The average consumer has to daily make choices about whether or not to buy organically produced foods. There is no doubt to the truth that buying organic is often more expensive, and with the ever-challenging economic times, many shoppers ask themselves, "Can I really afford to buy organic?"
Given new insights and studies, the better question to ask is "Can I really afford NOT to buy organic?"
What's the real difference between organic and non-organic?
One hundred percent organic is just that. It's the real deal. Farmers have avoided all toxic pesticides, growth hormones, biosolids, irradiation, GMOs, and antibiotics. Foods labeled this way have passed the certification process involved with the US Organic Food Production Act of 1990.
Non-organic foods, well, haven't avoided these very same practices.
So what?
What are the real benefits of eating organic?
And if the non-organic foods have had exposure to some or all of these practices, does that necessarily make them bad for you?
Dare you to take the taste test!
You be the judge.
Consider these top benefits to eating more organic foods:
1. Do the taste test.
Have some fun with this one. Buy some organic strawberries. Buy some non-organic strawberries. Have at it. If you've ever questioned whether or not organic foods taste better, you'll be stunned. The organic strawberry is sublime. The other? Not so much.
Play the game with your family. See if they can tell the difference.
What is really being sprayed on your food?
2. Biosolids.
Here's your new word for the day. By definition, a biosolid is city sewage. Yes. That's the fertilizer used for many farms. Consider what else is in that city sewage, though: detergents, gas, oil, and loads of other harsh chemicals. All that on top of and surrounding your veggies.
Makes you think, doesn't it?
3. Higher IQ! No kidding!
Several recent studies have found a strong link involving pesticides used in farming. Three different observational studies found a link between pregnant mothers who worked on farms that used harsh organophosphates pesticides and their babies with lower cognitive abilities. Yes, the amount of exposure most probably matters here, but why risk even low exposure?
4. Organic farming practices conserve water.
5. Organic farming practices conserve soil.
6. Pesticide-free farming is better for the environment.
7. Here’s a biggie:
We are getting more and more resistant to antibiotics. Pediatricians are prescribing them less for that very reason. If we're eating meats that have been injected with antibiotics, it stands to reason that we're setting our bodies up for being even more resistant to antibiotics. We need them. We need them, at times, in our bodies to to fight bad infections and illness.
8. Treatment of animals.
Animals on organic farms are given organic feed, and they eat a balanced diet. The farmers focus on growing healthy animals in a healthy living environment, and as a result, they are not fed medications, growth hormones, or antibiotics. The animals are usually free to roam and to simply live a cleaner life. That translates to healthier meat and a clean conscience for the consumer.
9. Eat well, be well.
Organic consumption adds up to healthier living for the farmers, their employees, the animals, the harvests, and the consumers.
Remember, every time consumers swipe a product over the code readers at the grocery store, they cast a vote. It's simple supply and demand. If we demand (and swipe) more organic, the cost will decrease. And so will your chances of cancer, heart attack, stroke, and obesity. Folks, there's a reason that soda and chips are so cheap in this country. People swipe and vote for them far too often, and here's the truth: We are getting sick because of it.
If you're still on the fence, head on back up to #1. Take the taste test. You’ll be healthier -- and hooked!
Valerie J. Wilson is a freelance writer for many organizations, companies, and individuals like Gary Crittenden.
Given new insights and studies, the better question to ask is "Can I really afford NOT to buy organic?"
What's the real difference between organic and non-organic?
One hundred percent organic is just that. It's the real deal. Farmers have avoided all toxic pesticides, growth hormones, biosolids, irradiation, GMOs, and antibiotics. Foods labeled this way have passed the certification process involved with the US Organic Food Production Act of 1990.
Non-organic foods, well, haven't avoided these very same practices.
So what?
What are the real benefits of eating organic?
And if the non-organic foods have had exposure to some or all of these practices, does that necessarily make them bad for you?

Dare you to take the taste test!
You be the judge.
Consider these top benefits to eating more organic foods:
1. Do the taste test.
Have some fun with this one. Buy some organic strawberries. Buy some non-organic strawberries. Have at it. If you've ever questioned whether or not organic foods taste better, you'll be stunned. The organic strawberry is sublime. The other? Not so much.
Play the game with your family. See if they can tell the difference.

What is really being sprayed on your food?
2. Biosolids.
Here's your new word for the day. By definition, a biosolid is city sewage. Yes. That's the fertilizer used for many farms. Consider what else is in that city sewage, though: detergents, gas, oil, and loads of other harsh chemicals. All that on top of and surrounding your veggies.

Makes you think, doesn't it?
3. Higher IQ! No kidding!
Several recent studies have found a strong link involving pesticides used in farming. Three different observational studies found a link between pregnant mothers who worked on farms that used harsh organophosphates pesticides and their babies with lower cognitive abilities. Yes, the amount of exposure most probably matters here, but why risk even low exposure?
4. Organic farming practices conserve water.
5. Organic farming practices conserve soil.
6. Pesticide-free farming is better for the environment.
7. Here’s a biggie:
We are getting more and more resistant to antibiotics. Pediatricians are prescribing them less for that very reason. If we're eating meats that have been injected with antibiotics, it stands to reason that we're setting our bodies up for being even more resistant to antibiotics. We need them. We need them, at times, in our bodies to to fight bad infections and illness.
8. Treatment of animals.
Animals on organic farms are given organic feed, and they eat a balanced diet. The farmers focus on growing healthy animals in a healthy living environment, and as a result, they are not fed medications, growth hormones, or antibiotics. The animals are usually free to roam and to simply live a cleaner life. That translates to healthier meat and a clean conscience for the consumer.
9. Eat well, be well.
Organic consumption adds up to healthier living for the farmers, their employees, the animals, the harvests, and the consumers.
Remember, every time consumers swipe a product over the code readers at the grocery store, they cast a vote. It's simple supply and demand. If we demand (and swipe) more organic, the cost will decrease. And so will your chances of cancer, heart attack, stroke, and obesity. Folks, there's a reason that soda and chips are so cheap in this country. People swipe and vote for them far too often, and here's the truth: We are getting sick because of it.
If you're still on the fence, head on back up to #1. Take the taste test. You’ll be healthier -- and hooked!
Valerie J. Wilson is a freelance writer for many organizations, companies, and individuals like Gary Crittenden.
Organic means its grown without chemicals to kill bugs or make it grow faster etc. I guess the benefits of eating organic would be not consuming all the chemicals they typically use. :)