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How to fight Hair loss with Organic Products you can see in your kitchen and backyard?

Hair loss

Hair loss is a result of many factors like hereditary, stress, food intake and chemical products. This might be also a result of pollution that the hair acquires from air and by overdosing chemical supplements. It is one of the top problems of people nowadays, whether men or women. It is usually being connected to dandruff, but having dandruff is just normal. What causes baldness is when dandruff result to hair fall. Excessive hair fall is the so-called reason for hair loss that leads to baldness. There’s also one disease that experts call the alopecia areata. It is a condition that destroys healthy tissues in a human body and usually results to patches loss of hair, complete loss of scalp hair and total loss of all body hair. Most of the people who suffer from baldness choose to buy chemical products that promise to heal their hair mischief in months or even weeks, but it also helps their pockets to suffer more than their hair problem. In this article, we will tackle on how you can fight hair loss using organic products that could help your hair put up its glory once again without spending too much. Who may have thought that the solution for this kind of situation can be found in your kitchen and backyard?

Organic Products:
Aloe Vera
It is a short green plant that has thick leaves. It rarely produces a flower on top of its spikes. It produces a gel-like substance when you tear its leaves. In the old days, they use Aloe Vera as shampoo or conditioner because it contains vitamin E that helps hair grow faster. Even now, you can still see hair products that mainly contain Aloe Vera. It helps increase blood circulation to the scalp; it also balances pH level of the scalp. TO USE: crack its leaves and collect its gel-like substance then use it as your regular shampoo.

Lavender oil
It is a purple compressed flower of sub-shrub specie in mint plants family. Its flowers carry some essential oils and heal destroyed tissues without feeling any irritation. Lavender also contains a sweet scent that helps our body to relax and treat stress and anxiety that sometimes result to breaking up our body’s healthy tissues. TO USE: mince its flower until it becomes sticky then massage it in your scalp for 30 minutes, leave it on for another 30 minutes before taking a bath.

Lavender Essential Oil, Triple AAA+ Grade

Rosemary oil
It is a needle-like leaves plant that possesses a smooth fragrance. It produces a variation flowers. Some produce white and some produce pink, purple or blue flowers. As the Lavender, it is also one of the many species of the mint plant family. Rosemary oil can stimulate the division of cells and dilates blood vessels. With this, hair follicles produce new hair as a result. This plant also contain antioxidants some bioactive compounds that may prevent cancer, strokes and Alzheimer’s disease. TO USE: mince the flower and leaves until it becomes sticky then massage it in your scalp for 30 minutes, leave it on for another 30 minutes before taking a bath.

flowering rosemaryRosemary oil

Lemon and Honey
Both can be usually found just lying under our kitchen cabinets or fridge. Lemon can help reduce or totally get rid of dandruff that may lead to hair fall and as a result to hair loss. When rubbed on scalp, it regulates the blood circulation which increases the healing process of our hair follicles. When mixed with honey, it may also produce oil to make our hair shine and strong. Honey’s natural wax and antioxidants, conditions our scalp so it can produce new set of thick hair. As a result, it stops hair fall that may start losing your crowning glory. Lemons are used as a deodorant alternative, it is effective in eliminating excessive underarm sweat. TO USE: gather the lemon’s juice then mix it with the honey. After mixing them, put it on your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes before washing it off. Follow these easy steps for you to prevent or rescue yourself from wearing hat all your life just to cover your head from hair loss or worse… baldness!

Lemonhoney dripping

Author bio: Beth Coleman is a Gym Junkie, a Vegan, she never eats meat and the likes. She also has a passion in cooking and formulating vegan recipes.


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