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Rubbing nails cures hair loss?

Most Acupressure Therapists swear by this. They say that rubbing the nails of both the hands can reduce hair fall and give you dense, thick and strong hair. Moreover, it can also prevent graying of hair, they add. This tip has also been popularized by yoga guru Baba Ramdev through his yoga camps.

The method:

Rubbing nails to reduce hair-loss and/or gray hair You have to briskly rub the fingernails of one hand against the fingernails of the other hand, excluding the thumb for 5 minutes thrice a day. Though not compulsory, it’s better if you visualize and concentrate on what you want to accomplish (whether it is a full head of hair or a head devoid of gray hair). You have to be patient and do this for one full month to notice any difference and you will reap the full benefits of practicing this technique in about 6 months.

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How it works:

Acupressure is all about manipulating certain pressure points on the body called as acupoints to heal the diseased part. Usually this is done by applying physical pressure by the hand, elbow, or with various devices. Acupoints used in treatment may or may not be in the same area of the body as the targeted symptom. The selection of such points and their effectiveness is that they work by stimulating the meridian system to bring about relief by rebalancing yin, yang and qi. Reflexology (zone therapy) is more or less similar to acupressure and involves the practice of massaging, squeezing, or pushing on parts of the feet, or sometimes the hands and ears, with the goal of encouraging a beneficial effect on other parts of the body, or to improve general health. Reflexologists posit that the blockage of an energy field, invisible life force, or Qi, can prevent healing. So manipulating these pressure points in a way releases this blockage to promote healing. Now coming back to the topic of ‘rubbing nails’, the nerve in the nail bed are believed to be connected to the scalp. The rubbing procedure allegedly stimulates blood flow to the scalp, thereby reducing hair-loss and improving overall hair-health. If you want to know more about Reflexology or Acupressure read these books: Reflexology and Acupressure: Pressure Points for Healing by Janet Wright, Acupressure and Reflexology For Dummies by Bobbi Dempsey and Healing with Pressure Point Therapy: Simple, Effective Techniques for Massaging Away More Than 100 Common Ailments by Jack Forem

What leading dermatologists/trichologists say:

Leading dermatologists, however, are of the opinion that this is nothing but a myth. They say that Reflexology's claim to manipulate energy (Qi) is controversial, as there is no scientific evidence for the existence of life energy (Qi), 'crystalline structures,' or 'pathways' in the body. And as such ‘rubbing nails’ cannot stimulate hair-growth or prevent gray hair. Furthermore they candidly assert the following facts: Hair follicles, the tiny sacs under the skin where hair is formed contains a pigment. This pigment gives hair its colour. When the body stops producing melanin, the hair becomes colourless.

 In fact new studies have divulged a still more interesting fact. It says that hair turns gray as a result of a chemical chain reaction due to a dip in levels of an enzyme called catalase that causes hair to bleach itself from the inside out. The reasons could be genetic or external, caused by certain medications, improper diet, malnutrition, hormonal imbalance, stress or exposure to chemicals. Hair growth or thickness too is dependent on similar factors. A healthy lifestyle will reflect in your appearance, but if you are genetically predisposed to thinning hair or if there are a lot of people with premature gray hair in your family, then you’re likely to follow in their footsteps. Nonetheless, they hasten to add that a well balanced diet coupled with aerobic exercises will greatly reduce the chances of hair loss.

Final Thoughts

So have your tried rubbing your nails to prevent or reduce hair loss? Also has rubbing nails helped you in any way to delay graying of hair? And do you think this acupressure tip for stopping hair loss and gray hair actually works? Do share in your comments.


  1. Anamika8:27 AM

    Preventing hair loss is entirely in your hands.Rubbing your left and right hand nails with each other is a powerful hair loss solution and causes faster hair growth. It is extremely simple yet very effective

  2. Ichcha9:30 AM

    I love this article. Very informative

  3. Vijeta9:35 AM

    Thanks for this informative post Aparna………..I learned a few new things about the Acupressure I like………One can never have too much knowledge……’s always good to learn and to be open to new ideas!!!

  4. Shobha4:10 PM

    Great Tips! Thank you for the wonderful post.

  5. I saw this on a youtube video. I'll try it. It may not help but it certainly can't hurt.

  6. @debtfreeme, you are right,there's no harm in trying.

  7. Amazing blog, very informative and accurate

  8. Kirthy9:25 AM

    Great post and keep up the great job blogging!WOW. Nice written instructions.

  9. Swarna9:30 AM

    wow. some great news. Thanks!

  10. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Its really works, I have been trying it for last 3 weeks and I can see the difference.

  11. yes it is great trick

  12. Nice information, Minoxidil works perfect too.. for both men and women is FDA-Approved.

  13. Anonymous5:26 PM

    has anyone got benefitted?

  14. unknown8:48 AM

    ou can't really change the speed that your hair grows, but you can do things that will help it grow stronger and quicker. For example use shampoos and conditioners with lots of vitamins, massaging your scalp does help too. Also don't use tough brushes or combs that may damage your hair, and wait until your hair is damp to brush it when you get out of the shower. Main n' tail shampoo helps your hair grow faster, you can find it at walmart or target. Try to stay away from all heat appliances (flat irons, curling irons, blow dryers) for about a month and your hair will grow way faster. Get a trim about every 8 weeks (just about 1/8 of an inch to cut off the split ends) to keep your hair healthy. Trust me these tips really help. Last summer, I cut my hair, and went about a month and a half withough using damaging haircare appliances and it grew 5 1/2 inces! it takes time but you WILL be able to tell a difference.

  15. Saraswati5:35 PM

    when you wash your hair massage your scalp for like 3 minutes, it helps stimulate the growing.
    also make sure you don't get break offs.

  16. Anonymous1:04 PM

    i have a general quiry about rubbing nails of hand, will that stop hair loss and start of growth of new hair

  17. Try it and see if it works for you; there is no harm in trying and you don't have to worry about the side-effects.

  18. Abhishek1:44 AM

    friends, i saw the effect of rubbing nail in my uncle hairs........... now i started to believe it......... only thing is it take time. have patience for 1.5 to 2 months. you can see the change. Now i never laugh on ramdev baba which i do before. I started yoga, it really work if we devote regular time to it only for 20 to 30 minutes...................

  19. Anonymous1:00 PM

    yes,its really informative

  20. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Here you all you need naydesh
    Please, tell more in detail..
    We will be glad to see you

  21. Tanvi9:55 AM

    Thanks for this, I will try this too.

  22. Surabhi10:15 AM

    Sounds like some great ideas!

  23. Anonymous9:05 AM

    this exercise comes under yoga category.rubbing your nails for at least 2minutes three times in a day will do miracles for you if you are suffering from hair loss,whitening or any other hair can also extend the rubbing time once you get used to it .
    my opinion is not out of fancy but from my own fathers experience and from some of his colleage's.
    but remember you will have to have patience as the results won't come your way within a fortnight,you will have to follow for 4-5months regularity before you taste some good results.
    for all those who still think that its impossible can very well check out with some renowned yoga masters as well for self satisfaction.
    START RUBBINGGGGGGGGGGG.................!!!!!!…

  24. Anonymous9:07 AM

    The question, "rubbing nails" for stimulating "hair growth" is a technique in "Acupressure". Just like Chinese therapy Accupuncture, we have our very own system called Acupressure, where pressure applied to few points on the palm and beneath the feet is believed to stimulate the nerves and have a healing effect. For example, if you press the area behind your palm between your thumb and the index finger, your head ache will be relieved in seconds and surprisingly it works(not or migraine though!). I wouldn't say whether this works coz i'm not endorsing Accupressure therapy here. I'm just sharing with you what I know. And according to this therapy, rubbing nails against each other gently helps effectively in stopping hairfall. So, who knows! Maybe it works. :)

  25. Anonymous8:39 AM

    nail rubbing does work but along with this if u cud add 30 min. to pranayaam and asanas it will do much better for you. i have been doing all these things for last 1 months and now i have seen lots of baby hair on my frontline of forehead and on the sides. see 1st of all you need to wake up early in the morning like around 5:30 then go for washroom and empty your bowl after that just sit in padmasna or sukhasna or on chair whatever yu feel comfortable for you. then do kapalbhati pranayaam fo 10-15 minute and then anulom vilom pranayaam for 10 minutes then do sheersana and sarwanasna. note. people with high bp dont do these asana since it increase the blood flow to your scalp.then do nail rubbing for like 1 hour per day . you can do it in the shifts of 10-15 minutes .note for pranayaama it is recomended that you will do it empty stomach even you cant drink water before pranayaam . and it should be min. 4 hour since u have had your food. thats why i'm emphasizing on doing this in the morning. another thing pranayaam does not only help you to get rid off the problem of hairs but as well as obesity skin deseases and many more. so do it for 3 months and i bet u will feel it. and for those who just post negative comments i just want to said that just do it before posting any start rubbing it from right now!!

  26. Anonymous9:43 AM

    “Nerve endings below your fingernails are directly connected to your hair roots. By rubbing your nails against one another, you help to improve the blood circulation in your scalp, which in turn reduces grey hair.”
    Other than rubbing your nails together, here are other 5 Minute Fix-Its that are equally effective in controlling premature graying:
    • When you get up in the morning, rub the area of your forehead closest to your hairline. This helps in removing any blocks in circulation in your scalp. Rub lightly for a few minutes. That’s all it takes!

  27. Shobha10:18 AM

    You need not devote special time for rubbing your nails; just do this while watching a film or communting to work!

  28. I've read that Swami Ramdev of India believes that rubbing your fingernails back and forth against one another will somehow promote more hairgrowth. Is this true? Has anyone ever tried this? Does it work?

  29. Wajid1:06 PM

    The easiest way to combat Grey hair is by simply rubbing your nails together!

  30. Krupa1:08 PM

    Purifies the frontal portion of the brain (hence improves blood circulation and reduces grey hair)
    Cleans nasal passages
    Helps in combating asthma, diabetes, chronic bronchitis and nervous disorders.

  31. Rammohan9:56 AM

    Method: Keep hand near the chest, Rub the nails of eight fingers against each other for 5 to 10 minutes for 30 days,Benefits: Reduction of hair loss, Reduction of gray hair and split ends. Makes hair lustrous and strong. Improves disposition.This is acupressure method.

    1. Hi. I am 35-40% grey hair. If I shall do it 5 minutes 1 time a day is my hair color will restore and trun back natural color in 30 days?

  32. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I'm trying this for the past 1 month. Miraculously hair fall reduced to large extent. I can visualize new hair growth. try it as it causes no harm.

    1. Is grey hair color turned back?

  33. Apoorva9:48 AM

    Useful information on health and alternative therapies.

  34. My self santosh, age 23 yrs. Yes i belive in yoga & pranayam. I am victim of baldness & therefore started rubbing the finger nail by different different way & also do some pranayam & shirshan just for 10-15 min. I done it for 4 month, now my hair falling stop so much extent and some new tiny hair is growing in my head. But my previous hair become dark black & very strong also. The only think i wating for is that when will i acheived full head hair. I will definetly upload my photo as well as my whole information about me as soon as i achieved it.

  35. @Santosh Sahu: thanks for letting us know that rubbing nails, coupled with Yogasanas like Shirsasana and Pranayam has improved your hair growth to a certain extent. Hope you achieve a full head of hair soon. Do share with us as soon as you achieve it.

  36. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Acupressure is a safe treatment for many problems - both physical and mental. Because it releases endorphins into the body, pain relief usually occurs quickly. alleviate the stress and anxiety that often accompanies some health conditions. You can actually do acupressure yourself when you know which points to stimulate, how much pressure to use, and for how long. This makes it a very easy and convenient type of treatment.

  37. Namita11:46 AM

    Yes. In naturopathy, they believe that rtubbing of nails with each other stops falling hair, it makes hair thick and black too.

  38. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I have been trying this for the last two months. One thing I have noticed so far is the increase in the amount of hair on my chest and all the new hair is black. I have also noticed that one or two hairs have turned from pure white to brown. There is also a reduction in the number of white hair on my hands. However in addition to this, I have also realised that I can concentrate more on issues and are more focused than before. Thank you very much for making my life better. I never believed this, but I tried and it is working for me. I will maintain doing this for the rest of my life and I will teach my children and other people about it. Those who do not believe, please try this and it will work for you I promise.

  39. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I have read that rubbing the nails creates friction that heats the nails and stimulates the nerves.Some poeple just heat the nails by various means to get the results much,much faster.The easiest thing to do is to dip the finger tips in hot water (as hot as you can stand)Keep doing this for a while.Pull them out if its to hot,wait a second or so,and put them back.Have a bowl of cold water near by.Some poeple keep going back and forth from hot to cold water and claim this causes even more stimulation.

  40. karuna10:06 AM

    Thank you for sharing this natural way in treating hair loss.

  41. Anonymous10:36 AM

    If nail rubbing can hopefully stimulate scalp hair, could it stimulate lost eyelashes and eyebrows as well? Then what about unwanted hair? That could present a problem for women!!

  42. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Don't rub your thumbnails because it will accelerate the growth of beard, moustache or facial hairs and soon hairs will start peeping from the ears also.
    Avoid it during Pregnancy; rubbing nails can cause uterine contractions and can elevate blood pressure.
    Avoid in it in some surgical conditions such as acute appendicitis and angiography etc.

  43. Anonymous12:18 AM

    hey aparna .... I also heard it frm my yoga teachr.... Bt when ever i startd ths ... My hands start paining aftr few secnds ... How can i continue it for 5 or 10 mnts.... Does it r8 tht durng rbbng we'll take rest for few seconds ???

  44. @Anonymous comment #44: Initially you may experience some pain but with practice you'll be able to do it for 4-5 minutes at a stretch. If your hands start aching, take a break and do afterwards. Start by doing this exercise for 1-2 minutes in the beginning and then slowly increase the duration.

  45. Anonymous3:28 PM

    dear aparna ... Plz tell me .. Am i do this in presence of nail paint??? And also tell me how much time it takes to cure baldness... Cz i'hv alots of baldness on my head becau
    se of wrong diet ... Plz hlp me .. Em w8ng 4 ur rply??

  46. @Anonymous comment #46: It's better to do it using bare nails without the nail paints! I'm not sure how long it takes! But it does no harm if you do it regularly twice a day! Also check this post and this post as well.

  47. Anonymous3:00 PM

    hmm thnxalot aparna ...... well tell me last thing that in whch sitting pose it is more effectve ... i mean in half or full lotus or any else...? am i do this in sitting on a sofa??

  48. hello everyone, as I have experienced, it works for me, I guess you should keep rubbing your nails continuously for 10 minutes average without break, 3-4 times a day. initially for 1-2 minutes you'll not feel anything but for next 4-5 minutes you will feel as if current is flowing through your nails. this might be the reason to cure for the hair loss. even I have heard some aged person got his grayed hair blackened. Lets try.

  49. hello every body,
    i am 25 and i would like to know if we keep our fingers in hot water for a while will it results in hair grow in faster rate,if so pls let me know the procedure and duration a day....your valuable comments are appriciated,thanks in advance have a nice day

  50. Anonymous12:56 AM

    hey can any 1 tell me that am i do this on sitting on a sofa???
    And also tell me the r8 method ......

  51. Yes you can do it while sitting on the sofa. The right method is explained in the post.

  52. shruti2:52 PM

    hey m 24 , female, having d problem of premature greying (hereditary reasons also) so can rubbing fingernails together help me to reverse greying into black . plz reply me as soon as possible..m really upset due to this

  53. Hi shruti, it surely helps but it may take sometime. I'm not sure if it can actually reverse already gray hair to black but some commenters have said that it does happen. So no harm in trying. Also this regular rubbing will prevent further graying. In the meantime, you can also try this homemade hibiscus hair oil to treat gray hair and also this homemade henna hair dye and henna hair magic to conceal your gray.

  54. Anonymous1:30 AM

    I started trying it out... it is costless.. lets see

  55. i m 18, male,can nails rubbing reverse graying? if so, how many months will it take?? kindly someone help me.

  56. I have been experiencing hair fall for quite sometime now and I would like to try this rubbing of fingernails hoping that it will greatly help in solving my problem or avoid it.

  57. unbelievable ! going to try it soon

  58. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I started to get grey beard and grey moustache.they first get red then grey.I am can i get rid of grey beard and moustache with acupressure?in some post they say not to rub the thumbnail as it will make the hair growth in all area of there any simple acupressure like rubbing nail to get rid of my problem.

  59. hi all pls dnt rub your thumbs at all.. baba ramdev said it can encourage facial hair growth in womens... only rub other nails

    1. Anonymous9:11 PM

      how can i remove my comment or put it Anonymously

    2. @tushar, if you login with your tushar dutta profile, and access this page you will see "Reply and Delete" buttons. Unfortunately, you cannot change your comment or change to anonymous, but you can delete your comment, by pressing on delete and then recomment as anonymous. However if you have commented as anonymous, you cannot delete your comment.

  60. Anonymous1:40 AM

    hi i had also started this but in some youtube videos it says about empty stomach and some says {use back side of nail while rubbing }i found bit of tickling in my nail but i didnt found any sense in my scalp well waiting for right procedure from your side

  61. Great Post!!It has brought into light the benefits and the effectiveness of acupressure in reducing hair loss. Not only stopping with one, it has far more benefits to consider of such as mental and physical health. Thanks for sharing!!!

  62. Anonymous10:46 PM

    I am an 18 yr old grl having some strands of grey hair
    plz help me i am very depressed

    1. Consult a doctor if your problem is severe. By the way is premature greying in your family? In the meantime, try rubbing nails and use henna to camouflage your grey hair. Read this post.

  63. Rahmtin5:02 AM

    Hi, I'm currently taking Minixodixl, Saw Palmetto, and Biotin. Im wondering if i should supplement this nail rubbing together with my other procedures or if i should stop everything and just start rubbing my nails. Also if i see results with nail rubbing, would it be wise to stop minoxidil altogether or no?

  64. Rahmtin5:04 AM

    Hi, I am currently using Minoxidil, Biotin, and Saw Palmetto. Im wondering if i should supplement nail rubbing with my other procedures or stop everything and just do nail rubbing. Also if i start nail rubbing would it be wise to stop Minoxidil or will i lose my hair due to its dependency on Minoxidil?

  65. Sujal6:20 AM

    Friends rubbing the nails is the best that anyone can do to his hairs.
    Moreover using finesteride can cause sideeffects in some people and minoxidil gives result only till the date u apply it, once you stop, hairs will start falling again.
    Try rubbing your nails it will take sharp 2 weeks to stop current hairloss and upto 2-3 months to start recovery of hairs......
    Also along with this twice a week apply hair oil of your choice with 3-4 drops of rosemary oil and your hairs will start getting thick and strong.
    This is the only way to get rid of any hairloss problem.

  66. Sujal6:22 AM

    Stop minoxidil and go for rubbing of nails......

  67. Anonymous10:33 AM

    It works but it do not have particular time period when it going to show result.Thing is that if you are experiencing hair loss for years that it will take lots of time to bring it under control.I am experiencing hairfall from 21.Now I am 27.Suddenly the number of hairfall increased in May.So I started doing it from May 2014.Now November running and I have seen reduction in hairfall.Plus I started to took amla 2 months back and started to use amla oil as well.Oh I am doing it for 15 minutes only.10 minutes in morning and 5 minutes at night.Last words it works in most of the people but vary when it going to show results.

  68. Anonymous5:48 AM

    I have been practicing this technique for 3 months now , I am not sure about the results but every time I do this parts in my scalp stats tickling it feels like small needles are being inserted in my scalp

  69. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I'm going to try this, any tips on relieving body inflammation please?

  70. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Two days of nail rubbing (I do one at a time and be sure to just rub in moon shape portion of nail bed...I use my finger nail of opposite hand to do this). I've already reduced my hair loss by HALF! I have CFS and been losing hair for 30 years, just have about 1/2 of it left. I was very surprised it would work so fast. In a few months hope new hair grows in.

  71. Hi Aparna.. What will be the position of thumbs while rubbing the nails..? it is not in the post.. pls help.

    1. You should only rub the fingernails on one hand with the other, leaving only the nails of the thumbs. While rubbing nails against each other, thumbs have to be left to themselves or let them point upwards.


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