Arching the neck backward over a sink and in extreme positions can apparently diminish the blood supply to the brain, triggering a stroke. This can also occur to those who h
ave to bend back for other reasons like during a chiropractic treatment. Dr. Weintraub, the neurologist after a comprehensive study spanning a year has said that although the risk of this hazard is more in elderly, it can apply to other persons, (esp. youngsters born with hidden malformation of main artery leading to the brain) who visit beauty salons as well, as such an extreme position of backward arching and bending of the neck for prolonged periods interferes with the blood flow to the brain.

There have been quite a few cases (5 to be precise) reported in women 54 to 84 years of age where during or immediately after a shampoo, they developed various stroke symptoms, including slurred speech, nausea and weakness on one side of the face.
Though such strokes are rare, older people are advised to avoid circumstances requiring head hanging for long periods. Also, the neck must not be arched back or rotated more than 15 degreees. The arteries at the back of the brain are particularly vulnerable in the elderly. Dr. Weintraub, suggests that beauty parlors should consider shampooing elderly clients in a leaning forward which is less likely to compress the arteries.
Thanks for contributing this post to this week’s Carnival of Family Life, hosted at A Child Chosen. The Carnival will be live on Monday, February 5, 2008, so I hope you and your readers will stop by and check out all of the fabulous entries included this week!
ReplyDeleteI never would have thought of this danger, but it certainly makes sense. Thanks for informing us of this hidden danger.
ReplyDeleteI have a product that may help. Please check out www.lilrinser.com
ReplyDeleteIt was designed for children, but we have seen much interest from Salons and caregivers. Hope it helps.
Very informative post. Who would have imagined such a study? Thank you for participating in Fitness for Moms Carnival.