* According to a
* A study in Obstetrics and Gynecology reports that women who habitually exercised the equivalent of about one hour of walking a day exercise on a regular basis are less likely to develop urinary incontinence.
* New moms often yearn to shed their own post pregnancy dimpled bottoms faster, shouldn’t. Carrying extra weight for several weeks after delivery is normal, and probably healthier than shedding that fat, according to a new study. Just lifting your little one can help you get in shape – gently.
* Men may grow bigger muscles, but women’s have more stamina. A recent study compared the length of time men and women could hold a muscle contraction. The researchers found that the women lasted 75 percent longer. The explanation may be in the hormones: Estrogen seems to promote blood flow, and the more blood you can deliver to muscles, the longer they can work.
(Guest Post by RJ)
What a great and informative post , and I appreciate all the facts.