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Teeth whitening remedies

Teeth could be naturally dark or could be discolored by repeated exposure to beverages like tea, coffee or red wine, smoking and also medications apart from decay and trauma to the tooth. If you want your captivating smile to be adorned by a row of glistening pearly white teeth, then try these treatments and remedies:

‘In chair’ bleaching at the dentist for teeth whitening
Though there are several options available for teeth whitening, bleaching at a cosmetic dentistry clinic can significantly lighten your teeth within an hour. A large percentage of the people who have undergone bleaching have experienced a positive change in the color of their teeth. Read about it at About Cosmetic dentisty.

‘At home’ teeth whitening bleaching kit
The ‘at home’ teeth whitening technique is also a popular bleaching procedure to whiten your teeth. You can obtain the bleaching kit from your dentist or make an over-the counter purchase. Use it conveniently at night and the gel should work while you sleep. It takes anywhere between two to six weeks for noticeable results but the effect lasts for more than two years. For more details on these two techniques, visit the ADA FAQ page.

Teeth whitening- home remedies
1) Rubbing the teeth with a little baking soda or coarse salt will do the trick.
2) Liberal quantities of gooseberry (amla) and onions in your diet will prevent tooth decay and make your teeth bright and healthy.
3) If your teeth have become yellowish, brush teeth with salt, baking soda (soda bicarb) or sage leaf.
4) For sparkling teeth, brushing of teeth once a day with table salt, lime juice and rough ash got from burning paddy husk is also suggested.
Category: Body care & spa , Home-remedies
See also: Home remedies for tooth ache / Oral-Dental Hygiene and care /Bad Breath(Halitosis)


  1. Anonymous1:37 AM

    teeth whitening has become so important to people. Personally i think it changes a person too.


  2. Anonymous3:38 PM

    An electric toothbrush, a high flouride toothpaste and start eating a few apples a day plus other fruit. Fruit is acidic n removes stains on teeth.
    However some people's teeth aren't naturally very white.

  3. Anonymous10:06 AM

    apply lemon citrus to your teeth. chew on it or something HOPE THIS HELP :)

  4. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Tons of things, there are teeth whitening toothbrushes, there are whitening strips and some various other products.
    What I found most effective (and best deal) is using one of those listerine advanced / pro mouth wash. Great to freshen your breath, fight gingivitis and of course, whiten your teeth (and yes, I learned this from commericals. XD) But I have used it myself, and it's proved to be effective.

    Those are the fastest way to keep your teeth white, other than the typical don't drink coffee, or smoke, or other various ways of staining your teeth

  5. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Best and safest home remedy: Homemade tooth paste: One of the better home recipes for whiter teeth is a paste consisting of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, table salt and a dab of toothpaste. Mix it all together and brush away stains

  6. Anonymous8:33 PM

    nice blog on teeth whitening, teeth whitening is quite expensive, that’s why there are a lot of good alternative such as a home teeth whitening.

  7. Anonymous9:00 AM

    It really makes your teeth white and bright: Charcoal. You can rub that on your teeth and then wash it away.

  8. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Swish bleach around your mouth. DON'T swallow!

  9. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Orange Peels, A best easiest, effective and safe way for numerous individuals
    Peel of an orange and rubs the backside along the teeth that the teeth will naturally sparkle. The back part of orange (the white part) will give out a beautiful white shine. The combination of the bay leaves and orange peels for a great tooth whitening recipe. Attention : Let the orange peel dry out as well, because there are vitamin C in the wateriness of orange peel and the vitamin C is not great for your teeth.

  10. WOW!!!! She is so HOT!!! best smile ever!

  11. Dr Aamir3:55 PM

    Cold Laser and gel teeth whitening gives magical results toanyone who wants to whiten their teeth. This includes people
    with teeth that have been stained by smoking or by substances like coffee or tea. It also whitens teeth stained by
    tetracycline, specked by fluoride or hereditary discoloration.Pregnant woman or clients under 16 years of age should not
    receive the whitening treatment

  12. There are teeth whitening products such as dental floss and mouth washes. Dental floss is effective at cleaning in between the teeth and mouth was generally does some overall cleaning after brushing with a toothpaste.

  13. Sarayu2:03 PM

    Causes of teeth Darkening are drinking coffee, wine ,tea and soda. Sometimes teeth discolored because of medications. Smoking and all causes have staining effect on tooth enamel. Discolored or yellow teeth can have impact on person’s smile and self-esteem. Homemade recipes will brighten your teeth and gum healthy. These homemade recipes can remove plaque, keep you gum healthy and contro tartar. The following recipes of toothpastes, tooth powder and mouthwash you can make at your place easily.e.g. Take one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of salt. Now make a paste and use it on discolored teeth

  14. Vanita3:02 PM

    Take one full teaspoon of baking soda and half teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. Mix both of them well and use this mixture at least one time per week. This is very useful to reduce tartar and stain.

  15. Anoosha10:44 AM

    Always looking for something new and better!
    Thank you!

  16. I’m not really sure how safe they are but one thing’s for sure, these white strips really really work! Would love more info about them

  17. Narayan Bhat3:59 PM

    If you want white healthy teeth forget harsh oral bleach and get yourself some sesame oil (not the toasted type, just plain cold pressed oil and organic if possible). By using the sesame oil as a mouthwash you can improve the health of your gums and teeth and help detox the upper part of your digestive system.

  18. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Whitening a Discolored Tooth.There is a bleaching procedure to be done by the dentist, only on a root-canal treated tooth. It is painless and it really remedies the dark stain without invading the whole rest of the tooth for veneers or crowns. The dentist puts a strong oxidizing material inside the tooth and then seals it up with filling, you walk around a week or two and it gradually lightens, repeat two or three times until it's a bit too light, then the oxidizer is removed and the permanent filling is done. The color rebounds just a bit until it's about right. I've seen people really pleased with these. Not good for a very dark one,

  19. Anupam9:10 AM

    You can also save money by putting the smallest amount of baking soda on your toothpaste. Do not do it to much, it will wear off the enamel on your teeth. Do it once every other day. It works for me.

  20. Niranjan9:15 AM

    I just started using Crest White strips Classic today per the recommendation of my dentist. I got the 14 day kit so I will let you know my experience.
    Thank you for the information.

  21. Padmini5:48 PM

    This was an enjoyable article. Look forward to reading more from you. :)

  22. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Use Dentech toothpaste and Dazzlewhite toothpaste. Maybe you have gotten dirty teeth because you don't brush after every meal, or because you have worn braces and a retainer. Then just use Dentech "smile" and Dazzlewhite "white teeth"and your teeth will be back the normal white!

  23. unknown5:52 PM

    The Miracle White, is a professional tooth whitening pen, which has been designed and recommended by dentists. Its safe, affordable and most importantly it works!
    The Miracle White whitening pen works by bleaching the stains on your teeth. Apply a thin layer, then let the whitening gel dry on the teeth for 60 seconds. The bleaching begins directly when the gel has been applied.

  24. Babita8:36 AM

    Thanks for bringing these to my attention!!

  25. Vaishnavi3:02 PM

    Thanks for the tips!

  26. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Very good article. Here is a story I found interesting too on

  27. Mohan8:44 AM

    Quit smoking as tobacco is the top tooth stainer. Smoking tends to discolor the teeth to an unpleasant Grey. Do not chew betel leaf, betel nut or tobacco. Avoid excessive tea/coffee/beverages, as they tend to stain the teeth. Don’t scrape the surface of teeth with any sharp instrument as these will roughen the teeth and make them even more yellow.

  28. Avatar9:10 AM

    I need to try the in home treatments, I like your nice white teeth. I need mine to be as white as yours.

  29. Kiran9:14 AM

    Been using Platinum Whites for a couple of months now and I love it.

  30. Durga8:34 AM

    Love love love this post!!!

  31. Bhanumati9:51 AM

    wow, what a nice and unique solution! I’ll absolutely try that.

  32. Satyajit10:15 AM

    Gargle Peroxide.

  33. Ramani2:41 PM

    strips are generally a good product, they are not custom-fitted to your mouth like trays. The polyethylene strips are somewhat rigid and can make it difficult to get the product into the crevices of the teeth. The part of the enamel that is in more contact with the product will whiten significantly more than other areas that may be hard to reach.

  34. Anonymous10:06 AM

    If you want to go natural, instead of rinsing with water, swish your toothbrush around in hydrogen peroxide, then apply toothpaste and brush. Hydrogen peroxide has a natural whitening effect.

  35. Surya6:53 PM

    Good article with loads on information on becoming a healthier family. Good tips

  36. Anonymous6:30 PM

    I used Crest Whitestrips a few years ago and they worked really well. I didn't notice them making my teeth any more sensitive than they already were (mine are a little sensitive to cold, but not very). My teeth were white for like a year or so after having used them! It does take some discipline, though

  37. Soubhagya9:11 AM

    This safe natural home remedy gives fast, amazing results.Thanks

  38. Aswin5:09 PM

    Impressive =)

  39. unknown9:05 AM

    Opt for a toothpaste with the ADA seal. This seal guarantees that the toothpaste will help stave off tooth decay and gum disease.

  40. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Store-brought toothpaste contains fluoride, and ingesting too much of it can have long-term, detrimental effects on your health. You can completely avoid this problem by making your own all-natural toothpaste containing no harmful ingredients. Mix 3 tablespoons baking soda, 10 drops tea tree oil, 10 drops peppermint essential oil. Mix together into a paste and store in a clear glass jar to use up for the entire week.

  41. Guorish4:58 PM

    You can dip your wet toothbrush in baking soda and brush your teeth for a whitening effect.

  42. unknown10:28 AM

    The malic acid in grapes naturally breaks down stains and discolorations on teeth.

  43. Nayantara10:51 AM

    It was really a great tips on teeth care and excellent work..
    Keep posting..

  44. Amarnath10:54 AM

    Very nice post. Teeth care is very much important for each one and these tips will be useful for each and everyone. Thanks for the post.

  45. Anonymous9:40 AM

    These home remedies sound great. Did anyone try them before and confirms that they actually work?

  46. @ Anonymous (comment #45): Of course, they work. But on stubborn stains, you have rely on other dental procedures.

  47. Kavya9:54 AM

    don't drink dark sodas, coffee, tea, cocoa, or heavily dyed foods

  48. Kaumudi9:48 AM

    Brush and floss your teeth thoroughly! Try to avoid drinking too much coffee, tea and soda, but if you do, make sure to brush afterwards. Also, when drinking soda, you can drink it through a straw so that the liquid doesn't come in contact with your teeth. Make sure you have a good toothpaste with whitening properties.

  49. Sulochana4:21 PM

    It was really a great tips on teeth care and excellent work..
    Keep posting..

  50. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Very nice post. Teeth care is very much important for each one and these tips will be useful for each and everyone. Thanks for the post.

  51. Rabina9:24 AM

    Basil that is Tulsi is another herb, which helps you keep your teeth white. Dry the leaves of Basil in sun and powder them. Use it as tooth powder. It will help you remove many tooth problems
    Neem twigs can also be used as the disposable toothbrush. Besides whitening of teeth, it fights bad breath by killing of bacteria.

  52. Dulari9:25 AM

    To prepare homemade mouthwash, take 3 cups of boiling hot water, 2 tsp of fresh coriander, 3 tsp of peppermint leaves and 1 tsp of anise seeds. Mix all the ingredients and cover for 30 minutes and then strain it. Store this in glass bottle.

  53. Sarvesh9:31 AM

    Make powder of dry orange rinds and massage your teeth with it.
    To replenish the mineral content of the teeth and hence getting back the whiteness, you can use sodium bicarbonate as a tooth powder.

  54. Anonymous7:25 PM

    NO. Stain can be removed with an abrasive toothpaste to make teeth look brighter but not whiter.

  55. unknown7:27 PM

    Apple cider vinegar can be used for teeth whitening,simply use it as a gargle diluted in a glass of water or add a few drops to your toothbrush and top it with toothpaste and brush

  56. Anonymous7:34 PM

    sonicare electric toothbrush and listerine has always worked for me

  57. unknown12:59 PM

    Over the counter rinses and toothpastes haven't been proven to help significantly. The can prevent long term yellowing, but there isn't a research base for most over the counter products. Strips help some, but not as much as gels in custom trays. In office laser bleaching(Zoom) is a scam, the whitening effect reverts once the teeth rehydrate.

  58. Teeth whitening pen is a very popular system because it is very easy to apply it doesn't have any foul taste like the strips but it is more recommended for people whom their teeth are in good shape or people that already bleached their teeth and just want to maintain their teeth white shade.

  59. Anonymous8:13 AM

    In general when looking for cheap teeth whitening then i would go on one of the home teeth whitening kits.

    There are 3 different types of applicators:
    1. teeth whitening trays - the most effective
    2. teeth whitening pen - the most convenient
    3. teeth whitening strips.

  60. unknown8:18 AM

    Brushing your teeth after every meal will prevent your teeth from getting any worse. And of course keeping away from coffee, tea and smoking will help too. ;-)

    The crest whitening strips work pretty good. I notice a difference the first few times I used it, but the more I used them though the less difference I saw.

    As far as the whitening tooth paste and mouth washes, they don't seem to do anything at all.

  61. I think listerine makes a whitening rinse. look for it next time u go to wall-mart

  62. Shashikala8:14 AM

    try getting an orange peel and pouring vinegar into it then scrub your teeth with it

  63. Kailash8:28 AM

    Lot of people do face problems with yellow teeth. The reason for yellow teeth can be less calcium, smoking or coffee.

  64. Anonymous8:10 AM

    You should try baking soda combined with strawberries, which become a natural tooth-cleanser, buffing away stains from wine, coffee, and dark sodas.
    1 ripe strawberry
    1/2 teaspoon baking soda
    Crush the strawberry to a pulp, then mix with the baking soda until blended. Use a soft toothbrush to spread the mixture onto your teeth. Leave on for 5 minutes, then brush thoroughly with toothpaste to remove the berry–baking soda mix. Rinse. (A little floss will help get rid of any strawberry seeds.) you can apply once a week.

  65. unknown10:06 AM

    Use a brush with a fluoride loaded toothpaste. That's the best way to look after your teeth. Brush twice a day for two minutes at a time, not immediately after a meal. Some natural things are sticks of the liquorice plant which can be used.

  66. Dentist9:24 AM

    A good oral hygiene and taking care of the teeth may keep it white, and a good nutrients (sufficient) is essential for the teeth..
    and it's good to go to the dentist each 6 months for check up.

  67. unknown9:54 AM

    The best bet for good dental health besides daily brushing and flossing is to avoid refined sugar, eat a health diet, get plenty of minerals and avoid toothpastes or other products which contain either fluoride or glycerin.

  68. Nitin9:02 AM

    follow these five tricks which help u to white teeth at home:-
    1. Swish Water in Your Mouth
    2. Eat Crunchy Foods
    3. Use a Straw
    4. Chew Gum
    5. Brush Gently

  69. Devika9:10 AM

    Rub that white part of the orange peel and it will give your teeth a bright shine.

  70. Sharad9:18 AM

    Teeth whitening treatment is necessary for people who want to whiten their discolored teeth. Tooth whitening is a method where many people take when they noticed that their teeth have been stained.

  71. Ambika9:22 AM

    The combination of bay leaves with dried orange peel can also act as a teeth whitener. Just like the lemon paste, all you have to do is apply this to your teeth frequently.

  72. Sanjana5:22 PM

    The reason for yellow teeth can be less calcium, smoking or coffee. Some people face problems like yellow to faint yellow teeth also because of too much brushing or using products which harm teeth. While baking soda or peroxide can make your teeth white but it is not recommended. Dentists world over do not recommend use of such pure form substances on teeth as they harm your teeth in longer run.

  73. Suguna9:41 AM

    You can use salt and mustard oil mixing each other and then use it like toothpaste after your toothpaste.If may be possible,you can use neem leaves for very healthy and white teeth.

  74. Anonymous3:39 PM

    First I would try a fluoride rinse, like ACT. It strenghtens teeth, helps gums, etc. So try that. Then as far as toothbrush, get a SOFT brush. I don't know why they even have anything but that, but the medium and hard ones are really bad for your teeth/gums. You want to be easy on them. Toothpaste - GET SOMETHING WITH BAKING SODA!! Baking soda is the only thing that TRULY whitens (other then getting your teeth whitened at like the dentist or using strips or something). All the toothpastes that say they whiten, look on the back and if there's no baking soda; it's crap. Really, it's true. I use Arm and Hamor, they make baking soda, so you know it has it in it :D. But you might want to check out something like Sensodyne Pro enamel. Something that will help build back healthy enamel on your teeth. Because most likely you are very low on that because vomit takes that away. So try and find a tooth paste with baking soda for whitening and something that advertises helping enamel like the one I listed. What you can do and I did for a little bit is get both. Get Sensodyne Pro enamel and use that in the morning and then use your whitening toothpaste at night. That way you get both. My dentist actually had me do that...great idea! And then floss to help your gums. Floss at night before you brush. And then after you brush use a fluoride rinse. So to review; get soft toothbrush, get Sensodyne Pro Enamel and a whitening toothpaste with baking soda in it, floss, and fluoride rinse. Do this and you'll be sure to see some results; and I'd go to your dentist too if you haven't already. It may take a month or two but you will benefit from this I really think.

  75. unknown10:40 AM

    In addition to daily brushing and flossing, you might use an antimicrobial or antiseptic mouth rinse to help reduce plaque between your teeth.
    To remove food particles from your teeth, you might try an oral irrigator — a device that aims a stream of water at your teeth. Resist the temptation to use toothpicks or other objects that could injure your gums. Keep in mind, however, an oral irrigator doesn't replace daily brushing and flossing.

  76. Vinuta8:59 AM

    I use Burt's Bees Whitening Toothpaste

  77. Shreyas4:20 PM

    Peroxide is much better and not harmful. There are many uses for this such as teeth whitening, toothache, canker sores, cleaning kitchen counters or boards for germs and also for bathroom

  78. Yusuf8:49 AM

    Strawberries are natural teeth whiteners, simply rub them directly on your teeth or mash into a paste and apply

  79. Shraddha8:36 AM

    Eating more vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers, celery and carrots can help whiten your teeth since they have a scrubbing effect on your teeth.It won't whiten your teeth overnight since its the whitening effect is gradual. Lessening your intake of tea, coffee, red wine and cola helps too since they can discolor your teeth.

  80. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Invest in a battery- operated toothbrush. Battery-operated “spinning” toothbrushes will enable you to brush your teeth much more thoroughly than with a manual toothbrush. Spinning toothbrushes can be purchased at discount stores, supermarkets and dollar stores. Just like a regular toothbrush, be sure to replace your battery-operated brush every 3 months (or more frequently if you have a cold).

  81. unknown4:29 PM

    Tips for maintaining your white teeth:
    --Avoid smoking! Smoking is a sure-fire way to make your teeth yellow.
    --Try to avoid foods and beverages that will stain teeth. Avoid red wine, coffee, tea, grape juice and dark colas. If you must drink these beverages, try to use a straw so the liquid doesn’t touch your teeth.
    --Choose the right lipstick. Your lipstick shade can affect the way your teeth look. Opt for lip colors in pink or red shades and avoid orange-toned lipsticks.
    -- Make sure to visit your dentist every 6 months to have your teeth professionally cleaned.

  82. Sujata3:13 PM

    strawberries contain natural teeth whitening agents and the seeds work great for cleaning.
    For easy and quick application, you can either rub the strawberry against your teeth, or mash it up and use it like toothpaste

  83. Ramachandra3:14 PM

    Calcium, Phosphorous, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D are most essential minerals and vitamins for your teeth.

  84. Manoj3:23 PM

    It is also wise to note that eating sweet snacks between meals affect teeth more than eating sweet snacks with meals. It is because the increase flow of saliva during mealtime protect your teeth by washing sugar away. eat snacks without sugar between meals and snacks with sugar during meals.

  85. Nakul8:55 AM

    take one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda mixed with a little water to form a paste. Rub this on your teeth.

  86. Vivek8:56 AM

    Use the inner white part of an orange peel to rub teeth for a lovely white shine.

  87. Eat foods like carrots, celery, cucumber, broccoli, apples and strawberries in raw form.

  88. Yogish10:41 AM

    Use the sap from a aloe vera plant to brush teeth, for whiter teeth.

  89. Anonymous10:43 AM

    The secret to this inexpensive home whitening method is malic acid, which acts as an astringent to remove surface discoloration. Combined with baking soda, strawberries become a natural tooth-cleanser, buffing away stains from wine, coffee, and dark sodas. While it’s no replacement for a bleaching treatment at your dentist’s office, “this is a fast, cheap way to brighten your smile,” says Adina Carrel, DMD, a dentist in private practice at Manhattan Dental Arts in New York. “Be careful not to use this too often, though, as the acid could damage the enamel on your teeth.”

    Make Over Your Smile
    You need:
    1 ripe strawberry
    1/2 teaspoon baking soda

    Directions: Crush the strawberry to a pulp, then mix with the baking soda until blended. Use a soft toothbrush to spread the mixture onto your teeth. Leave on for 5 minutes, then brush thoroughly with toothpaste to remove the berry–baking soda mix. Rinse. (A little floss will help get rid of any strawberry seeds.) You can apply once a week.

  90. Aakash8:54 AM

    Have used baking soda to clean my teeth before they started adding it in tooth paste, and have had no adverse results.In fact my dentist has committed on my good brushing ability during a check-up. I do not use it every time while brushing, just every other day. Rinse with peroxide to help prevent gum disease

  91. Leena8:56 AM

    I put a little baking soda on my dry hands and rub it onto my dry under arms. I have been doing this months now and it works perfectly, I get more the 24 hours of protection from this

  92. Masoom9:14 AM

    I have also found baking soda and salt to make a great combo for brushing teeth. This is what my great grandma used back in early 1900's. I used it once when I ran out of toothpaste and Voila! Squeeky clean. (I would use it as a shampoo but shave my head so that I dont have to worry about that sort of thing) =)

  93. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Teeth and gums reveal the inside story of your overall health -- from signs of diabetes to heart disease to osteoporosis. Find out what your oral health may say about you

  94. Nagaveni10:06 AM

    Smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee, tea, red or white wine can easily discolor and damage your teeth.

  95. Gurumati10:18 AM

    drink lots of water and try to eat a better diet. Eat lots of raw foods like fruits and veggies.
    All of these will help you get the bright white smile you always wanted. With this teeth whitening tips you can achieve a winning smile without possibly hurting your mouth and teeth

  96. Make it a point that you brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. This is the most basic among every teeth whitening tips. You should floss before bedtime and massage your gum to keep it healthy. By doing so, this prevents teeth discoloration by removing unwanted plaque. Also make use to wash or rinse your mouth after eating.

  97. Dr Alok11:09 AM

    Chairside bleaching is a procedure that takes place in your dentist’s office.she will apply a peroxide-based gel to your teeth

  98. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Add two to three teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide to two teaspoons of baking soda to create the paste. Aim to make it as thick as your regular toothpaste. If you want you can add some flavoring to it although this isn't necessary.Brush the paste onto your teeth and ensure that your teeth are evenly coated, and then leave for a few minutes. Next, rinse your mouth out with water. You can get rid of the hydrogen peroxide taste by brushing your teeth with your regular toothpaste, or rinsing your mouth with your regular mouthwash.

  99. Narad8:22 AM

    Teeth become discolored not only from smoking but from what you eat and drink.

  100. Sonia8:24 AM

    Whitening products are generally safe.
    Whiteners do not wear down your enamel, nor do they actually color or bleach your teeth.

  101. Excessive treatment leads to an unnatural appearance.

  102. Arjun8:26 AM

    Your dentist can help you choose the appropriate whitener.All dental whiteners clean teeth with peroxide.

  103. Satish9:47 AM

    cut down your sugar intake, and brush 3 times day
    make sure you're brushing properly and floss at least once a day
    and aswell if not all, most mouthwashes can actually make you're teeth begin to rot with excessive use

  104. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Eating apple after meal is the easiest and most preferable method to get rid of yellow teeth.
    Try these other remedies for teeth whitnening... all natural
    Brush your teeth effectively with soft bristled toothbrush with a proper technique that is brush firmly and not forcefully.
    Use baking soda with your toothpaste and brush normally. Rinse it away with water afterwards.
    Gargle with a small capful of peroxide and rinse thoroughly with water after brushing your teeth.
    Mix charcoal ashes with your toothpaste, and brush for 10 minutes. Brushing with only ashes will still make wonders, as the crystal base chemical has a powerful satin remover. However remember that only hard wood ash contains significant concentration of potassium hydroxide whereas soft wood does not contain the same. It is still practiced in most of the villages in India.
    Rubbing the bark of walnut tree will also help to remove teeth stains.
    Eating apple after meal is the easiest and most preferable method to get rid of yellow teeth. Other foods like celery and carrots scrubs away the stubborn stains effectively.
    Drink water after eating any food or beverage like coffee or blueberries that causes stains. Water will help in preventing stains from accumulating.
    Rub teeth with the inner white part of an orange peel for a lovely white shine.
    Strawberries are the natural teeth whiteners. Rubbing the teeth with strawberries will remove all the stains. If you choose to use this method then remember to brush your teeth immediately with fluoride toothpaste and floss, as the sugar and acid may worsen the effect if it is not brushed.
    Gargling the teeth with a cup of water containing a half teaspoonful of rock salts prevents all tooth problems.
    Brush your teeth with apple cider vinegar every night.
    Rub the paste made of half teaspoon of bi-carbonate and soda on your teeth.
    Make a paste made from toothpaste and baking soda and spread it on an aluminum foil. Cover the teeth with the foil and leave it for an hour. Brush the teeth afterwards. Repeat this twice a week.
    Don't use your fingernail to remove tooth stains, as your teeth are not hard as a rock. Fingernail can actually scratch the enamel which will led debris to lodge in the enamel thus worsening the situation by making the tooth more prone to tooth cavities.
    Do not use lemon or anything that has Vitamin C on your teeth. Lemon helps your teeth to become white as it reduces the major component of your healthy teeth, 'calcium'. Once it is lost it is susceptible to decay.
    Avoid excess intake of coffee, tea, red wine, carbonated drinks and smoking.
    Also avoid too hot and too cold drinks.

  105. Radhika3:44 PM

    Chew on sugar free gum throughout the day to keep your teeth stain free and to give your fresh breath. This will keep you confident when talking with clients or co-workers.

  106. Satish10:11 AM

    Tooth whitening in general is only 96%-98% effective because there are people who have tolerance with hydrogen peroxide, which is the active ingredient of almost all tooth whitening materials in the market. Even carbamide peroxide is the by-product of hydrogen peroxide and urea. Anyway, beside tolerance from the active ingredient, there are also other factors that may result to unsuccessful result including the most common one, which is not reaching your expectations

  107. Manasa10:27 AM

    Peroxide and water 50/50 mixture

  108. Mandakini10:16 AM

    Inside of the Orange peel can be used to brush the teeth for sparkling white colour.

  109. apple Cider Vinegar: This is a good remedy for treating yellow teeth. Dilute apple cider vinegar with water and use it as a mouthwash.

  110. for white teeth, keep in mind:
    To cut down on tea, coffee, carbonated drinks and red wine, To avoid smoking, To have a good diet,To not have too cold or too hot foods.

  111. Poor dental hygiene results in a buildup of plaque which will discolor teeth over time. The aging process also discolors teeth.

  112. Dip a toothbrush in a mashed strawberry and brush vigorously to remove yellowing and stains. Or, try this tooth whitening tip "After brushing with your regular toothpaste, make a paste of 1 tbsp of baking soda and a few drops of lemon juice and brush again. It tastes horrible but just think white teeth! You should start to see a change in a week."

  113. Vaidehi9:31 AM

    Rinse with peroxide but do not use too much it will start to eat your teeth

  114. Avinash9:33 AM

    squeeze fresh lemon juice on to baking soda. rub it on your teeth using a Q-tip. do this about 3 times a week

  115. Navyashree9:05 AM

    Mix some baking soda and peroxide to make a paste and brush onto teeth. Leave on for 30 minutes.
    Repeat as necessary.

  116. Kaveri9:26 AM

    hydrogen peroxide... swish a little in ur mouth. then spit it out. but dont swallow! its very dangerous to swallow. also, whitening toothpaste, ore whitestrips

  117. Manjula9:08 AM

    For clean teeth: brush with a mashed up strawberry.

  118. bicarbonate of soda! i find this product great, brush it on your teeth like you would toothpaste for a few days and you will soon see a difference :)

  119. Pradeep11:19 AM

    While you eat foods that whiten teeth, avoid foods that darken them. These foods include anything with food coloring, red wine, soft drinks, coffee, and tea. If you eat any of these foods be sure to brush your teeth immediately afterward. Also avoid smoking. This is one of the leading causes of stained teeth.

  120. Raveendra11:21 AM

    Use the orange peelings to rub all over your teeth to remove stains and tartar build-up and to give your teeth a new shine. If you want to make a paste with the orange peelings, try mixing in some ground bay leaves for a different twist on it. Be sure to rinse thoroughly

  121. Adarsha11:28 AM

    Strawberries are not only delicious to eat, but you can actually whiten teeth with strawberry paste.

  122. White strips, orjust get them cleaned at the dentist

  123. Kailas9:36 AM

    Before brushing with toothpaste use baking soda on a wet tooth brush. Then brush like you normally would. Spit out what you can, and then brush with toothpaste. Worked for me...within about a month they were brighter white.

  124. Drinking plenty of water helps rinse the oral cavity and prevents the accumulation of bacteria, which are responsible for yellowish discoloration and tooth problems including toothache

  125. Vitamin D is crucial to dental health. Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption – keeping those pearly whites strong.Vitamin D occurs naturally with exposure to sun

  126. Dharani8:49 AM

    mix salt and the juice from a lemon together to make a paste and then brush your teeth with it - then it will whiten your teeth

  127. I've been using baking soda as a replacement for my toothpaste with fluoride. I'm sticking with my baking soda technique and it really works like a charm, I've been to dentist Bondi Junction emergency dentist. to fix my teeth their service is absolutely increadible!

  128. Different products are available. Choose the one that suits your teeth.

  129. There are several treatment available. It depends on your preferred whitening regimen.

  130. Stay away from sugar! Sugar makes your teeth yellow.

  131. Yep, all of these work.
    However, going to a dentist regularly is important as well.


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