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Pore shrinking mask recipes from home

A face with large open pores when seen from close quarters doesn’t look so good. While it’s quite common for oily skins to have a tendency towards open pores, an attack of pimples also leaves ugly scars and open pores behind. 

Even though the scars may fade away after some time, open pores appear to be more obstinate and hardly show any signs of shrinking. 

Age also takes its toll by giving an uneven/pigmented tone to the skin and making the open pores more prominent. Heredity could also be a contributing factor in determining your pore size.

It’s not easy to get rid of these pores or shrink them completely or permanently using serums, lotions or face packs. Even resorting to drastic chemical/surgical procedures at the dermatologist’s isn’t quite capable of giving satisfactory results. 

Nevertheless, you can try and minimize their appearance at least temporarily with clever makeup and a few natural skin care masks such as these:

* Cleanse your face with a mild face wash. Then splash ice cold water over your face or alternatively rub an ice cube wrapped in a towel over your face. Cold ice constricts the facial muscles for a while and this action can shrink the pores temporarily. Then pat dry. You can then apply fresh but diluted lemon juice over your face, that is, if you do not have an extremely sensitive skin which is allergic to lemons. Lemon juice acts as an astringent which helps to close the pores.

* Or after cleansing your face you can apply a spoonful of milk of magnesia. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water and finish it off with a splash of cold water. This pack also helps with acne.

* Egg whites are not just skin-tighteners but also excellent pore-shrinkers. Beat an egg white. Add a tsp of lemon juice to it. Then apply it evenly over your face until it dries and tightens around the skin. You may skip using lemon juice if you wish and use only a well-beaten egg white on your face. Wash it off with tepid water and a splash of cold water.

* Soak a few almonds in water. Grind it to a paste with water. Add 2 tsp of lemon juice and apply it to your face. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes, then wash it off as usual. This also lightens your complexion.

* A combination of tomato juice and butter milk is not only good for treating suntan but its astringent action also works well to tighten the pores. You can even apply plain buttermilk with cotton wool on your pores; this helps with freckles too.

* Another recipe is to crush lettuce leaves and extract its juice, add a few tsp of lemon juice and apply it to your face to be washed off after 20 minutes.

* Blend apricot and tomato pulp to a paste and apply this mixture to your face.

* Papaya, peach, pineapple and orange juices also have astringent properties. So using these on your face may be a good idea. 

* A sugar scrub might also help with open pores. Combine a tsp each of olive oil, honey, lemon juice to a few sugar crystals and gently rub over your face. Immediately follow it up with any of the above packs and/or a splash of ice cold water.


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Great tips! I am currently loving lactic acid treatments for large pores, also salicylic acid.

  2. Hi rocketqueen, thanks for dropping by and glad to know that you liked the tips.

  3. Anonymous4:17 PM

    besides all of these useful tips you can always use aloe vera raw form. great post BTW.

  4. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Great advice. I have linked your article in my post for Saturday Jan. 19, 2008 at

  5. @Robin, thanks. :)
    @ Ashley, thanks for the link, appreciate it. :)

  6. This is a wonderful post and thank you for sharing your information.

    I am giving you a mention today on Mythbuster Beauty. Many thanks!

  7. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Nice article and nice uses of recipes at home

  8. Anonymous10:31 AM

    This post is awesome! Thanks for writing detailed information

  9. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Beat white part of an egg. Add one teaspoon of honey and with a cotton swab, apply it on face. Keep it around half an hour and then rinse with warm water. This is also good for blackheads and dark spots

  10. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I use Biore nose strips and self-heating mask to pull those suckers outta there, then close up my pores ^^ (so theyre less visible and more dirt won't go in)

    Of course, don't do it right after the other :0 Do nose strips about once every 1.5 weeks and self-heating mask 2 times a week or so ^^

    Just started doing this a few weeks ago and seen major progress.

  11. Anonymous1:09 PM

    [...] Wonderful Facial mask recipes: [...]

  12. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I agree with the steam thing 100%, it's an old method and a very good and safe one. The only thing I wouldn't recommend is putting alcohol on your face if you don't want it to get all irritated and break out. Your oil glands could overreact to anything harsh, and start overproducing and make you greasy, or your skin could dry out and flake which is always really gross on someone's face, heh.

    I use an all-natural organic nonfoaming facewash. I've yet to find anything that foams and doesn't have anything either carcinogenic or just plain toxic in it. I also use a soft-but-textured washrag to help remove dead skin without using harsh chemicals or any of that peel-off crud. Pores freak out when there is dead skin stuck all over :P

    Also, being around things like cigarette smoke, fumes, etc always makes my face appear a little funky when I get up-close and personal in my oh-so-ocd magnifying mirror ;)

  13. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Open pores are difficult to eradicate completely. The size of the pore is reduced by certain home remedies. Use of toners limits the pore size. Rub a block of ice on teh affected area. It helps in decreasing the pore size. The presence of oil and dirt in the pores make it more obvious. Hence, exfoliate your skin to keep these culprits at bay.

    Washing your face with cold water is an easy alternative. Place a twel inside the refrigerator. Place it over the area. This technique proves beneficial. Usage of toners, twice a day helps. Moisturize the skin after toning. Powdered fenugreek is made into a paste with milk and applied in the morning. Leave for about 20 minutes and rinse well with cold water. Drinking a glass of warm lime juice with honey is helpful. Add lime juice to a egg white. Mix well and apply on the face.

    Multani mitti with rose water is topically applied on the affected area. Pore tighteners available commercially are also considered. Kaolin with lime juice also proves beneficial. Applying foundation after toner is effective in masking the open pores. Always remember to wash off the make up before retiring to bed, enabling the skin to breathe through.

  14. Kamala10:01 AM

    I will give these tips a trial and get back to you

  15. Jyothi10:03 AM

    I definitely could use some tips to shrink my pores and even out the discoloration on my face!!!

  16. Geeta9:16 AM

    Honey facial masks are meant for dry to normal skin and it work good for skin hydration. First of all you need to rinse your face with lukewarm water so that pores get opened. You need to apply honey and leave the mask for ½ an hour. Then you need to rinse your face thoroughly with cold water to close the open pores.

  17. orange juice when applied on the face gives it a glow watermelon juice gives freshness to d face
    mashed banana makes d face smooth

  18. Kausalya5:47 PM

    I also recommend putting olive oil on your skin and lips. My skin is very oily but it doesn't break out after it. Honey messes my skin up though

  19. Pooja2:24 PM

    I personally always had a trouble with the pores, the only thing that works for me is when beautician makes a series of pore minimizing masks, but that’s expensive. So, lately I’ve been using this Clinique product called Pore Minimizer

  20. Apoorva9:40 AM

    Don't use harsh exfoliates on the face Select an exfoliation product that fits your skin type (dry, oily, etc) Save the intensive exfoliate for your trips to the dermatologist Keep your face moisturized if you exfoliate regularly
    Apply sunscreen every morning to balance out the skins increased sensitivity to sunlight from using exfoliates

  21. Sumedha6:22 PM

    Keep hair clean and out of your face to prevent additional dirt and oil from clogging your pores.

  22. Varsha5:02 PM

    Beat 1 egg and add 1 tsp of orange peel power. Apply on face and leave it for 20 min. Then wash off. It will reduce the size of enlarged pores.

  23. Roopa4:11 PM

    hmmm do u apply the mask lying down or standing up? thanks for the recipe. :

  24. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Facials are brilliant for thorough, deep-pore cleansing, not to mention how soothing they can be. Avoid applying foundation to any areas where pores are enlarged. Apply the mixture of sugar, olive oil and honey on wet face and rub it very gently in a circular motion. Remove with water with hands only. Stop using harsh toners or astringents on the affected areas. Avoid putting moisturizers on the area as the skin produces quite enough moisture and oil on its own and doesn’t need more

  25. Kalindi8:49 AM

    You need to wash your face with soap free face wash and then you need to put some crushed ice pack on the face skin, it helps to tighten the face muscle as well as helps to shrink pours.

  26. Prateeksha9:06 AM

    Stop Using Harsh Acne Products that Contain Alcohols, Acids, or Peroxides.Use a Quality Exfoliating Sugar Scrub. Make a Homemade Pore Shrinking Mask. Limit how much make up you wear on your cheeks or areas that have large pores.

  27. Prajvala9:24 AM

    A sugar scrub is an excellent natural scrubber helps to close down the opened pores. You need to make a combination of sugar, honey, lemon juice, olive oil one tea spoon each with a few crystal of sugar. You need to rub the combination on your face gently. It will help in exfoliation and will work naturally to close down the open pores. It is a wonderful natural pore shrinking mask for around the season use

  28. Boil water with salt in it.
    Place it on a counter.
    put your head over it with a towel over your head to make like a tunnel for the steam.
    steam for about 10 minutes.
    This should open the pores so you can "scrub" them with a nice astringent.

  29. Vidula10:14 AM

    Burt's Bees tomato toner. Works wonders.

  30. Manjula11:38 AM

    just keep washing your face. before pore cleansing works good. it heats up when you massage it on your face and leaves your face soft.

  31. Unknown11:43 AM

    use any essential oil - olive, almond and coconut are excellent - they feed skin many healing and health promoting nutrients.
    Use tips and front and sides of fingers (depending where on face you apply) and massage with a forward and back motion . A circular one will not work. Massage over and over quite vigorously and you will see them reduce almost immediately. For quickest results do each day for a few minutes. Pores will greatly minimize in as little as 2 days.
    Before massage first tighten skin so that you will not be pulling or stressing skin. Do by partially opening mouth and pulling lips firmly back against teeth - tightens most of face.
    Apply massage to entire face you will quickly have a smooth, radiant, tight, totally blemish free, healthy skin and you will not need to use any other product or treatment ever again - not even moisturizers. Oils are perfect natural moisturizers.

  32. Vimala8:59 AM

    You could also try a facial scrub. You do sugar and regular cooking oil. Only use an amount the size of your palm, a little goes a long way. Rinse with water. *Reminder, the scrub is not to be done everyday, only every once in awhile for dry skin.

  33. Shakti7:48 AM

    Anything that can slow down oil production in the skin sounds good to me.

  34. Jameli8:36 AM

    If masque makes you feel "itchy", remove immediately with cold water. Take a Benedryl and apply 1% Hydrocortisone Cream.

  35. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Night time treatment for me is simple...cut open some fresh aloes.I rub the gel substance all over my face and allow it to dry.This helps to shrink pores.Aafter I wash with warm water.Simply splash some cold water.Pat dryand then rub dry face with cocoa butter/fat to moisturize.(Lapud)

  36. Tanuja8:39 AM

    Choose cosmetics wisely. Many foundations, powder, and concealer can clog pores. Choose makeup that is oil free and noncomedogenic. You can also apply acne spot treatment creams to the area twice daily. Most important, do not pick at the blemish

  37. Jyotika5:16 PM

    Pore tighteners available commercially are also considered. Kaolin with lime juice also proves beneficial

  38. Mix powdered camphor in rose water and freeze in Ice cubes tray. Rub a cube on your face twice a day and you will feel extra glow and open pores will soon become invisible. Try it out and pour in your response

  39. Snehal5:27 PM

    Applying foundation after toner is effective in masking the open pores Mix in the blender a teaspoon of honey with half of an avocado (preferably room temperature avocado). Apply mixture to face and leave it for 20 minutes, then rinse off.

  40. Ayisha10:12 AM

    exfoliate and use see breeze lemon juice is good it unclogs the pores

  41. Don't use harsh exfoliates on the face
    Select an exfoliation product that fits your skin type (dry, oily, ect)
    Save the intensive exfoliates for your trips to the dermatologist
    Keep your face moisturized if you exfoliate regularly

  42. Devayani10:49 AM

    . i have really uneven skin :\ i'm def. gonna try it.

  43. Gayatri9:42 AM

    awww, this post is really heart-warming!

  44. Tannaz8:38 AM

    Do you have any theories on getting rid of ginormous pores? Mine can be seen from far away it seems. :(

  45. Sushmita9:32 AM

    Mix enough table salt with a can of buttermilk to make a creamy paste. Spread the mixture over your face and rinse with cool water after 15 to 20 minutes. You can use this mask several times a week to help minimize your pores' appearance

  46. Unknown8:47 AM

    You can not shrink pores forever but you can make them look tighter and smaller by keeping them clean. You need to steam skin and use a face scurb at the same time to loosen up black heads then apply a clay mask to draw up oil in the pores. Also once a month is not enough which is why you still have this problem. You have to be consistent and at least EXFOLIATE twice a week to really see results. You do not have to steam all the time just the first few to get out most and then exfoliate often to prevent them. Please remember to also moisturize twice daily with an oil free face lotion or you will dry skin and then produce MORE oil to compensate for dryness. The cleaner the pores the smaller they look ;-)

  47. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Get a small towel and get it wet with HOT water, rest in on ur face for 15 minutes....remember always wash with HOT will shrink them. and girl u cant become FLAWLESS. only photoshop will do that.

  48. Suvarna9:02 AM

    For oily skin use cucumber or strawberries. Just put either one in a bowl and crush. Apply to your face, leave for ten minutes then rinse off. If you have oily hair give a final rinse with lemon juice diluted in a mug of water (1/4 juice to one mug). Milk makes a good facial cleanser if you run out of store bought products.

  49. Sunanda9:20 AM

    Ask any dermatologist it is impossible to shrink the actual size of your pores. You can only reduce the APPEARANCE by cleansing and moisturizing, the once a week mask or at home microdermabrasion. Models don't even have perfect skin, there is no flawless.

  50. Savita9:23 AM

    Certain skin types can never get pores smaller. It's genetic. The best way to minimize pores is use a gentle cleanser at least twice a day, rinse well with water and use a good gentle toner like rose water. It also helps to use pore refining products.

  51. Deepa9:22 AM

    Deep cleansing your face will prevent your pores from becoming clogged which enable bacteria to grow, causing blackheads and breakouts.

  52. Nileema6:20 PM

    Heavy make-up clogs the pores and oily make-ups add more oil, which only adds to the problem if oily skin already exists. Cosmetics, especially certain moisturizers, foundations and pomades contain lanolin, petrolatum, vegetable oils, butyl stearate, lauryl alcohol and oleic acid.

  53. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Try using a product that has witch hazel in it. It tightens your pores. And always wash all make up off before bed, if you are staying in for a day or not planning on doing anything go make up free and give you skin a chance to breath. Put a face mask on once a week while you have a bath.Also once a week fill a sink up with hot (not too hot) water and hold your face over it with a towel over you head. The steam helps cleanse your pores.

  54. Sudha6:41 PM

    Tomato pulp when applied daily on the face for 5 minutes greatly helps in reducing the size of the pores.
    Heat egg white, along with lemon juice for 20 seconds, once the mixture cools down; apply it on your face. You will notice the size of the pores reduced to a great extent.

  55. Satyaprabha6:42 PM

    Gram flour paste when applied on the face not only tones the face but also lightens the skin.
    Papaya when mashed and applied on the face also greatly tones the skin.
    Sandal wood paste is a very effective skin toner.

  56. Bharathi8:28 AM

    Boil water and steam your face for a while, when your done with that splash cold water on your face to tighten and close the pores.

  57. Anonymous8:53 AM

    You can not shrink pores forever but you can make them look tighter and smaller by keeping them clean. You need to steam skin and use a face scurb at the same time to loosen up black heads then apply a clay mask to draw up oil in the pores. Also once a month is not enough which is why you still have this problem. You have to be consistent and at least EXFOLIATE twice a week to really see results. You do not have to steam all the time just the first few to get out most and then exfoliate often to prevent them. Please remember to also moisturize twice daily with an oil free face lotion or you will dry skin and then produce MORE oil to compensate for dryness. The cleaner the pores the smaller they look ;-)

  58. Sudha9:00 AM

    I have enlarged pores too but I've noticed a big difference since using Herbalife products. The ones I use are the Nourifusion Multivitamin Normal to Oily system and their clarifying mask twice per week. I've also just started using their skin activator night cream although I think the nourifusion one is just as good.
    You'll probably get a person who will be able to help you from their site too. I get a call from them when I purchase the products giving me tips and advice on how to get the best results from the products I've purchased. I've sourced the website I use to get them from.

  59. Komal8:45 AM

    Cut beet root into small pieces and grind them. Squeeze juice from beet
    root and massage to your face for 5 minutes. Shower after 10 minutes with
    mild soap or gram flour.

  60. Anonymous9:51 AM

    This safe natural home remedy gives fast, amazing results. (See happy response below from Answer's user). Permanently reduces pores using any essential oil - olive, almond and coconut are excellent - they feed skin many healing and health promoting nutrients.
    Use tips and front and sides of fingers (depending where on face you apply) and massage with a forward and back motion . A circular one will not work. Massage over and over quite vigorously and you will see them reduce almost immediately. For quickest results do each day for a few minutes. Pores will greatly minimize in as little as 2 days.
    Before massage first tighten skin so that you will not be pulling or stressing skin. Do by partially opening mouth and pulling lips firmly back against teeth - tightens most of face.
    Apply massage to entire face you will quickly have a smooth, radiant, tight, totally blemish free, healthy skin and you will not need to use any other product or treatment ever again - not even moisturizers. Oils are perfect natural moisturizers.

  61. Dharitri10:27 AM

    My suggestion is to use a peel-off cucumber mask. Not only does it shrink your pores, it exfoliates and leaves your face feeling really good. Even if you get a generic brand it will still work fairly well--I have one and it's still great.

  62. unknown8:43 AM

    If your skin is really oily, it is dehydrated. Dehydrated skin is lacking moisture (water) so it produces excess oil in order to compensate. By not using a moisturizer, you are further starving your skin of moisture. People with any skin type can have acne but that is also something that can be solved. Most people with acne just get discouraged very easily because there are so many products out there to choose from and it's hard to know which work and which don't. Also, dermatologists don't actually cure acne because they only study skin diseases and disorders and acne is neither of those. They usually tend to prescribe something that ends up over-drying the skin and causes more irritation than anything else. Clear skin isn't impossible to achieve as long as you follow a good regime and make sure to do it twice a day (morning and night). Below is what I recommend to all my clients:

  63. Vatsal9:44 AM

    I used an enzyme exfoliating treatment on mine and there was a visible difference. The enzymes gently dissolve dead skin cells, leaning your skin glowing not shiny.

  64. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The absolute best treatment for skin that I have ever found is oatmeal and lemon juice. I use the oatmeal bath because it is finely ground and it needs to be very fine. If you have a food processor or grinder you can easily do it yourself. I make a paste with warm water-add a few drops of lemon juice and put it on my freshly steamed skin (after a bath or place a towel over your head and hold your face about 6 in above a bowl of boiling water). This cleans out the pores and then rinse w/ cold water to close them. It is so mild it can be done several times a week if needed. It makes my skin soft and bright and makes me look refreshed and years younger.

  65. unknown8:38 AM

    Try opening up your pores by steaming you face. Pour hot water in a bowl or in your basin. If in a bowl, heat the water in your microwave for about 3-5 minutes and place your face over the bowl for 10 to 15 seconds. Do this three times. But, be careful not to scald your face. Take some ice cubes out of the fridge after doing this and rub them over your face

  66. Arundati8:39 AM

    Scrub your face with baking soda, honey, and lemon juice. This is probably one of the most inexpensive, but pore-tightening and effective washes that you can use.

  67. Gayatri8:40 AM

    Ice packs will shrink your pores, and they will make zits look smaller. OK fill the tub or sink with boiling hot water, and shut all doors and cabinets. Also, put a towel along the floor by the door, to prevent any steam or hot air to escape. This will alllow the steam to fill the air. The hot steam will open up your pores. Then in the sink or tub, run very cold ( preferably ice cold) in a cup, and pour it over your face. This will snap the pours back shut.

  68. Anonymous8:42 AM

    first put windez on it. Then pu a little bit of clearil ultra. Put any pimple qas on too. Wash your face daily and dont touch your face. A sauna in your bathroom turn the hot water on in your shower. Put 6 at the most humidifiers n the bathroom. Close all teh doors and seal the cracks. Turn the fans and air conditioners off. Put the heat on and put a little electric heater on too. Put hot water in cups on counters. Also put out not scented candles

  69. Christina9:15 AM

    hemmoroid cream shrinks your pores all the models use it i know it sounds a bit strange but it works. you can get it from any chemist and you dont need a prescription!

  70. Madhu8:53 AM

    I use an egg white mask for my pores.

    Take one egg (organic would be best) and separate the yolk from the whites.
    Put the egg whites into one bowl and the yolk into another- you can eat that later!

    Then add in a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Whisk the egg whites and lemon juice around until you start seeing some foam form.

    Put a hot towel over your face for a minute to open your pores before you spread the egg mixture
    onto your face. Leave it on your face for around 10 minutes before you wash it off with water.

  71. Radhika8:54 AM

    Try to avoid spending too long in a hot bath or shower, as these really open up your pores. When you get out splash your face with very cold water to help close them up.
    But a bottle of distilled witch hazel from your pharmacist and keep it in the fridge. Moisten a cotton wool pad with it and use it as a toner after bathing, showering or cleansing your face to help shrink the pores.

  72. Geeta4:03 PM

    Hot fomentation can be applied locally to open up the pores and to bring out the waste matter. The affected parts should then be washed with cold water. Take sun and air baths by exposing the whole body to the sun and air.

  73. Suhasi12:31 PM

    Excessive oil skin is not going to help you at all because it could favorize the creation or large pores and once they are large they are going to grow even bigger and won't going to stop. Try not to get acid or alcohol based products/lotion on your face on daily basis because they could affect your skin and make more worse about it.

  74. Anonymous12:31 PM

    # large pores and other stuff leads to blackheads and pimples and that's why is important to get rid of them and to be careful with your skin care in order to make sure you're doing the best thing for you. If you don't care of your skin care then you're going to have more problems about it, more than you already have with your skin right now. With aging the skin regenarating process is going to slow down and because of that you probably need to be exfoliating daily to get rid of deadh cells.

  75. wow ,,i got so much information about natural beauty tips,,thank you foe your huge information

  76. Sadhana3:44 PM

    u can use egg white and apply on ur face to tighten ur pores...u can use yogurt and apply on ur face and then wash off...u can also use dainty lavender mask frm sg website at 88db to balance ur pH and reduce sensitivity...its rather cheap...u can buy aloe Vera plant and uses its plant and apply on ur help to clear ur face..

  77. Sarita6:13 PM

    hello, i am new here and its really nice post.

  78. Sarita11:39 AM

    Whenever eating an apple, do not discard the skin. Use it as a skin cleanser.Just rub the inner side of the peel in an upward direction and let your face dry. Then, wash with cool water and pat dry. This helps tighten your skin.

  79. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Toner makes your pores smaller. Moisturizer for your face/body lotion for your body will make your skin SOFT. It will feel beautiful. YOU CANNOT GET BEAUTIFUL SKIN WITHOUT MOISTURIRING IT. YOU JUST CAN'T.
    For oil, get the pads by oil of olay or whatever that remove it.
    o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0oo0o00o here's a trick I use if you want beautiful angel soft legs :
    Put petroleum jelly/lotion on your legs. Wear knee high socks that cover where you put the jelly/lotion on. or wear tight leggings. Go to sleep, wake up next morning. If you put lotion on, look at the beautyy!! If you put jelly, go take a shower, get out, and put lotion on your legs. wowwwwwwwwwww there's a difference

  80. Christina8:35 AM

    Mix together one fourth cup of multani mitti, one fourth cup dried orange peel and two tablespoons full of oatmeal powder. Take a spoon full of this mixture, add some water to make a paste and apply it all over the face and neck. Work the paste gently into the skin in a circular motion. Concentrate on the nose and chin area. Wash off with water. This scrub deep cleans oily skin and helps unclog pores.

  81. Infuse black tea for an hour and add 3 spoons of fat free cow cheese. Blend them to obtain a consistent face mask and apply it for 10 minutes at least. Cleanse it off with cold water.

  82. Guotami2:36 PM

    Rinsing your face with cold water will close your pores making them look smaller, while warm water opens your pores

  83. Ahalya9:31 AM

    Honey and Lemon Juice. Also boil some water then put your face over it and keep it there for a little, do that 3 times and rub an ice cube on your face to close up your pores.

  84. Shreya9:32 AM

    Avocado and Honey. Let it sit for like 10 minutes and then rinse

  85. Padma9:38 AM

    Boil milk, and once it is boiled, just dip a piece of whole bread in in and rub it on your face. Do this several times. Once the milk in dry, wash it off with your normal face wash.

  86. Chaitra9:42 AM

    . Eggs..this one is good because you use half for your hair, and half for minimizing your pores!
    Just take 3 eggs, and crack them into seperate bowls [1 1/2 eggs in each]
    Mix the eggs good, and use them in the bath. Rub the egg on your face and relax. Wait 10 minutes until washing it off. For the other bowl of eggs,just use the egg mixture like you would shampoo, and use a normal conditioner after, to make your hair shiny and silky.

  87. Preeti9:34 AM

    there is not a single 100% proven wrinkle cure. However, there are multitudes of ways to prevent them. Keeping your skin healthy and hydrated, as well as protected from the suns damaging rays, will go far to prevent them in the first place.

  88. Bhakti10:00 AM

    Peach and lemon face pack. You need 2 peaches and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Mash the peaches and to this mixture add lemon juice. Apply on your face and neck for 15-20 min. Wash off and follow it up with a moisturizer.

  89. Something that has been really helpful for my big ol' pores is using Witch Hazel as a toner. It's very inexpensive and you will see a difference. Try to find witch hazel that has a very low alcohol content so you wont overdry your skin. You probably shouldnt wash your face three times a day. It might be overkill on your skin. Twice should be enough. If you dont wear makeup you can do a quick swipe of witch hazel on a cotton ball to clean your skin very gently without overdrying. If you do wear makeup invest in some of those oil blotting sheets. sells a pack of 50 sheets for $1!!!

  90. Pallavi10:17 AM

    Take one ripe banana and one teaspoon of rose water. Mash banana and mix it with rose water. Apply it on face and neck and wash it off after half an hour

  91. Saipriya9:42 AM

    Several things you do in your daily life could be causing excessive wrinkles to appear. For instance, if you are under continuous stress, expect more wrinkles. You should do whatever it takes to reduce stress - even change jobs if necessary. It's not worth losing your health or good appearance! Another important factor is your intake of liquids, particularly water, throughout the day. Drink water every day to help hydrate your body and skin. Dried-out skin will wrinkle more easily.

  92. Shravani5:39 PM

    stop the masks, i experienced this problem too
    just leave your skin alone, in a few months maybe your problem will be solved
    Eating papaya helps in skin recovery
    You should also eat other fruits and vegetables(especially green vegetables), & high protein food like egg whites, yogurt, almonds which'll help your skin recover

  93. Geeta5:39 PM

    Relax. Stress is bad for your skin.
    There is no point in worrying about things you cannot change.

  94. parvati9:44 AM

    When my pores r huge I use that st.ives apricot scrub :) I actually just used it right now...LOOVE IT!

  95. i give the natural indian home remedy..its really shrink the pores size.
    1) take a spoon of fresh tomato juice and lemon juice. mix well and apply on the face pores by cotton. leave it dry for 20 mins. then wash it by normal water. then pat dry with soft towel. use this until the pores shrink.
    2)take a white of egg, a spoon of honey and lemon juice. whisk well. apply this face mask and leave it for 15 mins. then wash it by luke warm water, then splash with cold water.
    after this don't use soap or face wash..
    do this above once or twice a week.
    its really shrink the pores..

  96. Try sleeping on a silk pillowcase. It is naturally anti bacterial to help prevent one of the main causes of acne.
    Silks softness & luxuriousness is amazingly good for sensitive, dry skin, balancing the moisture in your skin & also helps prevent fine lines & wrinkles all while you sleep.

  97. Large pores on facial skin can be treated with paste of sandalwood powder with masoor dal.

  98. Nandini9:31 AM

    Place a cloth in warm water and apply to your face to open the pores. Smear on honey, and leave on for 15 to 30 minutes.
    Rinse off with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores.
    Use once a week.

  99. Anonymous9:51 AM


  100. Kavita9:31 AM

    Pumpkin pulp is full of antioxidants. so apply pumpkin mask.

  101. Dharitri9:32 AM

    Banana is very good for oily skin so apply banana mask.

  102. Ahalya9:34 AM

    Strawberries are a natural source of salicylic acid. It is useful for acne prone skin.

  103. Amitha8:11 AM

    Papaya exfoliates damaged and dead skin cells. Exfoliating the skin removes the cells that cause clogged pores that can result in skin eruptions. The fruit, seeds, skin and leaves of the papaya are all rich in essential enzymes that give this fruit outstanding topical medicinal properties for the treatment of skin conditions

  104. Anonymous8:30 AM

    To Reduce Pores Effectively first clean and dry the face. Then massage a thin layer of a botanical clay facial mask all over the face – avoiding the eye and lip area.Let the mask dry for about 5 minutes and rinse off completely. Follow with a gentle, oil free moisturizer. I love using masks and feel that using them regularly helps keep my pores clean and tight.

  105. Neena9:14 AM

    Do a tightening face mask!

  106. Anonymous9:15 AM

    A mild exfoliation will help keep your pores clear and less apparent.
    Treat enlarged pores at early stage to prevent future problems.
    If untreated properly enlarged pores may lead to acne, skin infections and frequent breakouts.
    Remember: the best way to prevent enlarged facial pores is to keep your skin clean and well moisturizer.

  107. Shubhada9:57 AM

    What makeup is best for large pores?

  108. Vtsala8:54 AM

    Banana is an effective anti wrinkle cream.

  109. Cabbage leaves also serve to eliminate wrinkles.

  110. Anonymous8:23 AM

    If you feel your pores are too large, every morning before you put on your make up rub an ice cube all over your face then clean and dry your face. Your face should now look and feel tighter, and then when you apply your powder or foundation, it will look smoother.

  111. Nileema9:00 AM

    Cucumber decrease lines and wrinkles on your face. Your body is composed of almost 90% water, and therefore it is no surprise that when you are dehydrated, the effects begin to show on your face. Cucumbers also contain extremely high amounts of water, and are therefore helpful both in keeping your body hydrated, as well as preventing the signs of dehydration from popping up on your face.

  112. Shaili9:11 AM

    sun exposure increases the size and appearance of pores.

  113. Tapasya8:48 AM

    Wrinkles causes not only because of age and also due to dry skin.

  114. Anonymous8:13 AM

    the quickest way to get wrinkles is to put on a lot of weight and then lose it. Gaining and losing weight in cycles may have negative effects not only on the skin but on your overall health as well.

  115. Bhanupriya8:07 AM

    sweating does clog pores and clean them!it cleans them but if you let it sit on your face without rinsing your face then that's when it clogs. always wash your face with face wash and keep your face clean.Make sure none of the products you use for your hair or skin contain these toxins:

  116. tomato pulp mixed with a little lemon juice..

  117. Disha2:37 PM

    Aspirin helps to soothe the skin and ice closes pores. I use powdered aspirin in water as a scrub thing to reduce redness and irritation then close my pores with ice afterward. Lemon juice helps with acne and blackheads also,it also gives your skin a natural glow and softness,but only use a little juice as it can dry skin

  118. Wash your face with warm/hot water to open your pores. Then use your cleanser and rinse off with warm/hot water. Finish by rinsing with cold water or rubbing ice on your face to close your pores and help keep them clean.
    Steam your pores open to cleanse about once a week. How? Boil a pot of water. You can add a drop of something like rosemary oil, if you like. Drape a towel over your hair. Hold your face about 6" away from the water's surface for about 3-5 minutes. Cleanse and follow up with the cold water or ice.

  119. Anonymous12:39 PM

    splashing cold water on ur face right after steaming is not good for you! it breaks ur cappilaries, that cause permanent redness on the face. You should use luke-warm water instead of ice-cold on your face!

  120. Jalaja9:13 AM

    Mashed papaya applied on the skin helps in toning the pores. You can directly apply a mashes papaya on your skin or can put it over a gauge. You need to wash it off with lukewarm water.

  121. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Honey is equally good to tone up the pores and reduce the oiliness from the skin. It can be applied in any of the facemask or can be directly applied on the skin with a little lemon juice and sugar to it. You can massage it on face and leave it for few minutes. Then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Honey added to milk powder too helps if applied on the skin.

  122. Indumati8:56 AM

    Mash 2 medium size strawberries with fork, then add honey and mix well.Apply generously to face and leave it for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

  123. Fatima8:57 AM

    Rejuvenating Mask: Make a mixture of 2 tbsp sweet almond oil, 2 tbsp honey, 1 drop vitamin E oil and 5 drops essential oil of rose. Massage onto face with fingertips. Leave on 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

  124. Shubhada2:20 PM

    Large pores are common after having acne. By mixing and applying sandalwood powder, gram powder, and rosewater or milk or honey you can reduce your pore size. This mixture will also help to shrink your acne and stop breakouts.

  125. Nandini8:33 AM

    a good way to open and close pores is to place a warm cloth over your face and then a cold one. Also, ice helps to close pores but never place ice directly on your skin, always place it in a towel or something :)

  126. H etal2:44 PM

    Don't touch your face for a while and splash it with warm water this is to keep your pores from getting clogged with dirt again

  127. Expert12:23 PM

    Aloe very gel is wonderful for getting rid of wrinkles, because it hydrates and smooths the skin. Honey is also wonderful!
    And remember, the #1 thing for wrinkles is drinking water! Water plumps up skin cells, and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

  128. Expert12:23 PM

    Wrinkles are primarily caused by a lack of collagen production in the body. This can start in some people as early as their early twenties. I would highly recommend that you look into Kollagen, it's an all natural cream that has been clinically proven to increase the body's own natural production of collagen up to 300%.

  129. Anonymous10:42 AM

    does anyone know if the almonds have to be fresh with no added ingredients?
    Like can the almost be roasted and salted?
    (is that bad)?

  130. @Anonymous (comment #131): Almonds should not be salted or roasted. You can use dry almonds though.


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