You might even try a vegetable juice fast by giving up food for a few days and leaving on vegetable juices alone to detoxify
Carrot juice
2 grated carrots
1 tbsp of lemon juice
Blend and chill.
Spinach juice
100 gms spinach
1 tbsp tomato juice
1 tbsp of carrot juice
Beetroot juice
4 oz beetroot
4 oz grated carrot
3 tbsp orange juice
450 ml water
Blend well
Or alternatively you may try 4 oz beetroot diluted with water.
Carrot juice
1 carrot
1 stick celery
1 tbsp yoghurt
1 tsp vinegar
150 ml water
Blend and add water to taste.
Onion juice
3 onions
1 ½ tbsp carrot juice
3 onions
1 ½ tbsp spinach juice
Blend and strain.
1 tomato
1 tbsp parsley
2 sticks celery
5-6 lettuce leaves
1 tbsp vinegar
Black pepper (optional)
150 ml water.
Blend well.
enjoyed your post and recipesCongrats on your work. Wishing all the best for more to come.
ReplyDeleteThat’s awesome. I love all your recipes for vegetable juices. :)
ReplyDeleteI juiced a few grapes along with the wheat grass and kale and it is actually quite tasty! Don’t know whether the food combining is sensible, but so far I can take it better than just pure wheat grass juice
ReplyDeleteEat at least servings of a fruit or veggie at every meal to stay fit.
ReplyDeleteIntake of vegetables being low among children these days, juice can be an interesting way to increase the vegetable consumption among children. Having a bowl of juice when you’re just back home makes you feel refreshed and alive. More importantly, they keep your family going till dinner, and do not kill their appetite for diner… what a change from the heavy, oily snacks that most of us consume in the evening!
ReplyDeleteRaw Food Diet Benefits – Mental Clarity, Increased Energy, Inner Peace, Eternal Youth, Effortless Weight Loss / Maintenance, No More Cravings.
Wow, what a coincidence, I have started flirting with raw food, veg drinks one year ago, too. Some of the benefits were obvious to me (weight-loss in particular, getting rid of cravings and increased energy)
ReplyDeleteVegetable juice is every bit as nutritious as fruit juice but with about half the calories. Most vegetable juices are also rich in fiber which can help make you feel full and in turn eat less.
ReplyDeleteAside from vitamins and minerals that are present in fruits and vegetables, antioxidants, fiber, enzymes and rare forms of protein are found in them. Having this diet also supplies your body with potent Vitamin C, which is best in protecting the cells from viruses.
ReplyDeleteExcellent healthy choices from the juice of vegetables include the dark green leafy varieties that are rich in carotenoid and cruciferous phytonutrients. These include spinach, kale, Swiss chard and romaine lettuce, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, cauliflower and cabbage. Other particularly healthy choices are tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, beans, garlic and onions.
ReplyDeleteIf I drink the juices made out of 1 carrot, 1 cucumber, few coriander leaves, mint, celery and half a tomatoes everyday will my hair and skin get better
ReplyDeleteInclude the stems and leaves of vegetables because they have a high vitamin and mineral content.
ReplyDeleteThe worst there is a juice, some of juices i bought were like poison, filled with sugars, colorants etc…be careful
ReplyDeletemost commercial fruit and vegetable juices are loaded with preservatives, coloring, sugar, and other chemicals. It’s better to make your own.
ReplyDeleteGourds, balsam pear, endive, taro shoots, bamboo shoots, and hearts of palm all rank very high in zinc. Raw is more nutritious than cooked.
ReplyDeleteThe leaf is the factory of the plant, where everything needed by the plant is manufactured. GLV are comparatively cheap and have to be eaten fresh. Their chlorophyll content protects the body against cancer and neutralises toxins. Thanks to the chlorophyll, GLV have the capacity to convert the pure energy of sunlight into vegetable matter. When we consume the green vegetable matter, this solar energy is released into our own systems. Leafy vegetables thus serve as transformers and storehouses for revitalising solar energy
ReplyDeletejuicing can reduce your risk of cancer, boost your immune system, help you remove toxins from your body, aid digestion, and help you lose weight.
ReplyDeleteNote that juices from some fruits and vegetables can contain more sugar than you might realize, and this can add unwanted calories and lead to weight gain.
ReplyDeleteleafy greens retains memory best. The more you eat of these vegetables, the better!
ReplyDeleteCarrots have vitamin A and are very good for the eyes. They are one of the richest source of beta carotene. Carrot juice if taken in the morning on an empty stomach is very beneficial. It develops immunity. Prevents premature aging. It has anti-cancer properties.
ReplyDeleteVegetable juicing is critical to good health because it is an important source of raw food.
ReplyDeletejuicing is an excellent way to make certain you receive large quantities of such raw foods.
Vegetable juice does not raise insulin levels like fruit juice
ReplyDeleteCelery + fennel + cucumbers is a good combination that is easily tolerated by those just starting out with juicing.
ReplyDeleteGreen LEAFY vegetables are the best to use in your vegetable juicing program. All green leafy vegetables work well
ReplyDeleteThe juice of leafy greens is rich in calcium, magnesium and iron. Add an extra kick with a knob of ginger or squeeze of lemon or lime.
ReplyDeletejuicing helps to speed up your recovery from an illness
ReplyDeleteJUICING is the Only way to get the Vitamins and Help your body needs. Start out slowly and continually use is Beneficial and Life saving.....