It is essential to maintain everything around you in a perfectly clean condition. Otherwise, you risk to seriously harm your health. And it is of the uttermost importance that you pay special attention to the hygiene of your body. And your face, being constantly exposed to the severities of the weather as well as dust and other unpleasant things, requires more thorough care. It should be regularly exfoliated, cleansed, and moisturised, in order to maintain its fresh look. And I am sure that when speaking of facial care, the first thing that pops into every girl's mind is the problem of coping with the obnoxious blackheads. Dear readers, it is my pleasure to tell you that after you read this article, you will no longer need to use the expensive products that promise excellent and long-lasting results, but usually turn out to be extremely ineffective. You will be able to make your own and they all contain ingredients that you certainly have in your home.