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Hobbies Add Spice To Life

A hobby is a favourite subject or occupation that is not one's main business. It is an essential part of a person's life - like his career, for it is the hobby that takes away the otherwise monotony of his life.
A person without a hobby becomes a bore and gets into a rut. He can only think and talk about his job. A hobby keeps the mind alert and young. It helps to create a proper frame of mind and removes mental fatigue and tiredness. Hobbies vary with individuals and also the enthusiasm with which they are pursued.

A candidate is invariably asked about his hobby in an application form or an interview for a job. A hobby is supposed to indicate the traits of one's mind and show up one's inner personality.

A hobby can be the best way of relieving mental fatigue and boredom. And even a busy woman can find time for a hobby in the midst of all her duties.

Some job candidates have no hobby at all and they rack their brain to find one! Some of them are so versatile that they have a long list of hobbies ranging from reading to star gazing or chess.

For a long time, I was under the impression that bird watching was a foolish hobby in spite of the many books on the subject. But I find it interesting now. I seem to have got into the habit of acquiring a number of hobbies. I am amazed that there can be such weird and strange hobbies like Chinese pet dyeing, mooing and playing dead. More such wacky hobbies here and here.

bird watching hobby
                      Bird watching is also an interesting hobby.

Whistling and day dreaming are also interesting. But, I for one, would like to say that gossip is my pet hobby. Of course, a candidate for a job would not dare disclose this hobby.

Jokes apart, for children, a hobby helps to develop a creative mind and for them suitable hobbies are sports and creative hobbies like drawing, painting, building sets etc.

A child's hobby gives parents an idea of the child's interest and they can guide the child who might eventually turn out to be a good sportsman or a painter.

As the child grows into an adolescent, he/she acquires new interests like dancing, swimming and higher form of sports. fine arts like dancing and singing are helpful in developing the personality and mental well-being.

Writing, reading and debating are some intellectual hobbies of the more serious teenagers. It stems from a craving for recognition and popularity.

children hobby
         A hobby helps children develop a creative mind.

Francis Bacon said, "Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man." Debating and oration which develop qualities of leadership are good for people who intend taking up politics. Pursuing sports hobbies like swimming, tennis and cricket have produced renowned sportspersons for a country and has given a sense of achievement to the individual. It gives one supreme satisfaction in representing one's country in the international competitive field.

woman reading book
Hobbies like reading enhances the growth of one's personality.

Many give up hobbies, after taking up a career, because of pressure of work, family problems and also on account of complacency. So many die of heart attack today partly due to sedentary habits and desk work, total lack of exercise and sometimes due to extreme boredom.

In Western countries, a holiday weekend is a must for a man with a family. While in Brussels, I used to see families driving into the countryside for a breath of fresh air, fishing and swimming. They come back fully refreshed to start the new week. This probably accounts for the health and cheerfulness of the Westerners, which are totally lacking in Indians. Sitting in a stuffy office in a polluted city from morning till evening and sometimes at night also and then going home to face some domestic and financial problem makes an average Indian like a piece of furniture! Indians, by and large, don't  make the best use of leisure.

The hobby most people pursue or resort to is gossip, which is inexpensive and does not cost them money. We may find any outdoor or indoor game boring, but not the game of gossiping. Conversation is an art. Montaique, Stevenson and others have written much on the art of conversation. But Stevenson himself points out that talk feeds on gossip. Gossip provides unabashed zest to conversation. It is a pastime in the beginning, a hobby later on. It is raised to the level of an art still later on.

women gossiping
Gossiping has a therapeutic value and is a great stress-buster.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word "gossip" is an archaic expression for a familiar acquaintance or friend especially of a woman. In fact, I have made gossip my hobby only after meeting an interesting woman. She being a psychotherapist told me about the therapeutic value of gossiping. According to recent research, gossip relieves one's pent-up feelings and emotions. The load on one's nervous system is knocked off! This is a medical justification of gossiping - so what's wrong if our working men and women take it up as a hobby?
In the evening of one's life, there is a sudden vacuum or void. It is then that a person with no hobby regrets or feels absolutely useless and miserable. But even then, it is not too late. Of course, he can read, write and do social service.

Being a woman, I feel that for those women who are not able to go out and work, a hobby like painting, embroidery etc, if pursued well, can fetch them money. Writing articles to magazines, websites, blogs, giving private tuition at home or running a crèche  can also be considered. These are things that can be done by a woman without neglecting her home, husband and children. This gives a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment to women, most of whom are educated and talented. Often, I have heard young married women complain of boredom at home when their children are away during the day. A hobby can help them.

Are you convinced now that there is an absolute need for everyone to cultivate a hobby?
(Guest Post by Jyoti)


  1. Chandraprabha10:49 AM

    some good hobbies to improve my social network
    join a sports team.Join a dance/acting class.Work with colleagues.

  2. Bhavya10:50 AM

    Painting fantasy miniatures. It can help develop their artistic ability and patience.

  3. some good hobbies for teenagers
    1. go snowboarding
    2.start a collection
    3.make something out of wood
    4.go out with friends
    5.write a book a book around the house
    8.sign up to a drama club

  4. anything scientific: astronomy, rock collecting, photography
    anything cultural: writing novels, poetry, stories
    anything difficult: flying airplanes, racing cars, building things

  5. Anirudha10:53 AM

    plant some garden.
    start researching astrology.

  6. Build a hobby around your music. Learn to play an instrument. That would be a great hobby directly related to your interest.

  7. jewellery making? there are loads of ways of doing this. using precious metal clay, ceramics, fimo, wire wrapping, beads etc and if you end up good at it, you could make money from it too!

  8. I like knitting and crochet. You can keep your hands busy and it's not noisy or really expensive to start. I like to knit while I watch tv with my husband at night. I've also noticed I don't have problems with repetitive motion injuries in my wrists anymore, It's a good exercise for your hands.

  9. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Having a hobby is supposed to allow you to spend some of your "extra" time doing something you like, so the first thing is to figure out what *you* might like (...these things may be quite different from things you're supposed to like btw, or things that other people in your life think you should like).

  10. Beading, knitting, scrapbooking, photography . . . you may be able to find clubs or other people in your area that get together for these or other activities.

  11. sing,pick up a instrument,somethign that interest you, sewing, internt, tv, summer camps. its endless !

  12. Vanitha11:43 AM

    HOBBIES are for your enjoyment only. If you enjoy what your doing and it does no harm to no one else. And you find that you feel good after doing your hobby. Then the Hobby is doing what it is suppose to do. Usefulness to one might be useless to another. Don't gauge your enjoyment and pleasure on someone elses judgement.


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