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2 of the Best Home Remedies to Remove Wrinkles

Nobody wants to look into the mirror and see wrinkles on their face. Wrinkles can be a clear sign that you are getting old since aging is the most common cause of wrinkles. You can also develop wrinkles from excessive smoking or exposure of sun-rays on your skin.

Your wrinkles can definitely let everybody know how old you really are, but if you tackle this problem early on you can prevent it from getting too bad. There are plenty of creams you can purchase at the store to reduce wrinkles but most people find home remedies work much better.
Oatmeal Oatmeal is hands down one of the best home remedies for wrinkles because of its natural skin exfoliant properties. For years oatmeal has been used by beauty experts to not only reduce wrinkles but also improves the tone of your skin.
There might not be a better way to use oatmeal than to create a natural face mask. You can use oatmeal as a face wash by adding some warm water to a moderate amount of oats and mixing it until it is well combined.
Once combined it will have a soapy appearance that you can use as a face wash to massage into your face. When you massage it into your face you have to allow it to sit for about five minutes before washing off. Use this homemade face wash each morning and every night before you go to bed. You will begin to notice the appearance of fine lines disappearing.

Another thing you can do with oatmeal is add 4 tablespoons of milk to 2 tablespoons of oats and then add some drops of lemon juice. Combine these ingredients well and then apply it directly to the wrinkled areas on your face and leave it there for at-least twenty minutes before rinsing off.

Egg Whites It has been documented that making a face mask using egg whites will help to decrease fine wrinkles by quickly stretching your skin. To make this homemade face mask is pretty simple too.

All you need to do is grab a couple eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. Now all you need to do is take a whisk or eggbeater and beat the egg whites until they are well combined. Now just use your fingers to apply the egg white foam to the affected areas on your skin.
Egg White

Allow the egg whites to dry which should take roughly twenty minutes. Next, you can wash off the mask using cold water and then moisturize your skin like you usually would. It's best to repeat this process at least two times everyday.

Other Things That Can Prevent Wrinkles Not only will home remedies help you stop wrinkles but there are some preventive measures out there you can take to avoid having to deal with too many wrinkles in the first place.

Get Enough Sleep When your body doesn't get enough sleep it will begin to produce a hormone known as cortisol. Cortisol is your worse enemy if you don't want wrinkles because it will rapidly break down your skin cells allowing wrinkles to develop more easily. When you get your body enough rest your body will start to produce human growth hormone to help keep your skin healthy so it doesn't wrinkle.

Stay Out The Sun You also want to make sure you stay out of the sun since sunrays is one of the most common causes of wrinkles. When you limit the time you spend in the sun you will have fewer wrinkles and you'll look much younger. If you can't help being in the sun it's a good idea to wear  sunscreen to protect your skin from developing wrinkles.

Kick Your Smoking Habit no to smoking When you smoke you decrease collagen production and lose the elasticity of your skin, leading to early wrinkles and sagging skin. Initially it may be hard for you to quit,  but once you stop smoking your skin will slowly lose its former toxicity, cells will start regenerating and your skin will start looking better.

Discovering you are finally getting wrinkles can be a frightening thing for some people. Fortunately, there are some great home remedies out there like egg whites and oatmeal that can help us keep our youth. Remember to also to stay in the shade when outside, kick your smoking habit, and make sure you're in your bed when it's bedtime.

John is an experienced writer on home remedies and natural alternatives. He is currently doing some research on yeast infection symptoms and how to treat them naturally. He can be reached through


  1. Revati10:48 AM

    Make a paste with baking soda and water, then gently rub on face and rinse.

  2. Cut papaya in 1 inch chunks. Blend/mash 2 or 3 chunks and store the wrest in the freezer. Apply the blended/mashed papaya and leave on face for 10-20 min. Use 2 or 3x a week.

  3. Spread crushed green seedless grapes over the face and let dry for about 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and let your face air dry

  4. The juice of green pineapples and apples applied to the face daily for 10 to 15 minutes is good for fine lines and cracked skin.

  5. Expert10:53 AM

    A diet rich in fresh, colorful fruits and vegetables, and whole grains gives the skin a healthy, wrinkle-free glow. Supplements such as flax seed oil and vitamins C and D are excellent wrinkle-diminishing aids.

  6. Pallavi10:54 AM

    take a couple of strawberries and mash them up with a some honey it really works

  7. Oatmeal is one of the best natural way of preparing a face mask. We have to make this face mask by mixing the oatmeal with warm water until it combines very well.


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