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Showing posts from 2016

Best of 2016

How fast the days fly! I mean I just remember doing the roundup of the best posts of 2015 and now it's the end of the year 2016! I know, I know, I have been procrastinating and did not fulfill my resolution of posting regularly. But will definitely try to do that in the next year! So without much ado, here's the list of best posts of this year.

Don't eat newspaper wrapped food

I was just skimming through the newspaper a few days ago and chanced upon this news about how food wrapped in newspaper can be hazardous to health.

Malabar Spinach - 9 Health Benefits & Home Remedies

Malabar Spinach or Basella alba is one of the most common vegetables that is grown in kitchen gardens, especially in the coastal and Malanad regions of Karnataka. Called as " Basale Soppu " in Kannada, this is one of my favourite vegetables and makes me nostalgic as the very mention of this vine reminds me of my native place where it grew abundantly.

Skin Polishing Treatment and Benefits

The skin is vulnerable to a variety of things like harmful sun radiation, dust, pollution and many more. This makes the skin lose the natural radiance and shine. It is necessary to exfoliate our skin at regular intervals so that we can protect it from the harmful effects of these attacking elements. This technique exfoliates your skin and unclogs your pores, leaving your skin feeling smooth and radiant. Although Microdermabrasion is best performed by the help of an efficient dermatologist, kits can be purchased over the counter. The at-home kits are not as powerful as professional Microdermabrasion procedures.

9 Awesome Hair Accessories one can Flaunt this Christmas

Are you interested in looking your finest this Christmas? Do you spend a lot of time, searching for unique hairstyles and accessories? If you have given an affirmative answer to either one of these two questions, you have come at the right resource.  In this article, we will present no less than nine awesome hair accessories you can flaunt this Christmas . Whether you are going to attend a fancy party or spend time with your family, it is guaranteed you will love our suggestions.  Keep on reading and discover the best hair accessories for this year’s Christmas celebrations .

A tip while cleaning vegetables & fruits

Not all of us can afford to buy organic stuff or grow our own vegetables and fruits. We somehow have to rely on store-bought ones and most of these are chemical and pesticide laden.  Just rinsing vegetables and fruits with regular tap water is not enough to remove the residues of these harmful substances. Washing veggies & fruits with plain, tap water is not enough.

5 Beauty Products Your Teenage Daughter Needs for Her Next Birthday

Even though you might not want your little girl to grow up, there are some things that she will likely want for her next birthday that are more for a young woman. Beauty products will likely be on her list. When you're looking for beauty products for her birthday, you need to find something that is for sensitive skin as most teen girls have skin that is prone to breakouts. You also want to try to find shades that are soft instead of those that are bold.

Top 5 hairdos to opt for this New Year and Rock It

Are you looking for the perfect hairdo for this New Year’s Eve? Do you want to impress all of your friends with your unique appearance? If your answer to either one of these two questions is yes, do not hesitate to keep on reading this article. In the paragraphs below, you will find the top hairdos that you can choose for this New Year’s Eve, allowing you to look exactly as Hollywood celebrities. Once you know for certain which hairdo you prefer, you can move on the preferred makeup, clothing and accessories.

Best Tips to Make Your Life Healthier & More Beautiful with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the most utilitarian and advantageous substances that you can incorporate into your life! Due to its versatility, coconut oil can be integrated in many of your daily routines in a very health-friendly way. Here are five aspects of your life that can be benefited by it.

New Fashion Trends in Embroidered Wedding Dresses

  With the upcoming wedding season, would-be brides are already busy shopping for their wedding gowns with unique cuts and designs that would make them look splendid on their D-Day and keep all eyes glued to them. With the growing popularity of online stores, prospective brides have a lot to choose from with respect to styles and designs when it comes to their wedding gowns. A new trend in this wedding market is that of embroidery digitizing services that have made embroidered wedding dresses one of the frontrunners and favorites with would-be brides. Apart from the brides themselves, several guests too are choosing embroidered wedding dresses as they are one of the best and unique wedding embroidery gift ideas.

Beauty Uses Of Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal (not the black stuff you’d use to fire up a barbeque by the way) seems to be a buzzword these days, and if you haven’t started reaping the benefits of carbon yet, this post will show you why you need to rethink the possibilities. Pic Credits: Wikipedia The fact that activated charcoal powder is widely used as a detoxifier and an antidote to poison, means that it has the ability to clean up your skin, but it can also work wonders when used in and around the home.

Know about the spread and prevention of Chikungunya

Mosquitoes are very dangerous insects. They cause some of the killer diseases in the world. The most affected part of the world is Africa. When living in a mosquito-infested area, it is advisable that you look for ways of preventing the mosquito bites. Regardless of their size, most people have succumbed to their diseases. Know more about the mosquito-transmitted disease below.

9 Fantastic and Cute Makeup for Fall which will Make you go Aww

Ladies, fall has just begun, and it is the perfect moment to discover cute makeup ideas. If you want to impress everyone with your appearance, be sure to try our fantastic suggestions.  Yes, summer was great, with bronze tones and products to highlight your tan. But fall is just as great, with such a wide range of colors being available when it comes to makeup.  From the mauve Bohemia Rouge to the classic cat eye, this fall has unique looks to offer, which you just have to try. Immerse yourself in a world full of wonderful ideas, feeling romantic and elegant at the same time.

6 Stunning Ways To Look Your Best For Your Night On The Town

Are you excited, because you have an important night on the town, but you don't want to appear like you're trying too hard? Well, luckily there are tons of different ways to find the best possible solution to a problem like this. We can polish up your beauty game and get your uber glam on the proper way. Here are just a few tips to help you look your very best for your night out on the town.

Spice Up Your Wardrobe With These Vintage Styles

How many people have seen a vintage outfit or an accessory on a TV show, in a movie, magazine or book and sighed, “I’ve just got to have that!” Why not? Vintage wardrobes have never really gone out of style, and what makes more of a statement than an outfit reminiscent of one from the 20’s, 30’s, 40s, 50s or even 60s? Here are some hints to wear a vintage style in style:

Do Postpartum Girdles Really Help You Get Back in Shape?

Girdles have been around for a long time in different forms and designs. During pregnancy body goes through a lot of changes and one hopes that the body can just bounce back to its original shape. However, it's not always easy to regain the original shape and posture without any help. Photo Credits: Amazon

5 Tips For Feeling Good About The Skin You're In

In a world where models are air-brushed and Instagram models look picture perfect, it can be hard to figure out the self-love concept and really pursue it. It takes a brave soul to decide they will love who they are before anyone else does. Finding it within yourself can be difficult, but there are a few productive practices you can pursue in order to feel good about the skin you're in.

5 Ways To Get Better Skin With Tea Tree Oil

There are legitimate reasons why tea tree oil deserves to be in your medicine cabinet. For those who don’t know, tea tree oil is an essential oil, also known as Melaleuca alternifoliais, and is a natural extract from a plant that is native to Australia.  For decades, people from all over the world have relied on tea tree oil to heal various ailments. The oil is inexpensive and easy-to-use, and provides plenty of benefits to its users.

Bags Under Your Eyes? 6 Tips for Looking Young Again

Puffiness or dark circles around your eyes , also known as bags, are not harmful and do not require any medical attention, however they can be unsightly and make you look older. Now that's something nobody wants! Bags under the eyes occur when tissue around the eyes weaken, leading to fluid accumulation beneath the eyes, which causes a swollen appearance. Sleeping face down, seasonal allergies, water retention, and eczema can all aggravate the condition. Heredity also plays a role. Additionally, smoking, alcohol, and drugs can lead to bags under the eyes. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to get rid of those unsightly bags and look younger again.

Top 5 Ways to Update Your Wardrobe

There comes that point every year or so, when your wardrobe starts aging slightly and the clothes that once used to be your go-to for your best outfits no longer make the cut. The colour might be fading or it may be a simple case of trying to update your style slightly.

Bachelorette Party? Yoga Retreat!

You’re getting married! Congratulations! You have the perfect ring, your engagement was everything you ever dreamed of, and you have the venue booked. Everything is falling into place. Well, it’s all falling into place for YOU. Your Maid of Honor, on the other hand, is struggling to plan the perfect bachelorette party for you and your closest friends. Fortunately, you have a great idea: a yoga retreat!

Face Shape and Eyeglass Style: How to Pair the Two Attractively

Your face shape is part of who you are, but when you have to get eyeglasses, you must consider the shape of the frames just as you would sizes of clothing. Certain frame shapes emphasize facial features in different ways, so it’s important to keep in mind your facial shape when shopping for eyeglasses. Below is a list of facial shapes and the best shape of frames to get for each.

3 Easy Ways To Stay Full And Lose Weight By Whey Protein

Whey protein is generally known as the king protein when it comes to building muscle, but it is a powerful weightloss-fireball too. In this article, you’ll find out how whey can help you beat hunger and hit your weight loss goals.

Five Tips For Boosting Confidence And Becoming Your Best Self

No matter what your goals are in life, you have to believe in yourself to influence others and become successful. Whether these endeavors pertain to your job, personal life or an entrepreneurial venture, you can build self-confidence and become the person you're meant to be by following several proven principles, here are just five to give you a good start.

10 Unconventional Workouts To Slim Your Waist

Does this make me look fat? This time honored question has been plaguing females for decades. This little insecurity hides deep inside our psyche, waiting to rear it’s ugly head at all the worst times. Typically, whispering the loudest when we are trying on a new outfit, preparing for an upcoming special event, or contemplating swimsuit season. Suddenly, we are analyzing every bulge and wiggle, stretch mark or muffin top, in a tiny room filled with mirrors.

Health and Beauty Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice

If you have recently embarked on the wheatgrass juice journey you sure will find its taste intense and not very palatable, to say it gently. I first found its taste very grassy, raw and overwhelming. But knowing its benefits can really help you to get over the taste factor sooner and motivate you to have that morning shot daily.

The Real Effects of Sugar On Your Body and Skin

As a woman you're only supposed to have six teaspoons of sugar every day, and that includes any hidden sugars in foods. If you're having lots of sugar without realizing just how much is entering your body on a daily basis, you're putting your health and skin at risk. Here's the bitter side of sugar that you need to know.

How to Wear a T-shirt in Style

As plain as it might look in the closet, a styled up t-shirt sure looks amazing when mixed with stylish pieces of clothing. Depending on the style you wish to achieve, you can combine a plain t-shit with jeans, mini skirt, sweatpants or shorts. Match it with a favourite jacket and chic footwear; add a bit of accessories to it for the ultimate stylish ensemble. Check out a couple of great suggestions that will help you create a fabulous outfit with your favourite t-shirt.

Tips To Get The Naturally Straight Hair Look

Naturally straight, non-frizzy hair is often looked upon with envy and jealousy and people especially girls often wish that they could acquire those long silky perfectly straight hair as well. However, some are blessed with it naturally while some have to make substantial efforts to get them.    No matter what your hair quality or texture is you need not worry as there are many options that can help you groom your hair without spending a fortune.

5 Makeup Tips You Might Actually Be Doing Wrong

Most women use makeup to enhance their natural features and feel confident in their own skin. From eyeshadow to lip liner, there are different types of makeup that are often applied incorrectly. To ensure that you look your best and can apply each product well, there are a few mistakes to avoid with the process.

How to Stop Being Depressed at Work Once and for All

An average adult spends around one-third of the life working. Although it seems to be a normal part of your life, you need to be careful at work if you don't want to face depression and, therefore, negatively affect your well-being. The main point is that all workers have a big number of tasks to do daily, and it's nearly impossible to succeed in every duty you have. Thus, it can be stressful if you make some mistakes that lead to failures. Even small failures cause the work depression.

5 Easy DIY Facial Masks

Everyone knows that the basis of every beautiful makeup design is healthy, glowing skin, especially if you’re preparing for your wedding day. A facial mask from a spa can be one of the best ways to achieve radiant skin, but who has the money or the time? Try one, or all, of these easy DIY facial masks to improve your skin and feel great, whether you’re getting married soon or just don’t feel that your skin is as healthy as it could be.

Fashion Tips for Women with a Large Bust

Finding the perfect outfit is never a piece of cake, much less when you have the curves to flaunt and large bust to show off. While various clothing items, fabrics, and accessories look flattering on you, others may actually work against you. Therefore, in order to make the most out of your tops, dresses, or jackets, follow these simple rules and avoid feeling uncomfortable ever again.

7 new mom body self confidence boosters

Being a new mom is never easy and there’s nothing that can fully prepare you for the job and responsibilities that come with after the baby. Apart from spending most of your time with your child, there are other common concerns that new moms experience. Body image is just one of them. Instead of over-thinking and worrying about your looks, accept the nature’s course and start taking baby steps along with your child in order to reach new goals.

Does Forskolin Really Help You Lose Fat and Build Muscle Mass?

More and more people are looking at natural supplements to lose weight, improve health and fitness. Forskolin is one such supplement that has received a lot of media attention lately for its purported effect on fat loss and muscle building simultaneously. Let’s dive straight into the details of this amazing supplement –

5 Ways to Make Your Eyes Stand Out

Every woman has beautiful eyes. What some women don't have are the right tricks to draw positive attention to their eyes. Here are some quick, easy ways to make your eyes look bigger and brighter.

Trendy men’s key pieces for summer 2016

Trends in fashion change fast and this summer brings a whole new world of options when it comes to a fashionable well-dressed gent. The tendency to combine the aspects of comfortable and elegant is still big and it’s more than obvious in this year’s key summery elements for a stylish look.

Extraordinary Clutch Bags That Can Make You Look Fab This Party Season

How exciting it seems to be a head turner in those parties! It is too much fun, when all of them just feel wow staring at you from head to toe, as soon as you step into the bash.    And, what better way to flaunt what that lovely stuff, if not those revelries? In fact, social events have just become a trend to show off all the favorite stuff and let them know how much you are into this fashion world. And, when getting ready for the carousing, do not forget to take that fashionable designer clutch bags, as carrying a right bag is important for completing the chic look every time.

Best Choice of Attire for a Beach Wedding

Having in mind that a good deal of nuptials is scheduled for the summer months, the chances are high we’ll get invited to one of such weddings. Choosing the right outfit can be a bit of a challenge, considering the heat and the relaxed atmosphere of the event. Stay with us if you want to hear some expert tips on beach wedding attire for guests.

5 Tips For Better Aging

Aging gracefully doesn't require a myriad of procedures and medications, as you might believe. There are a wealth of solutions that can assist you with better aging. These tips are easy to utilize and can assist you in looking years younger than you actually are. Here are five tips for better aging for anyone.

5 All Natural Secrets for Dry Skin Care For Summer

Just because the cosmetic industry may spend billions on marketing expensive dry skin care products at considerable expense to you, doesn’t mean you have to follow suit. The above natural remedies we have mentioned above are effective and great ways to take care of yourself, without adding expense to your life you could be enjoying elsewhere! Most people don’t know that they can take care of their skin naturally and without huge expense, using a little known household kitchen item – Baking soda !

Technology in Cosmetics: What has Changed the Makeup Game?

Make-up has been around for centuries. The Egyptians are known for making this as important as the wardrobe. Over the years, compounds have evolved from the berries in the garden to laboratory inspired wonder products. Technology has added some changes to the variety of foundations, lipstick shades, product sizes, packaging, and performance, as well as pricing.

Safe exercising after plastic surgery

Procedures in the field of plastic surgery are complicated, and not at all harmless, which is why the process of recovery must be taken very seriously. Going back to the workout routines after the surgery is of an utmost importance, but it must be safe for the patient so that it does not jeopardize the results of the procedure. Exercising benefits both body and mind, which is another reason to go back to it after the recovery is over.

4 Tips for Growing Old in Style

Growing old cannot be escaped. However, aging doesn't have to be a drag, and, even under the most stressful health circumstances, you and your loved one can find ways to age in style. All you have to do is make the most of the situation and be willing and ready to have fun and try new things! Here are 4 ways to help you and your spouse make the most of growing old together:

Top fashion choices for a beach wedding

Ah, weddings… if there’s anything more beautiful than attending a ceremony of two people dear to your heart exchanging love vows and promises to stand by each other forever - we’d love to know what those ceremonies are and attend them immediately! For all the romantics out there, weddings have a special sentimental value and are not just the time two people join in marriage but are a unique opportunity to celebrate the power of love, altogether. And, ultimately – honor it with the right fashion!

Beautiful and Pregnant: How to Manage Stretch Marks and Maintain Healthy Skin

Bringing life into this world is an absolutely beautiful thing. Unfortunately most women do not feel their best after noticing the stretch marks that their little bundle of joy left behind. While they are nothing to be ashamed of, removing stretch marks is on many women's minds whether they are post-pregnancy or post-weight loss. Here are a few ways to manage these scars as well as keep new ones from appearing.

Middle Age: Making The Most Of It

An average Indian woman’s life revolves around her home and hearth. No sooner does she finish studies than she is married to become busy with a family. Her youth is spent in catering to the needs of her husband and nurturing her children. Her entire family is dependent on her. With the passage of time, everything goes on changing. The children grow up and develop their own individual lives and drift away from the mother and home.   The husband, busy in climbing up the ladder of success, does not have as much time for the wife as he had earlier.  The bond of physical attraction which once made the man and wife inseparable becomes weak with time. The result? By the time a woman reaches the middle age, she becomes lonely and frustrated.  She begins to feel like a useless appendage in the family fabric. Her anxiety is further deepened with the onset of menopause. She panics and feels that the end of the fertility period spells the end of womanhood.

Depression Has Negative Effects on Your Body

Depression is a state of very low mood that may change the way you think and act. But depression does not only affect your state of mind, it can also have negative effects on your body. If you want to learn more about the physical effects of depression on your body, make sure you keep reading.

What is a Masticating Juicer and its Benefits?

Juicing is a great way to meet your daily requirement of nutrients and consume a wide variety of vegetables and fruits conveniently. Majority of what we eat never becomes available to the body for use, as nutrients need to be released from food cells by rupturing it. However, when we eat without much chewing, nutrients are left unabsorbed and simply pass through the digestive system.  Juicing provides a way to get access to these enzymes and nutrients that are generally locked away by rupturing the cells of the produce and promote health. Juicing also makes sure that your body is not deprived of nutrients while you are looking for a way to count calories and manage weight.

How to wear Office-appropriate makeup like a pro?

Smudged eyeliner, tangled hair, half-painted nails is the story of every other working woman. Yes, we all know that we should look presentable at workplace but how many of us really know what presentable actually is!

Shop these trendy clothes to look cool in summers

The scorching heat of summer is here! And like thousands of other fashion divas, you must be worried too about what to wear and what not. Comfort is indeed the main consideration while shopping for summer attires. But that does not mean that you’ll have to compromise on the fashion part. Here are some trendy choices to consider while you are clothes shopping online for summers.

How to Properly Care for Your New Tattoo

Regardless of whether you have just got your first tattoo or added a new one to decorate your body, a certain period afterwards you have to pay special attention to the tattooed part of the skin. Proper tattoo care in the couple of weeks after the process is necessary if you want your skin to heal faster and the ink stay vibrant and spotless.

How to Deal with Extra Skin after a Weightloss

Depending on the current state of your skin and the scope of your weight-loss results, there are various ways you can make it firm and tight again. Whether it’s a matter of the post baby-bump skin or sagginess that inevitably came with great weight reduction, you can make it go away with a smart application of creams, proper nutrition and various treatments. We have you covered, from the tips for people who are now starting a diet to the proven weight-loss champions. Bear with us if you’re interested in knowing how to handle the annoying excess skin and get into your favourite clothes without trouble.

The Science behind Adult Acne and What Steps to Take

Most of us remember our pubescent years as years related to acne problems. One would think that these disgusting pimples will go away after a person exits puberty and, while this is true in most cases, some individuals keep experiencing acne well through their adult age. This article will dig deeper into the more-common-than-you’d-guess issue of adult acne and guide you through prevention of this inconvenience. Stick with this article and you might just succeed in ridding yourself of this troublesome issue.