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Treating acne with essential oils

Acne, the most common skin disorder afflicts people of all ages, though it is most common among adolescents. It causes a lot of self-consciousness and misery.

When your lovely face is marred by a crop of ugly acne and the unsightly scars that follow, don’t try to hide it under layers of thick make-up. This will make the acne even worse by clogging the pores. Take acne and other related skin problems in your stride. A daily regimen of skin care and a little knowledge about its cause, along with wise diet habits will help in reducing its severity.woman using cleanser

Here’s a home based remedy for treating mild acne with a few essential oils.


Two drops of lavender,
Four drops of chamomile
One drop of lemon
½ tsp of carrot


A) Clean your skin with a mild soap and warm water. Rinse thoroughly in cold water.

B) Apply the oils that have been mixed together. Massage it in without scrubbing your skin or squeezing the pimples.

C) Apply hot compresses made by dipping a towel in hot water.

If your acne is severe and does not respond to initial self-treatment, it is better to seek professional help.



  1. Anonymous6:24 PM

    u can also apply some toothpaste to your acne . Apply it before going to sleep and wash off in the morning. After two or three applications it 'll dry up.

  2. Anonymous11:21 AM

    .Buy Pure Australia Tea Tree Oil. Use a cotton swab to dab the oil on your pimples. Never double dip the same cotton swab back into the oil! Get a New one instead. Apply it to your blemishes and places on your face where you normally break out (even once your clear). This will kill the bacteria better then proactiv and bp combined.

  3. Anonymous11:21 AM

    avoid eating oily stuffs, drink lots of water. homely pack for marks- mix lemon, glycerene and gulabjal(rose water) in equal propotions. use it befor e going to bed and leave it overnight. wast ur face in the morning with warm water. continue this for few weeks

  4. Anonymous10:27 AM

    always gently clean up your skin

    Beware of the personal hygien, this is really important. Most of the skin experts suggest you to clean the skin at least twice a day. This the simplest way to take care of your skin and make it able to fight with the acne. By washing the acne area it will help to wip away the bacteria that cause the acne. However, the scrubing is not good for take care of the acne skin, it’s even increase the development of the acne.

    Secondly; avoid to touching the skin often

    By avoiding to touch the skin more often will help in decrease the chance of more serious problem. Try not to pick or squeez the pimples. Somepeople think that this step of skin care is really important since the touching of the skin may cause more infection and also leaving you the scar. Be careful about touching your skin.

    The third one is try to choose your cosmetics carefully

    The last tip for acne skin care is changing the cosmetics that you are using now, since there might be an effect or an allergy skin to that cosmetics. The best choice for the cosmetics that you use should be an oil free, no matter is’ the foundation, moisturizers, eye shodow or the foundation. Besides, avoiding the oily hair products is also suggested since they may cause the comedones. These products should be labeled as a noncomedogenic.

    There are many factors that cause the acne to the skin, as well as the skin condition. Due to the need of human that always want to look good, and the skin is one of the factors that contribute the pleasure of every individual. There are not fix formular regardiong to which cosmetics that suit your skin so the best way is you have to take care and help to enhance the skin condition.

  5. I always had pimples on my face. Not huge ones but red, inflamed looking ones. So far nothing has helped. So I
    tried this: I drink lavender tea every night. Then I put the left over wet lavender, that I used for the tea,
    on my forehead in a paper towel. For about 20 minutes. (If I use it longer then that I get a headache. I
    assume everybody is different so you have to experience it yourself)
    I'm amazed with the results!!!
    Calms my
    pimples down, even if they are up and armed. :)

  6. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I just want to say something very important to all of you people struggling with acne: First of all there is no cure for acne. Some things may help your skin get a little better others won't even work or can make it worst. the reason for acne is HORMONES. Hormones go nuts in your body and there is not much you can do. Another thing is genetics - also not much you can do. I finally understood it and stopped spending hundreds for "miracle" acne solutions. One thing that makes my acne a little better is FACIAL every month and drinking a lot of distilled water.

  7. Sugandha8:54 AM

    Excellent info in regard to acne. This is a serious topic, and it is so hard to find reliable acne information online. Thanks and keep up the good work!

  8. Anonymous3:47 PM

    These tips helped me a lot:
    1:Steam your face for five to ten minutes to clean the pores with hot infusions of lavender, camomile, or thyme.
    2: Rinse your face with honeywater, rosewater, or a dilute infusion of marigold tea to tone and close the pores.
    3: Do this every day until the skin starts to heal

  9. Anonymous10:42 AM

    A skin care system of sufficient glycolic acid strength is one of the best-kept secret of restoring radiance to your skin.

  10. Apoorva2:30 PM

    pimples are commonly caused by clogged or infected pores.Chlorella Gel Cleanser can clean skin, get ride of pimples quickly

  11. Varindra4:46 PM

    Steam bath with essential oil is good tonic for skin. To do the arrangement, you need to fill up a large bowl with boiling water. If you skin is of normal type add 4 drops of lavender and mandarin oil; eucalyptus and lemon for oily skin; chamomile and rose oil for dry skin type. You need to cover your head and lean on the bowl keeping a distance of 12 inches. Take the steam on your mouth for 5-7 minutes and then pat dry face with a clean soft towel. After taking the steam you can apply appropriate face mask on your face, neck and down the chin line.

  12. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Tea Tree Oil is a natural skin care alternative for acne treatment.Even severe cases of acne have been shown to benefit from anti-acne preparations that contain up to 15% tea tree oil, an effect that can be explained by the oil’s antibacterial and skin-healing properties.

  13. Prashant4:09 PM

    This is one of the most popular natural remedy for acne. Tea tree oil is an essential oil, all you need to do is to dilute the same and apply it topically to your acne lesions. Researchers all over the world conducted extensive studies to portray how this particular oil works. Terpinen-4-ol, one of the main constituents of tea tree oil is responsible for most of the anti-bacterial activities centering round acne and blemishes. When applied topically over the acne lesions, the essential oil is known to kill the skin bred acne bacteria, the Propionibacterium acne.

  14. unknown4:21 PM

    After you find out what type of skin you have, finding the right product will become much easier. Read up on skin types, as that will give you better indication of what your skin type is. This way you will not spend money on experimental acne treatment products that will not do anything for your acne problem.

  15. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Please don't squeeze or pick at your pimples, you could get an infection.A lot comes from the inside -- hormones. If you feel stressed or over tired, this can aggravate your skin. Try to ensure you get plenty of sleep, eat a balanced diet and avoid feeling too stressed about things.Also, I'd recommend using simple soap without added scents or such. These can irritate the skin. If you aren't using a moisturiser (simple, basic and cheap) you may see a benefit from doing this.

  16. Great tips! Cheap and practical solution for me. Thanks for the info...

  17. Kusuma5:24 PM

    The salt is sucking the water out of your skin so it feels a bit tight and sharp. But no it is not helping the acne.
    6 months is a long time to be on antibiotics.
    You can try a spot cream with 10% benzoyl peroxide (but I suppose you have)

  18. Savita6:09 PM

    Coconut oil is a cheap and easily available acne solution. Regular use of coconut oil over a period of time helps to clear your skin.

  19. lemon juice and tomato juice in equal quantity apply on the whole face. Let it dry and wash with water only. Don't wipe it let it dry it self.

  20. Jyothi4:26 PM

    These seem to be some very comprehensive and useful home remedies to fight with acne. I am sure women fighting with acne would find it beneficial. :-)

  21. Kasturi9:08 AM

    Clay masks, facial peels and gentle abrasives are among the other natural products available on the market.

  22. Try an acne spot treatment over night. I like Neutrogena if I use store brand products.

  23. Meenakshi9:05 AM

    Acne isn't caused by dirt. In fact people with oily skin have cleaner skin than average because they wash it more often. But it's a fact that washing too much can make acne worse because it makes the skin dry and sore. So, wash no more than twice a day, using mild soap and water. If you have patches of dry skin, don't worry about putting moisturizer on. It won't make your acne worse. If you're still concerned, use an oil free moisturizer

  24. Anonymous9:27 AM

    To prevent acne try going outside. UV rays will kill the bacteria that commonly clog up pores. Along with sweating and taking a shower after-wards will do wonders for your skin

  25. use a gentle face soap I would recommend neutrogena daily face wash. Its green and it looks really simple but it wont make your face red and its gentle on your face.

  26. Shalini9:57 AM

    A cheap, simple, and effective way to get rid of acne is alcohol swabs. You may need to moisturize your face afterwords though, as it may dry out your skin and cause flakes.

  27. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Use the Biore Pore Strips and St. Ives Apricot Scrub once a week instead. And use a mask or peel once a week. Tone your skin after you cleanse (that shrinks pores). Use T.N. Dickinson's Witch Hazel Astringent. How to use this toner is to take a cotton ball, pour some of the toner onto the cotton ball, and in downward motions apply the toner all over your face (or wherever else you have acne/pores), leave on the toner until you are going to wash your face again. The mask I suggest you to use is natural, Plain Greek Style Yogurt (1 table spoon) and Pure Lemon Juice (1 tea spoon) mixed together, how to use the mask is by first rinsing your face with warm water, apply the mask to your face as your face is wet, leave it on for 10 minutes, rinse of the mask with cold water, and pat dry your face. Also I heard leaving an ice cube on enlarged pores for a few minutes shrinks pores quickly.

  28. unknown9:05 AM

    Touching, squeezing popping, scratching, ect. does not necessarily make pimples worse. If your hands are unclean, you are pushing bacteria into the already irritated pore. If you have clean, germ-free hands it is okay to touch it to put medicine on it, I use Rapid Results from Clean-and-Clear, or you can try to pop it. If you want to pop it, only do so if you can clearly see the white part of it, otherwise it may not be ready. Do so after you have showered, because you pores are more open and it should be easier. I would also suggest buying a little pimple "popper." You can find it at Wal-Mart in the section that has nail clippers. It's a little metal tool, about the length of your finger, that has a loop on each end, one for white heads, one for black heads. The benefit is that you fingers won't slip and you are pushing oil into the surrounding pores.

    *Remember: Before any contact with your acne, clean your hands and your skin!

  29. Mugdha9:11 AM

    I must try this one!

  30. Suniti10:03 AM

    1)Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water.
    2)Apply undiluted lemon juice, two to three times a day, on the affected areas.
    3)Use green tea as a face scrub to loose blackheads.
    4)try don't to eat to much junk food like chips chocolate ect.because you can get more by that.
    5)Try to stay away from fatty foods. Eating correctly is very important in terms of keeping acne away.

  31. Neena4:18 PM

    My age is 21. I have small pimples almost all over my face. I have been suffering from this problem for the last five or six years and have consulted many doctors and dermatologist but they are just fools and nothing else. I did take them seriously also, but no result. so what to do?

  32. 1. Wash regularly
    2. Ex foliate on a daily to weekly basis to help get rid of dead skin cells that can worsen back acne
    3. Use a medicated cream or gel like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid if you are going to get rid of back acne.

  33. Heper Sulph 30
    Graphites 30
    10 Drops thrice a day

  34. *Hydrate yourself - Drink according to your body type.

  35. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Touching, squeezing popping, scratching, ect. does not necessarily make pimples worse. If your hands are unclean, you are pushing bacteria into the already irritated pore. If you have clean, germ-free hands it is okay to touch it to put medicine on it, I use Rapid Results from Clean-and-Clear, or you can try to pop it. If you want to pop it, only do so if you can clearly see the white part of it, otherwise it may not be ready. Do so after you have showered, because you pores are more open and it should be easier. I would also suggest buying a little pimple "popper." You can find it at Wal-Mart in the section that has nail clippers. It's a little metal tool, about the length of your finger, that has a loop on each end, one for white heads, one for black heads. The benefit is that you fingers won't slip and you are pushing oil into the surrounding pores*Remember: Before any contact with your acne, clean your hands and your skin!

  36. Prithvi10:19 AM

    Sea salt and lemon juice.
    Put it in a jar, mix it before using every time.
    If you put the salt in first, then add the juice until you can see it half way up to the salt, you know it's the right amount. Mix it well, then use while in the shower/whenever and your face will be smooth. It works for me.

  37. have u tried the tree oil? mix a bit with a bit of liquid face wash or liquid soap and use as a face wash (put more of the tee tree oil than soap) wash for about 2-3 minutes letting it bubble up on ur face concentrating on the acne areas. after with a cotton ball dab with ONLY tee tree oil (no soap) ur face and leave on to dry them up. do this twice a day. hope this helps :)

  38. Nandu4:25 PM

    Try Green peel

    I did it 3 times and it took all my acne scars away

    Research it on the net

    Get it done at special beautician or clinic

  39. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Make a paste by mixing some baking soda with a little water. Rub it onto your face in circular motions. If you have a specific bad area, you can use a little more there. Apply a few times a day, wash it off and reapply.
    * This will expholiate, which is good for getting a deeper cleaning.
    * Treats your acne by neautralizing, because you have acidity and bacteria.
    * It also will get rid of those aweful red shaving bumps!
    * In my experience this works very well, but it feels weird..

    ** You MUST moisturize! Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer!

    * Moisturizing is VERY important for a healthy face.
    It will prevent a lot of dryness. When you get dryness and cracks in the skin, you are just asking for more acne.
    * If you don't moisturize, your face will become oily, making you want to touch and wipe your face, spreading bacteria and other crap into those pore!
    Plus oil is more likely to attract dirt and dust.

  40. Yogish8:55 AM

    ou have to keep clean. wash your face 3 times a day(at least) & keep ur hands clean. make sure you dont sleep with oily/greasy hair & keep the sheets clean. you might also have to stop eating junk/fast food & drink a lot of water. no cheese & no greasy foods. and try not to masturbate. when u wash ur face, let it dry out without wiping it & use petroleum to clear blemishes. you might not need any kind of product if you take care of yer face, but if u must, use neutrogena because it's oil free. dont forget to always drink a lot of water!

  41. Chaitra3:08 PM

    drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables, change your pillowcase often, wash and moisturize your face twice a day (morning and night).

  42. Durga3:15 PM

    Stay away from chocolate, peanut butter, and wash your hands after every meal. Also, this is weird but, pork meat has toxins in it, and toxins come out your sweat, which can give you acne,,,


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