Do read Flower based cosmetic Preparations and try out these cosmetic preparations with elder flower also.

Elder flower cream
3 tbsp almond oil
4 tbsp elder flowers
Mix together all these in a bowl over a water bath. Let it simmer together for an hour, strain and then add warm water slowly. It is believed to be a good nourishing mask to the skin.
Elder flower water
Wash about handful of elder flowers and mix 6 tbsp of boiling water into a large jar. Keep overnight and strain it the next day. In case you are using dried flowers, use only 2 tbsp.
For an oily skin, you can use this mixture:
10 tbsp elder flower water
5 tbsp cucumber juice
4 tbsp eau-de-cologne
This is very effective on open pores.
For a dry skin, heat half cup of buttermilk or plain milk and 6 tbsp of elder flowers together slowly on a very low heat for 30 minutes. Remove it and let it cool for 3 hours. Re-heat, strain and add 1 tbsp of honey. Mix well. This mixture is especially good or hard and itchy skin.
First of all I wish u a hearty thanks for sharing such informative article about cosmetic preparation with Elder flower. I have oily skin and looking forward for a natural treatment. I hope Elder flower will not refuse me.