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Multani Mitti (Fuller’s earth) cleansing mask

Multani mitti or Fuller’s earth makes an excellent cleansing mask, and possesses highly absorbent qualities. It is rich in minerals and when applied to the skin in the form of a paste, it helps improve circulation; it hardens slowly as it dries, and absorbing the dead cells on the top of the skin and dries up any excess oil. The mineral ingredient in fuller’s earth giving the absorbent action is the hydrated aluminium silicate. Grease of the skin, coats the particles of aluminium silicate and is lifted away from the skin when the mask is removed. It is therefore unsuitable for a dry skin but is excellent for an oily skin.

Multani mitti mask
Multani mitti – 1 tbsp,
Rose water – 1 tbsp
Mix the 2 ingredients to form a smooth paste. Apply to the skin leaving the area around the eyes. Leave it on for about 15-20 minutes or until completely dry. Rinse off with warm water.

The result is a clear pinkish skin. The tinge is due to the stepping up of blood circulation and all the excess grease and dead cells are cleared away.

For those with perspiration problem, Fuller’s earth mixed with talc powder makes a very good foot powder. It can be sprinkled into the shoes or rubbed directly onto the feet.

Do not use fuller’s earth mask if you have a very dry or sensitive skin. It’s highly absorbent property is something which a dry or sensitive skin can hardly take.
See also: Beauty Masks for a glowing complexion/ The whole body softening mask/ Natural skin masks / Cucumber yoghurt mask/ Apple mask and chamomile mask


  1. Anonymous4:11 PM

    No other products can actually compete with natural home based recipes. It not only makes the skin supple and gorgeous, but it even keeps the skin beautiful for a long period. But unfortunately, we run out of time. So we hardly find any time to apply these facial masks. We look out for short cuts that are easily available in markets as alternatives.

  2. Anonymous2:31 PM

    if your face is oily then go ahead use multani mitti but not if you have a dry skin as it makes your skin more drier

  3. Anonymous2:32 PM

    its very safe n d cheapest & quickest skin treatment u can think of.......

  4. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Its better not to use the cosmetics…Use the herbal method …Apply Multani Mitti every day before sleep for 15 Min…U will really se the difference…

  5. Nitha ..
    mutani mitti... can do wonders to ur skin... that no other cosmetic product can do. its natural & cheap so... what r u waiting 4 go get one from any medical shop.

  6. mutani mitti.. & on top of it its effective

  7. Vandita8:42 AM

    Thanks for reviewing this! I can’t wait to try it!

  8. Lavanya9:38 AM

    Fullers Earth - This sedimentary clay has enormous drawing capabilities and is the number one choice for oily skin and those prone to acne. It draws oil from the skin and has been widely used for this exact purpose. Removes dead skin cells, great cleanser. Good for oily or normal skin.


  9. Lakshmi6:00 PM

    I love this mask! I use it once a week when i have 10 minutes to spare, just apply it, let it dry and rinse off, and in 10 minutes you have soft, smooth skin. Your pores a visibly smaller and it takes off all the oils and just makes your skin look absolutely gorgeous!

  10. Gayatri8:51 AM

    Multani mitti (Fuller's earth) is recommended for oily skins. If we use it in extremely dry skin it makes the skin more dry. We use green gram flour to wash body and hair. It also make dry skin more dry

  11. Ramya9:08 AM

    Take fuller’s earth in a bowl, put water in it and mix well. Leave it aside for 2 hours. After 2 hours mix it well again with a spoon and add water to reach a consistency apt for applying on the scalp and hair. Apply the mixture on your scalp and hair and gently massage the scalp for some minutes. Wash hair thoroughly with water. Then leave your hair to dry. This gives a lot of shine and bounce to the hair and makes them very silky to touch.

  12. is multanni mitti good for remove pimple marks, dark spot and pigmentation

  13. It thoroughly cleanses the skin of excess oil and sebum and this prevents pimples. It removes dead cells and brightens the skin but doesn't help with pigmentation problem.

  14. priti choudhary6:40 PM

    hmmmmm!!!!!nice.use it &u will urself feel

  15. it works good guys try it u can see the change after using 2 times itself

  16. unknown8:39 AM

    I have oily skin too. I would say apply multani mitti (also called fullers earth) on ur face (or T Zone that is ur forehead, nose, and chin) and let it dry. It is the best thing for oily skin and also natural and without any chemicals. It is widely available also in India.

  17. Anonymous11:38 PM

    really multani mitti mixed with honey turmeric and milk works..try it guys!!!!

  18. Anonymous6:32 PM

    shud only rose water b used with multani mitti???

  19. Not necessarily, you can even use plain water.

  20. Anonymous10:32 PM

    multani matti is great...i myself use this its so good for oily skin ..coz of much oli on my face my face pores become so prominant thn i used multani matti and just after 2 weeks i feel the diffrence now my face is so glowing

  21. Anonymous10:53 AM

    it is really gr8. i love it.

  22. Vinuta9:55 AM

    it soften your skin and gives glowto your skin, wot else do u need frnd..It enhances blood circulation.It also helps to clean skin pores.
    It has a cleansing property. It washes away the dirt on UR skin and helps in many ways to keep UR skin look fresh,glowing...etc.
    It also helps in reducing pimples on face.

  23. Rajivi9:59 AM

    This multani mitti, this is made of sand of pure type and this stiffens our face and reduce wrinkles, this has lime in it which pertudes inside the skin and kill the germs so we wont get any pimple.........
    multani mitti absorb all types oill on skin
    Retains ur face complexion. It wil help u to keep ur skin with a glow.

  24. Anonymous1:37 PM

    how offen we can use multali mitti mask?daily or weekly?

  25. @Anonymous comment #24: If your skin is oily/combination, use it twice a week. In summers if you find your skin too greasy, use it thrice a week. If your skin is extremely dry, better avoid it. If you want to use Multani mitti, but feel that it might prove to be too drying for your skin, what you can do is, along with rose water add some milk cream/yoghurt and a few drops of olive oil/coconut oil.

  26. Harshada5:22 PM

    take 2 spoon mitti and chandan powder mix it with rose water.
    Apply this pack for half an hour then wash with cold water
    do this daily morning and evening. it ll make ur skin fresh and smooth. try this u ll find effective within a week.

  27. Fullers Earth (Multani Mitii) is the best for acne and pimples of the face. If it is dry your face then you have to use it with honey that will also tighten your skin.

  28. Ravivarma5:23 PM

    What if we use multani mitti [fullers earth] daily?

  29. Soumya5:24 PM

    Mulatni Mitti is best for oily skin. It should not be used on dry/sensitive skin daily as it will over dry the skin. try to use once in a week...

    apart from that we can use it in combinations as well.take a look and try once if possible

    1. Mix Mulatni Mitti or Fuller’s Earth with hot water, make a paste and keep it to cool. Add yogurt to it. Apply on your skin, keep for 10 min and wipe it off.
    2. Mix Mulatni Mitti or Fuller’s Earth with water and Rose Water. Rub gently on skin. When it gets little dry, wash it with water.
    3. Mix Mulatni Mitti or Fuller’s Earth with Neem Leaves powder in 1:1 ratio. Add water to make a paste. Apply it on skin. Let it dry and then wash it. Its good treatment acne problem.
    4. Mix Mulatni Mitti or Fuller’s Earth, Rose Water and Sandalwood in equal proportion and apply it on skin. Keep it for 15-20 min. Then wash it.
    5. Mix together Mulatni Mitti or Fuller’s Earth, Besan and Sandalwood powder in equal quantities and store the mixture in an airtight container. Use a teaspoon of this scrub mixed to a paste with water to cleanse the skin of flakes and dirt.

  30. Vaibhavi5:32 PM

    Multani mitti face pack

    1 tb spoon Multani mitti ,1/4 t spoon turmeric powder,1/2 spoon sandal wood powder,1/4 t spoon camphor,rose water as much required for making pest.Apply this pack for glowing skin.

  31. Supreeta12:28 PM

    One spoon multani matti , rosewater, honey and orange juice . Make a paste and apply on face before sleeping and wash after 15-20 minutes with cold water. It will make your skin look younger .

  32. Mamata8:52 AM

    Multani Mati,Rose Water,1spoon Musterd Oil and a little bit of Turmeric- mix them and apply twice in a week for 15 minutes for GLOWING SKIN.

  33. Anonymous1:58 AM

    How to Close Pores on the Face? and how we remove black and white heads from nose?

  34. Anonymous5:00 PM

    if my skin is both oily and dry, then can i use multhani mitti + rose water??????

  35. @Anonymous comment #34: What do you mean by your skin being both oily and dry? Is it combination type, oily in the T-zone and dry cheeks? In that case, add a few drops of olive oil/almond oil to the multani mitti+rose water mask and apply it to the dry parts and for oily parts you can skip the oil.

  36. Diana8:31 AM

    Fuller's earth is also a natural way to remove impurities without stripping the hair of its natural moisturisers. Medically, the clay absorbs bacteria and toxins and reduces water loss. Because of its high mineral content, it is used to reduce arthritic pain, and strengthen fingernails, teeth, gums and hair. It has even been used as an emergency treatment for individuals who have ingested a harmful substance, in order to decrease the amount of poison absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract.

  37. Take one egg white, a teaspoon of multani mitti powder, a few drops each of peppermint extract and water. Soak multani mitti powder in the water for half an hour. Beat the egg and blend in all the ingredients together. Mix the soaked multani mitti powder in the mixture. Apply this on the face for 15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. This is also a good mask for oily skin.

  38. To use, apply small amounts of the mixture to the body. Start at the feet and work up. Concentrate on areas of dull skin. Gently massage the mixture into the skin and leave for a few minutes to dry before getting into the shower. Use warm water to rinse off all traces of the mudpack, and then shower.

  39. Subhadra9:08 AM

    Just mix multanni mix with water to make a fine paste. Apply this paste all over your face and neck and let it dry for 10-20 minutes. Wash it off wet water

  40. Nirupa9:09 AM

    I guess mud mask is good for oily skin because it reduces skin is not oily so when I use mud mask,my skin becomes dry.

  41. Kangana9:15 AM

    Try a bit on your arm and see if you get any kind of reaction. Even if it's 'just' redness don't use it =) Multani mitti (pure) is ideal for people with oily skin, it also helps tighten large pores and draws a lot of clogged dirt and sebum from pores.

  42. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Is it fine to apply multani mitti daily....????

  43. @Anon (comment #43): Your face will become too dry if you apply it daily. Use it twice or thrice a week if your skin is oily (in summers too)and once in two weeks if your skin is dry. Also read comment #25

  44. Anonymous1:57 PM

    my skin is very dry.. how can i apply multani matti to my face ? any tips?

  45. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Benefits of a facial mud mask:
    •Absorbs excess oil
    •Aids in shrinking large pores
    •Clarifies skin’s texture
    •Eases tension lines on face and neck
    •Helps to dry up pimples
    •Reduces appearance of blemishes
    •Relaxes tired muscles
    •Removes dry cells and impurities
    •Replenishes vitamins, minerals and moisture
    •Rinses away blackheads

  46. Suhasini8:56 AM

    its very effective remedy for pimples and acnes
    soak multani mitti for 1 hour
    mix neem paste in it ( grind neem leaves n make a fine paste )
    2-3 drops of lemon juice
    apply it on ur face n avoid eyes n lips
    wash it off after it get dry

  47. Chandrakant9:00 AM

    males can apply it as well. Mix the multan matti with water and some drops of milk. Massage on face and leave in for 20 minutes. You will notice your face will get stretched and the matti will sart to dry. Don't worry, once you wash with warm water, you will notice the difference in your skin. It is also safe to use the multan matti everyday.

  48. Shamala8:41 AM

    Multani mitti is very good for removing heat from skin. It is best care for oily skin.

  49. Sonam8:28 AM

    it will make your skin cool and smooth.

  50. Vasudha8:29 AM

    Multani mitti advantages:
    1. It deep cleanses ur skin
    2. It opens pores on ur skin
    3. Removes dust from skin
    4. Makes ur skin fresh & gives glow instantly...

    Caution: For applying on dry skin, mix with fresh milk cream

  51. Roopa8:38 AM

    it was very informative, I finally know about mutanni mitti

  52. Samruddhi8:39 AM

    Mix Mulatni Mitti or Fuller’s Earth with Neem Leaves powder in 1:1 ratio. Add water to make a paste. Apply it on skin. Let it dry and then wash it. Its good treatment acne problem.

  53. It was gr8, it is a real homemade cleansing
    i love it...........

  54. REALLY..... It works. use it.

  55. Dwaraka11:33 AM

    it make your skin fresh & shining
    it avoid the extra oil of the face
    if your skin is oily then multani mitti will make it dry and rose water will clean the dust particles present in your skin and make your skin shine and pimples will be cleared.
    rose water can be used for all types of skin.

  56. Soumya11:41 AM

    if your skin is oily then multani mitti will make it dry and rose water will clean the dust particles present in ur skin and make ur skin shine and pimples will be cleared.
    rose water can be used for all types of skin.
    with multani mitti u can also put some crushed walnuts,cucumber juice curd and also add rose water instead of water make a paste and apply it on your face keep for 30-45 mine until it dries up.if your skin is dry then use besan powder put malai,turmeric,badamand then apply to your face and keep until it dries.

  57. Anonymous3:15 PM

    My skin is acne prone skin. shall i use this powder daily?

  58. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I am 35y male. my face skin is very unven (imbalanced). does multani mitti make face plain??

  59. @Anonymous comment #58: You should not use it daily. It can be too drying. Use it twice a week if your skin is that oily and acne-prone.
    @Anonymous comment #59: No it won't make your face even or plain. By the way did you mean to say that your face has pits and open pores? For open pores, read this post

  60. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Which brand multani mitti would you suggest?

  61. @anonymous comment #61: I've used Hesh Multani Mitti. Other brands are also good I suppose.

  62. Anonymous6:06 PM

    can men use the MULTANI MITTI. is there any advantage for men

  63. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Does it helps in growing long hair,if so how to use it?

  64. @Anonymous comment #63: Yes, men can use multani mitti. It can be used as a cleansing mask and helps with oily skin.
    @Anonymous comment #64: I don't think that multani mitti can help grow long hair!

  65. Anonymous2:20 AM

    multani mitti seems like a boon for oily skin..............i love using it.......mwah

  66. hie .. My skin is oily and very sensitive. But i'v acne , visible pores and acne scars. Am afraid to apply anythng on my face due to sentivity to wide spectrum of cosmetics and home products. Can multani mitti be safer for my skin?? Thankz :)

  67. Hi Reetu, Multani mitti is quite safe for sensitive skin! But don't keep it on your face for more than 15 minutes.

  68. Anonymous9:16 PM

    how can we use multani mitti wid rose water.....

  69. where ca i get multani mitti powder in Bnagalore, jayanagara?

  70. Shruthi, you can get it in any general stores anywhere in India.

  71. wit multhan matti can v use any face wash r face cream..

  72. @ Shiva Shankar: Sure, you can use any good quality face wash/cleanser to wash your face and you can also use a good moisturizer or cream afterwards.

  73. Sharayu2:14 PM

    Multani mitti is also useful in prickly heat. A paste prepared by steeping it in water and then applied over affected areas. It is also used as a base for various face packs.

  74. Kasturi2:16 PM

    Its regular use makes the hair appear soft and shining. It has also been used effectively in epistaxis and haematuria.

  75. selvakumar4:45 PM

    I am 26 yrs old male, I got the pimples on my face when i was 20 and after 2-3 yrs the pimples stopped but the pores due to that persist till now. could this (multani mitti) help to clear the pores o my face..?

  76. priya9:22 PM

    multani mitti is it good for normal skin ? if is good can i use daily

  77. Multani mitti is so commonly available and can be used for varied problems ranging from skin rashes, sunburns to acne. And can be used in combination with so many other things

  78. I have a naturally oily face. I am in my upper 20's but this has been going on since I was 14.

    I have kind of a ball point nose. A regular nose with my tip like a ball. I am also brown in skin tone. Basically blackheads show up quickly and prominently on my nose. I tried strips but he removal took some on and some off. Also, they would come back withhin a few days.

    Three times per week I use the Citrus Clear Face Wash - it really works. It clears my blackheads, especially my nose for exactly a week. Its cheap and last me months too!

  79. Anonymous1:58 AM

    My skin is oily and have lots of pimples,black and white heads.. Does mulatani remove pimples and its marks...

  80. @Anonymous comment #81: By applying multani mitti face pack, you can reduce the oiliness of your skin to a certain extent and this in turn can help prevent pimples. Multani mitti masks can greatly help in removing blackheads. Do read this post on blackheads and if you want to remove marks read this blemishes post and this link.

    However do not apply multani mitti face packs more than once in a week; it will dry your skin unduly.

  81. Anonymous6:17 PM

    does multani removes acne also?

  82. Anonymous6:20 PM

    i am having acne and pimple too many on my face.. i tried everything like turmeric,lemon ,aloe vera, chandan.. but none worked. does multani work on my face after using all this..

  83. how multani mitti is prepared / extracted ? is it herbal ?

  84. @Anonymous comment #83, 84: Please refer to comment #82, where I have answered a query. Multani mitti can remove oiliness from the skin and this may prevent pimples to a great extent. But you should use multani mitti only once in a week. If you use it on a daily basis, it will dry your skin unduly and this will make oil glands to produce more oil and this can cause acne.
    @Sairam Teertha: Multani mitti is a kind of clay / mud and not a herb. It's extracted from somewhere in Northwest India from the earth /mine. It's safe to be used on the skin.

  85. Anonymous6:07 PM

    My mom is 40 years old she is having varicose veins at leg when searching for treatment have sawn an treatment to apply multani metti in the leg;Can we apply it?

    1. Ys, I too heard that applying multani mitti paste (multani mitti + water) helps varicose veins. But better consult an Ayurvedic doctor before you try this.

  86. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Hi, I have oily and pimple prone skin after I started applying multani mitti face pack daily, I have noticed quite a remarkable reduction in my pimples. Just want to know will applying this face pack daily have any adverse effect on my skin

    1. Applying multani mitti daily will dry your skin and this in turn will stimulate your skin's sebaceous glands to produce more oil leading to more oily skin. So it's better if you just stick to multani mitti face pack only thrice a week.

    2. Hi currently i using multani mitti with rose water & lemon juice for my face. i have oily skin and also large open pores. before this I've try ice cube for shrink pores but yet pores look obviously. Can i use multani mitti for daily basis?

    3. Don't use multani mitti regularly. Your face will become unduly dry which will in turn trigger more oil production making your face more oily.


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