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Interesting facts

Interesting facts* Undoubtedly, genes do play a major role in your appearance as you get older, but the real villains of the wrinkles of aging involve behavioral choices such as smoking, eating, and excessive sun exposure, recent studies suggest.

* According to a study, other than clothes, house and flashy cars, the socio-economic status (SES) of a person can be guessed by his or her body language, according to a study.

* According to a study, a strange new fact has come to light. It seems that someone who has momentarily lost confidence in her intelligence is more likely to purchase a pen than a candy bar; the pen helps restore her belief in herself as an intelligent person.

* Lead concentrations in the blood are associated with an increased risk of death from coronary heart diseases. A study of 533 American women has shown that those with blood lead concentrations above a certain amount were three times more likely to die of coronary heart diseases.

* Exercising is good for overall health. We all know this. But British researchers say that rigorous workouts lasting as little as three minutes may help prevent diabetes by helping control blood sugar. Furthermore, exercise combined with adequate sleep is good for more than just your waistline. A recent study presented at the American Association for Cancer Research suggests that regular physical activity can lower a woman's overall risk of cancer – but only if she gets a good night's sleep. Otherwise, lack of sleep can undermine exercise's cancer prevention benefits.

* Do you like coffee? Then beware! Drinking coffee in moderation may be okay and could also be good for your skin but downing more than three cups daily can shrink the size of your breasts. Researchers in Sweden who carried out a study claimed that women who take more than three cups of the caffeine-fuelled drink a day could see their bra size drop.

* If you are pregnant, it is best to sleep on your left side. This can help ensure that the foetus receives optimal amount of blood, a main source of crucial nutrients and oxygen. It can also minimize varicose veins and swelling. Dr. Y.S. Thornton, director of the Perinatal Diagnostic Testign Centre at New Jersey’s Morristown Merorial Hospital says: “Lying on your left side allows the uterus to shift slightly so that blood flows more freely.” However he advises that though it is not dangerous to sleep on your right side, you should avoid lying flat on your back which decreases the blood flow to your heart, and can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness.

* Do you remember grandma’s age-old advice “Don’t think too much. Trust your gut.” A recent study, in fact, has found it to be quite true. So don't think too much before purchasing that new car or television for that study has found that .people who deliberate about decisions make less accurate judgments than people who trust their instincts.

* Did you know that rejection can make you more intuitive? New research suggests individuals who have been rejected are more intuitive and can more easily spot phony people. The ability to spot a fabricated smile, exhibited by test subjects who had suffered rejection, could be a relic of our past, the researchers said.


  1. Ooh what a great article, I really am worried about the genes effecting how I will age, I am only 23, but already I can see myself turing into my mother! Oh and thanks for the adivce on the coffee, I cant afford my breasts to shrink anymore!

  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    "Fasting is, without any doubt, the most effective biological method of treatment... it is the 'operation without surgery'... it is a cure involving exudation, reattunement, redirection, loosening up and purified relaxation. While fasting, the patient improves her or his physical health and gains much. But he or she will have neglected the most important thing if the hunger for spiritual nourishment that manifests itself during fasting is not satisfied."


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