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Stay Cool This Summer & Cool Summer Quotes

It is strange that we always find ourselves yearning for a season different from the one we are experiencing. In winter we long for the hot summer months when we do not have to bundle ourselves up in thick winter woollies and dab on cold cream to prevent dry chapping skin.

In the hot summer months, we await the first signs of the monsoons which bring down the temperature and are happy to to see the garden come alive under the cool showers after the struggle to keep themselves "alive" in the scorching heat.

A month of heavy downpour and we are fed up with umbrellas, raincoats and rainy shoes!
Well, a year has several seasons and it would do us good to ignore the negative aspects and make the most of each season and try and overcome the inconveniences. Take a look at these cool summer quotes:

girl holding summer banner Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.  -- Russel Baker

A summer's sun is worth the having. -- French Proverb

Celebrate Summer - Sun drenched days and starlit nights... -- Gooseberry Patch

Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world. -- Ada Louise Huxtable

Warm summer sun, shine kindly here. Warm southern wind, blow softly here. Green sod above, lie light, lie light. Good night, dear Heart, Good night, good night. -- Mark Twain

Love is to the heart what the summer is to the farmer's year - it brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul. -- Author Unknown

When I was a little kid, of course, I was brown all summer. That's because I was free as a bird- nothing to do but catch bugs all day. -- Roy Blount Jr.

Summer bachelors, like summer breezes, are never as cool as they pretend to be. -- Nora Ephron

Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability. -- Sam Keen

Now coming back to the topic! During the summer months, let's see what we can do to keep ourselves cool and enjoy this beautiful season.

Each summer we find ourselves saying that this must be the hottest summer ever. The truth is that the temperature is more or less the same every summer but it takes time to adapt ourselves to the change in the climate.
light clothes of suitable fabric
The choice of fabric is very important. In summer, cottons are most suitable especially for India's hot tropical climate.

One of the most important factors to consider during the hot season is clothing. Unsuitable clothing can make us miserable during the hot spell. Wearing light clothes of suitable fabrics can make a lot of difference. When it comes to fabric - yes, you guessed it - nothing like cotton to beat the heat. It is light, allows air circulation and absorbs perspiration. Cottons come in beautiful, bright and cool colurs to please every taste.You also have the cotton "blends", for instance 65% cotton blended with 35% polyester. These are easier to maintain as they do not crease as much as pure cotton. But for comfort, pure cotton is the best.
Cotton is easily washable and is not "washing machine fussy" or "detergent fussy" like silk. You will notice how comfortable you feel with a loose cotton kurta, salwar-kameez or blouse with skirt and trousers.

Avoid tight jeans as perspiration is trapped inside resulting in bacteria formation. For the saree wearer, a whole lot of pure cotton blends is available. Pure cotton sari has to be starched and ironed before wear. There is also a whole range of silk cotton which again is ideal for summer wear.
Make sure you wear not only a cotton blouse with the sari but also cotton petticoats and undies; otherwise the whole purpose of wearing cotton attire is defeated.

Needless to say, washing of garments after every wear is absolutely essential even if they have been worn for a short time. Also go in for light colours rather than dark colours as dark colours are known to absorb more heat.

Many a girl is faced with a "hair problem" in summer. A lot of us try out new hairstyles in winter and get hair styled short without keeping in mind the coming summer months. Then, with summer descending on us, we find ourselves with a style which cannot be tied into a proper pony-tail or braided.

hair problem in summer
      Many a girl is faced with a "hair problem" in summer.

Hence, most of the summer we have to tolerate hair which pricks the nape of our necks. This is anything but comforting in the sweltering heat, especially for those who have to spend a lot of time in the sun or working over a hot stove.
hairstyle that ends at the nape of the neck
If you prefer short hair, do not go in for a style where the hair ends at your nape.

Start growing your hair towards the beginning of summer so that you can properly tie it up in a high pony tail or a top-knot. Oil your hair a night before washing it. Use a good conditioner after every shampoo to prevent dryness from exposure to sunshine. Washing hair twice weekly is a must, as you perspire a lot in summer.

Be aware that your hair can get sunburnt too. If you have to expose your hair to the Sun for long (like during a day at the beach) tie up your hair in a knot and cover your head with a cap of scarf. Don't forget to wear water-proof sunscreen to protect your skin! Keep your make-up light and avoid greasy creams and foundations. Protect your eyes from the summer sun. Always wear a good brand of sunglasses. Squinting in the sun in poor glasses promotes premature wrinkles and formation of crow's feet around the eyes.

A whole range of pretty umbrellas are available in the market. Choose a light coloured one and do not hesitate to use it if your are out in the sun for long. It will protect you from the scorching sun rays and will also keep you cool, reducing the chances of a sunstroke. Use prickly heat powders to combat the prickly heat rashes. Use a deodorant or anti-perspirant if you sweat a lot. Eau-de-cologne is preferable to heavy perfumes for day wear.
woman with umbrella
Do not hesitate to use an umbrella if your are out in the sun for long.

Avoid synthetics for evening wear; instead opt for cool silks. Choose light footwear with thin straps so that your feet are exposed to air and don't feel stuffy and smelly. Also such footwear minimises the chances of bacteria formation that can cause infection between the toes. After a long hard day, relax with a foot bath and try these terrific foot soothers.

Nature has ensured that all suitable fruits and vegetables are available in the appropriate seasons. In summer, cucumbers and tomatoes are abundantly available and at a low price too. Make sure that your fridge is well-stocked with these. You can make fresh fruit & vegetable juices to sip throughout the day. These are very nutritious too. For children, you can make banana, chikoo and mango milkshakes. However, weight watchers, beware! Shakes are laden with calories, if you are on a diet and trying to shed some weight, stick to tender coconuts, plenty of melons and therapeutic health drinks and juices with a dash of pepper and salt instead of sugar.

tomato juice mango juice 
            Vegetable and Fruit juices boost your appetite in summer.

Though it is more healthy to eat whole raw cucumbers along with the skin, but to make it more palatable, you can make  cucumber sticks and sprinkle it with salt and pepper or chaat masala and munch them without burdening your calorie bank.

During the summer months your appetite is reduced and you only want to fill yourself with liquids to quench your thirst.  Avoid aerated drinks as they are bad for the skin and have low nutrition. Opt for the less spicy foods during the hot months. Avoid garam masala and chillis. Have a light lunch like curd rice or vegetable sandwiches. Yogurt is a very nutritious milk product and very cooling too. So eat it in plenty. Avoid tea or coffee. Keep a couple of glasses of fruit juice ready in the fridge which you can sip after returning from work or shopping.

Have a refreshing shower before retiring for the night. Here again avoid the use of synthetic nightgowns and choose pure cotton. 

Summer is a beautiful season, a season where you can do a whole lot of things which is not possible during winter or monsoon months. Since most people have vacations, this is the time to spend the day on the beach or to find a nice picnic spot - both of which cannot be dome during the winter months or the rainy season.

For water lovers spending some time in a pool (ensuring that it is not over-chlorinated) is great. Make the most of this summer. There's a long wait before the next summer arrives.

(Guest Post by Nita B.)


  1. Mukti9:13 AM

    Wear loose-fitting clothing, preferably of a light color. Completely avoid black and dark colors.

  2. Amrutam9:14 AM

    Avoid caffeine and alcohol as these will promote dehydration.

  3. Dharmashree9:15 AM

    Instead of dabbing your body with heavy moisturizers and sunscreens that tend to block your pores, carry a trendy parasol, if possible.

  4. Sheetal9:17 AM

    Mint tea is a cool and comforting summer drink.

  5. Rose petals are used to make an excellent cooling summer tonic.

  6. Anant9:21 AM

    drink lots of water and other fluids as well to avoid dehydration.

  7. Satya9:25 AM

    Pineapple helps relieve body heat. Drink plenty of pineapple juice throughout the hot weather

  8. Meghana9:29 AM

    Keep the house ventilated.

  9. Neena9:30 AM

    Keep potted plants everywhere. These green plants contribute greatly in lowering the temperature of your house.

  10. Kiran9:34 AM

    Boil milk with a pinch of cardamom or some rose petals. Cool it and enjoy this excellent summer drink!

  11. Rohit9:35 AM

    Have buttermilk in the morning with your breakfast. This keeps cool from within and save you from the heat waves outside.

  12. Majusha9:36 AM

    Have fruit juices like those made from watermelon, orange, pineapple etc.

  13. Jagannath9:38 AM

    You can also store roasted and powdered cumin seeds to be used in curd which is a very cooling food.

  14. Deepa9:38 AM

    Use sandalwood paste (by mixing water with sandalwood powder) as face mask. Sandal wood has a calming, cooling effect on body and mind and helps in restricting excessive sweating.

  15. Yoga Guru9:41 AM

    Yoga to Keep Cool in Summer
    Practice 'Shitali Pranayama'

  16. Namita9:41 AM

    For clearing skin blemishes, apply watermelon juice on face and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with cool or slightly warm water.

  17. Prerana9:42 AM

    Wear lightweight, light-colored and loose-fitting clothing.

  18. Arjun9:43 AM

    Do not drink liquids that contain alcohol or large amounts of sugar; these cause
    dehydration. Avoid very cold drinks because they can cause stomach cramps.

  19. Avoid direct exposure to the sun from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

  20. Divya9:47 AM

    Don’t work out in the heat

  21. Chaya9:48 AM

    Avoid hot, spicy, salty foods

  22. Food Expert9:52 AM

    foods that help you stay cool are Barley water, Steamed crab, karela,Cucumber salad ,Green moong dal and nimbu pani(lemon water)

  23. Satish9:53 AM

    Do not exert much during summers. Balance between rest and work adequately.

  24. Ramya9:54 AM

    Take frequent baths or showers with cool or tepid water. Also wash your face frequently with ice cold water.

  25. Ravishankar9:55 AM

    Pranayamas such as Sheetali, Sheetkari and Chandrabhedi are helpful to cool off.

  26. Harish9:56 AM

    do some meditation and deep breathing, which will provide deep rest to the mind.

  27. Sachin9:57 AM

    Minimize the consumption of non-vegetarian food

  28. Manoj9:58 AM

    Use an umbrella, or a hat and sunglasses, when you venture out in the sun

  29. Sumati10:01 AM

    Eat and drink cold foods such as salads, fruits, sandwiches, hard-boiled eggs, bread and cheeses, ice water, milk, etc.

  30. Naresh10:03 AM

    heat stroke can be prevented by drinking a lot of fluids before and during activity that involves exposure to extreme heat.

  31. If possible, plan your outdoor activities before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m.

  32. Bishak10:09 AM

    Reduce internal heat sources by turning off lights and computers when you’re not using them. Don’t use a stove or oven to cook – microwave your meals or grill outdoors. Incandescent light bulbs also create heat, so consider replacing them with compact florescent bulbs

  33. Nimish10:02 AM

    Take a Cool Shower.

  34. Madhuri10:03 AM

    Eat smaller, lighter meals and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. This will actually help you to feel cooler.

  35. Somanath10:07 AM

    Cool cloths and or towels work wonders too. Place them on the back of your neck, ah.

  36. .Wear sunscreen!

  37. Namita10:10 AM

    Plant trees and leafy vines around your home. They act as a natural shading agent and can cool your home significantly.

  38. Hemant10:11 AM

    .Keep hands, food preparation surfaces and utensils clean. - Consider using disposable moist towelettes to keep your hands and surfaces clean rather than sponges or rags, which trap bacteria and can cause disease.

  39. 6 work outs for summer months.
    Start slow,. Drink water, Dress right, Beat the Sun, Use Sunscreen and Listen to your body

  40. Anonymous10:20 AM

    few tips and tricks
    Wear Cotton,Wear Good Shoes,Make sure that you have a balanced diet and Exercising in the morning can mean that you sweat less for the rest of the day, even if you replenish your fluids.

  41. See a movie in the long days of summer. a dark room with air conditioning is a good way to keep cool.

  42. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Lazy days
    Beautiful nights
    Be achy hair
    Water fights
    Hot guys
    Tanned skin
    School's out

  43. Subhas8:37 AM

    Drinking enough water will help you stay cool and avoid over-heating and dehydration. One fun way to stay cool is to go swimming.

  44. Bhavana8:39 AM

    It really is cooler out of the city and at higher elevations. Usually. Organize a day trip to a scenic lake or overlook. To really stay cool, soak a bandana in water and freeze. Then wear it around your neck while you’re out

  45. The early morning before sunrise and the late evening are the safest times to work up a sweat and stay cool in the summer.

  46. Malashree8:47 AM

    I'm dripping wet ANYWAY. Pouring water over myself means I'm dripping with air temperature water rather than body/sun temperature sweat.


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