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3 Ways to Prevent Ear and Eye Infections

Ear Model 2
The spreading of germs is a huge problem, partly because it can be done so easily and without our knowledge.

In a heartbeat, you could find yourself with a pesky ear or eye infection because you picked up some nasty bug. There are ways to reduce the likelihood of this happening, though--and you may be able to prevent it all together. Remember these three suggestions to stay healthy.

Practice Excellent Personal Hygiene

Don't take this lightly: It is a BAD idea to go to bed dirty! It's understandable that at the end of a long day, all you want to do is hop in bed. However, if you don't wash off the day's dirt, you could be harboring some nasty germs that will linger in your sheets.

Ladies, this is especially important when you're wearing make-up. You could find yourself with a nasty infection because you left your mascara on or didn't wipe off all your eye shadow.

Thus, give your face a good washing before bedtime. Start with a mild cleanser. Afterward, remove any leftover make-up or residue. Astringent is great for accomplishing this, but it can dry out your skin sometimes. Grape seed oil is a gentler substitute if you have sensitive skin.

Keep Your Pillowcases Clean

Even if you go to bed with clean hair and a fresh face, it doesn't stay like that while you're sleeping--but you honestly can't help it. During the night, our bodies sweat. Oil develops on our skin. It turns into one giant germ party. Guess where a lot of that wipes off on? Yes, your pillow case!

That's why it's absolutely necessary to wash these regularly. If you let the bacteria just sit there, things will only get worse; and when you lay your head down at night to go to sleep, everything on your pillow ends up right back on your face and in your hair!

Keep the material clean so that you're not simply recycling--and producing even more--germs.

human eye model

Sharing isn't Always Caring

While a friend may have only the best intentions while sharing one of their personal belongings with you, you might not want to take it. They might inadvertently be transferring a whole family of germs to you.

There are several items that you should always have for yourself--and nobody else; so if someone asks you to share, just say no!

This includes items like headphones and ear buds, jewelry, make-up, hats and headbands, earplugs, and contacts and glasses.

Swapping some of these things might seem harmless enough, but they're not meant to be shared between bodies!

You don't have to live in a plastic bubble to avoid illness; but you do need to take the necessary precautions to resist germ-spreading that's very much so avoidable. Spread these wise words to your friends so that they too can stay clean and healthy.

Nancy Meyers writes articles for educational sites.


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