it because I wanted to cure my chronic acne and scar problem which I've been suffering from since the past 8-9 years.. I also took 250 mg of neem capsules twice everyday after meals.
    The yoga did help me get rid of the breakouts to a huge extent because I only got a few zits a week while I was doing it. But, i have always been a very skinny person and need to try really very hard to gain weight. I am very sad to find out that though the yoga helped me with my skin, it has made me lose a lose weight to such an extent that my bones from the face as well as the body have become more noticeable...Please suggest me an alternative yoga that will help me with keeping my skin clear as well as my aweight gaining quest....


  126. @me: I'll do a post soon on increasing weight for skinny people. You should eat at least 2 bananas everyday and eat more of dry fruits, dates etc. Don't stop exercising and doing Pranayam.

  127. Anonymous2:42 PM

    hi..recently i saw a small white patch on my underarm..first it was a light coloured patch but now it has turned white..please advice if paranayam is helpful in this..

  128. @Anonymous comment #128: Please contact a doctor first to know what exactly this white patch of skin is! Pranayam & yoga can yield only long-term results. So don't wait for your patch to grow much bigger and consult your doctor at the earliest.

  129. Vikas3:35 PM

    “When Kapalbhati was taught under the guidance of medical and yoga experts, benefits were found in controlling diabetes, obesity, asthma, blood pressure.” It greatly energizes the mind and fights depression

  130. hello Sir/mam
    i m suffering from constipation. i am doing kapalbati for 3 min then takes a break.but my stomach not emptying fully. when i will be able to do it continuosly for 15 min.

  131. I did kapalbhati and after many hours, got some stomach pressure between ribs above navel. By eve, it was heavy whenever i breathed deeply. Otherwise it was normal. I have constipation. What's the solution?

  132. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I have been doing kapalbhati pranayama since 1year. But i did not lose even 1kilo weight. I do not feel any changes in my body. Is it quite normal?

  133. Thanks you for sharing such helpful posts, had a good read here.

  134. Anonymous7:55 AM

    is there aNy site for male related issues

  135. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I am suffering from PCOS.Please help me what should I do?For last 2 months practising yoga n pranayam.I have facial hair & constipation.
    Q1 How many months it takes to cure PCOS?
    Q2 Please suggest me any indian PCO friendly diet.
    Q3As in first monht I'll not be aware of my pregnancy,should I do kapalbhati?
    Q4 Mostly I have to take deep and long breath during day, is there anything wrong?

    1. Continue practising Kapalabhati. By the way, you cannot cure PCOS completely, you can only manage it. Try to keep an ideal weight. Eat foods with low glycemic index. Read this and this. Exercise regularly. Control tension and stress through pranayama and meditation. Include fruits, vegetables, wholegrains in your diet. If you are a non-vegetarian, eat fish and lean chicken but avoid red meat. Eat regular, small meals. Avoid excess salt, sugar, alchol, caffeine etc. There is a little controversy over whether kapalabhati it's okay to do kapalabhati during pregnancy. Some say that it's alright if you are not doing it forcefully. Still if you are concerned, avoid kapalabhati during the second half of your cycle and do only Anulom vilom and Bhramari.

  136. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Can pranayam cure pits on face due to pimples...and with open pores??

  137. surya8:51 PM

    hello i want to ask one question regarding kapalbahti, Please answer it.
    Sir/mam in kapalbhati we are just throwing air out of our system means from lungs, stomach and as a result of this contraction of stomach happens of its own,. or are we only pulling our stomach along with throwing air out?

    1. Since we breathe out forcefully during Kapalabhati, I believe, contraction of the stomach happens on its own.

  138. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Hi guys. This is the beauty of my beloved religion hinduism. I am practicing kapalbhati for quite a few days now. It helped me quit smoking. I have a nice glow on my face. My hair feels good. No negative thoughts come in my mind. M full of energy. Oh dear do much to tell. Its really a miracle. So guys grab a yoga mat and start the fussing. All the best.

  139. Anonymous11:32 PM

    I have many pimples and acne too. I have many scars an pore of it ..
    My skin tone also change
    Can kaplabhati help me and in how many days take result of it .pls reply me ..I m 23 years old girl

  140. Hi thank-you so much for this great information.

  141. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Hi, undoubtedly I find this site to be extremely useful. However, I read one comments posted by some one who claims to have lost 5 kgs of weight in just 8 days. I am not prepared to believe this. I have also been been doing this pranayam for months for 22-24 minutes every morning. I not only do this pranayaam but also do other physical exercises for 60-90 minutes daily this includes running, walking, and other abdominal exercises. With all theses, I could reduce just 1kg in one month. Then how can one loose 5 kgs in 8 days just by doing kapalbhati pranayam? Please tell me if there any critical information in this regard that I don't know or if you think am not doing it correctly.

    1. Glad to know that you found this blog useful. Losing 1-2 kgs a month (at the most 3 kilos) by exercises and pranayama is the correct way. Anything more than that will lead to disastrous consequences in course of time.

      You are doing it right, don't worry. However do keep a watch on your diet also and do portion-control. This will help you shed more weight, of course along with exercises!

  142. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Hi, I am suffering from low testosterone and my skin folicles are also not very receptive to testosterone and hence having very limited beard.. Can pranayam help?

  143. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Please advise
    I feel pain in my right groin (testicle) when I practice Kapalbhati.
    It persist for sometime after that and later when I get busy with work I forget about it.

  144. Anonymous11:21 AM

    hello ''why we not to do kapalbhati in periods (monthly )

    1. Kapalabhati is heat producing (exothermic) and involves forceful exhalation with abdominal movement. It may cause discomfort and even increase pain during menstruation. So it is better to be avoided during the first three days when the flow is heavy. But in any case, do consult a yoga teacher for better guidance.

  145. Hi. thank you for article.

    I am doing Kapalbhati pranayama 1 week. In the morning 2 sets, 1 set 60 times and 2 set 30-40 time kapalbhati pranayma. And in the evenening 30-40 times. my face glow and dark circles removed. And hair not fall. But weight not lossed yet.

    My first question - Can I loss weight with thic challenge kapalbhati pranayam? And how much pounds or kg I shall loss in a days or week or month?

    Second question - Is kapalbhati pranayama turn back grey hair to natural color?

    1. Nara Azri: You should do other yogasanas also to lose weight. Kapalabhati alone may not help much. Read this post. Also go through the posts from the category Exercises-Yoga-Pranayama. You should aim to lose 2 kg per month. Anything more than that can be harmful for health. I'm not sure if Kapalabhati can help turn grey hari to black but do try rubbing your nails. It might help to some extent. Read this post.

  146. Hi am suffering from sever acne have tried all beauty products ...nothing helped. Have started doing pranayam for 1 hour since 7 days..can only pranayam help to cure it? Even if it takes months it's ok but I want to cure t naturally...can you guide if only pranayam can help?

  147. suffering from sever acne have tried all beauty products,nothing has helped ..have switched to pranayam am doing since last 7 days for an hour..can u guide if only pranayam can help curing acne? Or any medication is necessary?

  148. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Can Kapalbhatti helps to cure psoriasis

  149. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Does kapalbhati cure hydocele also ???

  150. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I have done kalpalbhati in mah 2nd day of period now m having heavy flow what to do today is 4th day n the flow is like frst day what to do ???.

    1. Consult your doctor. Most probably the heavy flow is not due to kapalabhati.


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