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Dettol antibacterial soap :Review

I don’t like to use an anti-bacterial soap as a regular bathing soap, mainly because I belong to the school of thought that does not advocate the regular usage of anti-bacterial/ antimicrobial soaps on a perfectly healthy skin as it tends to interfere with the normal skin flora and disturbs the ecology and health of the skin. Besides television ads have also impressed upon me that anti-bacterial soaps are mostly meant for athletes, wrestlers and those who do rigorous and strenuous work/exercise. However, anti-bacterial soaps may prove advantageous to those people whose skins are prone to bacterial infections as also to those who live in insect/bug /mosquito infested localities and folks who suffer from excessive perspiration and body odor.

But why then am I thinking of using an anti-bacterial soap? Firstly, the terrible heat of May has left my skin reeking of sweat -- dust and grime gets accumulated over it more quickly than ever and also I don’t want prickly heat bumps on my body. Secondly, the excessive heat and humidity has taken its toll on my facial skin and nowadays my face perspires profusely, that too, within 5-10 minutes of washing. Another thing is, my skin being too oily and acne-prone, the fear of another acne outbreak is something which I am not looking forward to. By the way, I do wash my face with a deep pore cleansing and exfoliating face wash, and  I have also begun using an anti-bacterial soap in my bath and my choice is Dettol Soap, which claims to be 10 times better at fighting germs. I’m planning to use it only for a few weeks, till the weather becomes a little cool.
Dettol soap
Dettol Soap

Why Dettol, you might ask? Dettol is a household name associated with cleaning and disinfecting and the very name Dettol has become synonymous with antibacterial protection. And the cleanliness freak, that I am, I have always used ‘Dettol Original Soap’ to keep my hands clean and germ-free. And this soap does not leave the skin on my hands feeling dry like a lot of strong anti-bacterial soap bars. But, personally I prefer using Dettol liquid handwash over Dettol soap for washing my hands as it gives me that thoroughly cleansed feeling. (You can buy Dettol Liquid Soap 250 ml liquid soap from Amazon.)

But be aware of the fact that excessive usage of antibacterial soaps and liquid handwashes is not deemed healthy. Factually, the normal skin flora is made up of the bacteria that normally live on the skin when the skin is healthy. These bacteria, which are harmless, actually prevent other harmful bacteria and fungus from growing on the skin. These normal bacteria are disturbed with over-washing with antibacterial soaps and the use of antibiotics. This in turn leads to increased growth of transient and pathogenic micro-organisms which jeopardizes the very intention of skin hygiene. In fact a research has found that the high rate of hand problems associated with the hand hygiene of medical professions is due to excessive handwashing and the usage of anti-bacterial and/or foaming liquid cleansers. Rather than fighting micro-organisms at the expense of the skin's health, the skin and its own defences should be considered a collaborator in combating infectious diseases, the study concludes.

However this does not mean that you shouldn’t wash your hands at all. In these days of swine-flu pandemic, it’s highly imperative that you pay utmost attention to hand-hygiene. In fact, most of the germs are transferred through your fingers and dirty fingernails. According to Dr. Kenneth Seaton, germs aren't just hurtled at us by coughs and sneezes. They're handed to us during routine-and intimate -physical contact and because human hands-especially under the nails-are a cornucopia of germs. Simply washing your hands and keeping your nails short and clean can prevent a host of infectious diseases, he adds. A Pubmed study has also concluded that people who washed their hands with soap vis-à-vis those who didn’t have a 50% reduced risk of intestinal infections and diarrhea.
Dettol Original soap
Dettol Original soap

Now let’s turn our attention to ‘Dettol soap’. It has that typical ‘dettol’ (clinical smell), which is a bit of downside. But as a bathing soap in summers, Dettol Original soap is quite good. It cleans very well and removes quite a lot of oil and grime from the skin; so if you have oily skin like me it would be perfect for you. But if you have a dry skin, you may have to moisturize your skin well after bath. By the way there are other variants of Dettol soap that are not only bacterial but also have moisturizing and cooling proeprties. While Dettol Skincare Soap is formulated with moisturisers to help nourish your soft skin, Dettol Cool Soap has the coolness of menthol and Dettol Fresh Soap with a pleasant fresh fragrance not only protects you from germs but also keeps you fresh for long.. These soaps therefore not only protect your skin from infections but also leave it extremely fresh, clean, cool and moisturized. And if you have been on a swimming spree these days, Dettol soap is particularly useful for you as it not only rids your body of chlorine smell but also protects your skin from nasty infections that you may have contracted through pool waters or in the changing rooms. One of my friends even claims that shampooing with Dettol helped her to get over with the mild dandruff problem that she had.
Dettol skincare soap  Dettol cool soapDettol Fresh soap
    Dettol skincare soap             Dettol cool soap                Dettol Fresh soap

On another note, if you are a contact lens user, it is extremely important to keep your hands scrupulously clean and germ-free while handling lenses and therefore you should and must use a good quality antiseptic, anti-bacterial soap like Dettol soap while cleaning your hands. (Read Tips for contact lens users-part 1 and part 2.) It is highly recommended that you use a soap and not a liquid cleanser as some liquid cleansers are found to contain substances that may adhere to the lens surface and also irritate your eyes.

Dettol soap is pretty cheap, a 75g bar costs just Rs.18. You could also purchase it from Amazon.


  1. Hello. This post is likable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-).

  2. another interesting post.thanks.

  3. Nilima8:38 AM

    A. thorough and enjoyable review.Good effort.

  4. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I've been using dettol products for more than 5 years now. Definitely I feel protected from germs when I take a shower with Dettol soap or wash my hands with Dettol Liquid soap. Now, I have discovered that Dettol can even treat dandruff!!! David Mende

  5. @David Mende- You are so right. Using an antibacterial soap is the need of the hour especially as swine flu epidemic is spreading at an alarming rate.

  6. sujatha10:09 PM

    Very well analysed. Infact ur writeup is really informative accompanied by scientific proofs.

  7. Thanks sujatha, keep dropping by.

  8. Anonymous6:05 PM

    can someone tell me where to find dettol in america beside amazon,i need to buy large quantities.thank you

  9. Anonymous8:19 AM

    u can get it from any indian store

  10. Kundodari12:41 PM

    Dettol antiseptic disinfectant is a really effective medicinal liquid. I have used this antiseptic disinfectant for a long time, I find it is always my first choice when tackling cuts and grazes that are at risk of becoming infected. I just find that by using this antiseptic it is providing me with a piece of mind.

  11. One of the best anteseptic soap I had ever used. I am using this soap since my birth, still I am using this soap. I am well satisfied with this because of its quality, cost and perfomance which is very best. One of the best feature of this soap I liked is it does noe melt also if it is kept in the water for ling time. The soap is suitable for all age and it can be used by a normal people, any one can affort this easily. It is a soap which we can easily get in any soap.

  12. Gregg Cure8:50 AM

    I am happy to have found it again! It beats the quality of most US-made soaps, but it is somewhat pricey

  13. A really useful gadget for those trying to avoid germs - hospitals, restaurants etc

  14. Nidhi6:40 PM

    I've wondered about the usefulness of these; surely if you're washing your hands straight after dispensing soap on them, it doesn't matter whether there's bacteria on the pump or not?

  15. Satish6:41 PM

    Sound really useful.

  16. Kiran6:48 PM

    it really is more suitable for people who need to be EXTRA cautious with their hygiene, for medical reasons and who will, in all probability have elbow taps.

  17. Rohan6:51 PM

    Another great review from you!

  18. hey Anti bacterial soap does more harm it affects the normal defence of body pls refer any of internationl jounal regarding this. Better to use only normal one.

  19. Anonymous1:40 PM

    hello ,since i have so may pimples on my face i went to doctor ...she said to use dettol skin care soap..i am using it....can i use it daily for bath,especially for face ,hair ?
    does usind such antiseptic soap ,does it make our face harsh(rough) ?

  20. It might prove to be harsh if you use it regularly in bath and also to wash your face etc and I think you should not use it on a regular basis if your skin is dry. Why don't you use this home-made face wash instead for your face? I had used it in summers only that too for a few days and also because my skin is extremely oily. Anyways use your discretion.

  21. like u breath ur skin also need to expose to air. So u hav pimple and a oily skin .never use cream ,lotion etc on ur face dont even use hair oil atleast for a time period , these thing u use normaly to cover the pimple marks will worsen ur condition
    People believe oily skin is a curse but trust me it is a blessing its a body s natural protective layer against pollution.people with dryskin look more aged so No need to worry
    If u r teen age and hav pimple never go after ad s and test ur self for new products.just relax
    pimple is not a diesese but ur bodies reaction to ur life style.
    Dont use cream ,face lotion,try to use normal soap.
    Drink plenty of water,try to steam bath.
    Excercise so that sweat itself do the cleaning of ur skin insideout
    Dont use too much soap ,washingtwice a day enough.
    Run from oily ,fried foods,especialy fast food.
    Hav fruit juices not synthetic, colas.
    Please do give attention to the hair than face check ur scalp for dandruff

  22. Anonymous6:13 PM

    can we use dettol soaps for regular bath ?(y/n)
    including hair etc..what happens if we use this soap daily.....does it harms our skin ?
    please advice me a good soap which makes feel free from bacteria?.......

  23. I would recommend it for bath only in hot summers and if you are exposed to polluted environments. Using it everyday in bath may be harsh for your skin. Use it for a few days and check. Same goes for your hair. If you have dandruff problem, you may try using it for a week or so and then discontinue using it. You can use any neem based soap or Medimix soap instead of Dettol.

  24. Yeap.there are ads stating purity of badam,chocolate ,kukumber,arovera,neem ki goon,tulasi, vitamin a-z,complete ayurveda,calcium ,killing germs bacter virus? etc cant blame companies only wen people run for their products used by fav actreeses,they know how to make fools.esp in technology exist that can preserve those things in a 10mg soap. Beliving katreena who paid in 30crores uses 13 rs soap at her home to maintin complexion? My opinion al soap r basicaly the same doing just downg viscosity f watr ,frmng lather to remove dirt thats al

  25. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Best soap bar and Best liquid handwash - Dettol.


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