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Minimal Skincare & Grooming Routine for men

If you are the kind of man who who believes that it is just not a macho thing to obsess over skin care and personal grooming, think again!  These days, the desire to look young and youthful is no longer the prerogative of women, men too have joined the anti-aging bandwagon and are resorting to cosmetic surgery & Botox to alter their looks. So it's high time you changed your mindset and followed this minimal man-friendly anti-aging skincare regime. It's perfectly cut out for your type and  will keep you looking your best and boost your self-confidence. Besides, it's so simple and effective and you will reap several health benefits as well. You'll look 30 when you are 40, and 40 when you take grand-kids to a football game. 

* Shave with a high quality razorScrub up It isn't only women who need to exfoliate. Men do, too. Because men's faces are fifteen percent oilier than a woman's is, along with daily cleaning, men should exfoliate their faces regularly as part of their anti aging skin care regime. While shaving does help remove imagesome of the dead skin cells from the cheek and chin, your forehead and neck areas remain neglected. So twice a week, squeeze a pea-size dab of a gentle facial scrub containing fine abrasives onto your fingers, and work it all over your face in circles. Rinse thoroughly. Regular use of scrubs will keep your complexion looking healthy and vigorous. You should also avoid alcohol-based after-shave solutions as alcohol is known to dry your skin and cause irritations. Try this. And use only high-quality razors for shaving. A swivel-head razor is highly recommended as it is known to reduce cuts & razor burn.

* imageMaintain moisture. Unlike the gentler sex you probably don't fret about staying dewy. But moist skin not only looks better but also protects you more effectively. Moisturizers offer defense against pollutants that can block pores, contributing to acne and infections. Try Shea butter; it's a well known and quite effective as a moisturizer. It prevents wrinkles by hydrating the skin and also plays a role in cell regeneration. It contains antioxidants and also has antimicrobial and anti inflammatory properties.

* Don't forget your sunscreen. Apply a light, oil-free broad-spectrum sunscreen lotion of SPF 30 or more every morning before you step out to greet the day. The UV rays of the sun can cause a lot of skin damage, cause premature aging of the skin, and can lead to the development of skin cancer. An effective sunscreen will do the trick and protect the skin and delay the onset of wrinkles.

* imageRevitalize for the night. Sure men's skin is 16% more thicker than women's skin, has higher oil content and doesn't age as as quickly because of higher collagen levels, but it does develop deeper wrinkles when the years do catch up which is why men need their own version of skincare like this. Do not use women's anti aging skin care products because they often contain more oil then the products men require, which will irritate and clog the pores. Buy a lotion of skin sloughing alpha hydroxy acid cream with retinol & vitamin A, like RoC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Night Cream, Anthiony Logistics for Men Vitamin C Anti-Aging Facial Serum, Zirh International Zirh Rejuvenate By Zirh International For Men. Anti-aging Face Cream 50 Ml/1.7-Ounces or Clinique Skin Supplies for Men Anti-Aging Defense as a part of your night-time skin care regime. Better talk to your dermatologist who will give you reliable advice regarding an anti aging skin care program.

* Eat fish twice a week. It's got protein and omega-3's your skin needs to repair the damage done by free radicals. Also it may help keep your face from looking puffy. Also read the post Fish oil for a younger looking skin

* Have a medley of green veggies & fruits daily. It is important to use products that are nutritious and healthy. Green veggies, fresh fruits and nuts are are high in skin-friendly antioxidants and vitamins A, C & E. You can find more about this in the post Superfoods and your skin.  Also steer clear of processed food and sugar.

* Stop smoking. Cigarette smoking has devastating effects on your skin. Overtime, premature wrinkles appear, especially around the lips and the lips will turn bluish or grayish. Your teeth will evolve from pearly whites to having dark brown spots or black spots. These stains on the teeth can be difficult to remove even if you brush your teeth thrice a day or try all these home-remedies. Furthermore, smoking also causes premature gray hair. A recent study shows that smoking also encourages hair loss & hair thinning especially in men. Also stay away from excess alcohol, fatigue and stress. These factors too lead to premature aging, as they  decrease facial circulation and lead to poor health.

* Exercise. As you age your skin tone become more uneven as part of the aging process. However, you can delay the effects on their skin by working out on a regular basis. Exercising at least 30 minutes each day along with breathing exercises like Pranayama can help to increase oxygen to the skin and will help to improve, while maintaining skin tone. Exercise will help to bring back your rosy cheeks and healthy glowing skin from all the cleansing your exercise has given it, from both sweating and the increased circulation.

* Sleep well. A good night's sleep is one big secret for super skin, giving it time to repair and rejuvenate. So sleep swell. Modern day adults are not only getting less shut-eye that they need, they're getting poor quality sleep as well, with all that tossing and turning. For deeper, more restorative sleep, help your mind and body wind down before hitting the sack. Have a warm bath, dim the lights, turn off the TV an hour before bedtime, turn on some soothing music or try some of these home-remedies.
(Guest Post by Smitha)


  1. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Skin Care Tips:Smoking will age you, because the chemicals in the smoke are aging to the skin and will reverse your anti aging skin care process.
    Exfoliation of dead skin cells and constant moisture and hydration are a very important part of an anti aging skin care regimen.
    Avoid the sun at all cost!To regain your eternal beauty and to get back your youth, go with the anti aging skin care supplements.

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Elements such as exercise, proper sleep and good diet all play a major part in anti aging skin care. Exercise boosts your circulation and delivers a healthy dose of oxygen to your skin. You need your sleep to rejuvenate your body, including your skin. The age-old statement 0You are what you eat0 describes your daily diet perfectly 0 well-balanced eating will show on your skin.

  3. One of the most important parts of anti aging skin care is prevention

  4. Richard4:51 PM

    As your skin begins to age, stronger skin care moisturizers should be used as well as a special moisturizer for around your eyes.Richer moisturizers can be used to replenish your skin with hydrating ingredients such as aloe vera, shea butter, honey, royal jelly and milk.

  5. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Always brush toward the heart to encourage proper blood and lymph drainage.
    Begin with the soles of your feet; use smooth, gentle strokes, moving from the toes to the heel.
    Carry on up the legs with long, upward strokes. Start on the inner calf and thigh, then move to the outer leg.
    Continue brush strokes over the buttocks and lower back.
    On the arms, start at your fingertips and continue to your armpit. (You may want to do an extra pass or two over the dry, often tough, knees and elbows.)
    Over your abdomen, work in gentle clockwise circles.
    Brush your back more easily with a little help from a friend. If you’re on your own, start at the nape of your neck and brush downward—this is where a long-handled brush comes in handy.
    Continue over the shoulders as far down your back as you can reach.
    Lastly, start just under the earlobes and brush down your neck to the front upper-chest area.

  6. Most necessary part of the anti aging skin care and best for youthful skin.


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