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Showing posts from 2017

Best of 2017

It's that time of the year to put up the list of best posts! As always, I did not keep up my promise of posting more frequently but I did resist the urge to publish guest posts and that's a good thing!  I have compiled a list of posts, some of which are my personal favorites along with some which have been appreciated by the readers. Hope you all enjoy perusing them. Will reducing weight darken my skin? Many people have this mistaken notion that reducing weight eventually will take toll on the color of their skin and make it appear darker. This article shows how false this belief is! Bad dreams before periods? Do you get nightmares a few days before yoiur periods or unable to sleep well. You are not alone. Read on to know how PMS can affect your quality of sleep

Menstrual Migraine - What is that?

I admit I do suffer from a few unpleasant symptoms during PMS , but it's nothing severe that can disrupt my routine. Sometime back,  I'd heard one of my friends saying that she usually has headaches / migraines around the time of her period . At that point of time, I didn't think much of it. And although I didn't voice my thoughts to her, I believed that it was just a coincidence and that she was mistakenly linking her headaches with her menstrual cycle .

Underweight And Early Menopause - Is there a connection?

Apparently there seems to be a connection between being underweight and hitting menopause early . While perusing the articles at Washington Post and NYTimes , I came across this study, Adult adiposity and risk of early menopause , in which researchers analyzed data on 78,759 pre-menopausal women who were mostly in their mid-30s, when the study was started. This study spanned for about 22 years and in that time around 2,804 women reached menopause before the the age of 45, which is considered early. All these women reached menopause naturally and none because of hysterectomy, oophorectomy, radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

Thick Eyebrows For A Younger Look

Pencil thin eyebrows are definitely out! And no, it's not just because it's no longer the latest fad but also because it imparts a mature look to your face. Our brains associate thick, groomed eyebrows with youthfulness . A fuller, thicker brow is mostly associated with the look of a younger looking person and a teenager. "When brows are thin and light, they make your features disappear, adding years to even the youngest looking face," says Damone Roberts, a celebrity eyebrow artist. Bushy, straight and thick eyebrows is the most in-thing these days! Kareena Kapoor, Cara Delevingne and Penelope Cruz are all sporting this look. You can knock off a few years from your face by going for thick, bushy, dark but shapely eyebrows.

Rough Neck Massage May Cause Stroke

I was going through The Daily Mail, when this bit of news caught my attention. A man,  who used to have neck massages for more than thrice a week, in order to feel relaxed, suffered a stroke. Excerpts:

Does your stomach shrink if you eat less? Myth or Fact

No, your stomach cannot shrink if you eat less! Once you are an adult, the size of your stomach remains pretty much the same unless you take recourse to surgery to make it smaller. Moreover the stomach size in thin, medium or overweight individuals is nearly the same. However, if you eat enormous amounts, it can expand to accommodate your intake, but then it has to return to the normal size. If you diet for several days, your appetite may drop but not because your stomach has become smaller.

Happy Deepavali 2017

Ecard Image Credits. May you all attain full inner illumination! May the supreme light of lights enlighten your understanding! May you all attain the inexhaustible spiritual wealth of the Self! May you all prosper gloriously on the material as well as spiritual planes! - Anonymous Read about the Diwali Traditional Oil Bath that is also great for your skin.

Depression - Recognize And Tackle It

World Mental Health Day is observed on Oct 10th every year. Mental ill-health is much bigger now, maybe due to today’s fast paced, stress-filled life. Depression, a persistent feeling of sadness is something which is often overlooked, thinking that it’s a passing phase or that time will heal it and that one need not do anything about it! But the truth is that depressed people, in addition to family and friends’ support may also need professional help! A lingering feeling of sadness, gloominess, under-eating, overeating, not dressing well, not taking care of one’s appearance, not happy over any achievement, remaining isolated, avoiding company of people, marked change in behavior etc.are some obvious markers. Noticing these early signs of depression helps us respond quickly and more effectively. Also read Depression has negative effects on your body .

White Spots on Fingernails Indicate Calcium deficiency. - Fact or Myth?

White spots on fingernails do not indicate calcium deficiency, zinc deficiency or any other vitamin or mineral deficiency, though it worries people. The white spots on fingernails are called “leukonychia” and are very common. Usually they are a result of some minor injury to the base of your nails – for instance, very vigorous pressing with a nail cutter or other manicure tool and even nail biting . Even though the knocking or injury may have happened several weeks ago, the spots show up quite late ; so you may not even realize that this could be the cause.  Sometimes white fingernail spots could also be a sign of allergic reaction to nail polish or nail hardeners and sometimes a symptom of mild infection. However these white spots on fingernails are temporary and will disappear once your nail grows out but this may take considerable time, even several months.

Girl worried about unequal size of breasts

M.S asks: My problem is an embarrassing one. I am a 16 year old girl, smart and attractive. But there is one feature of my physique which is bothering me a lot.  My left breast is smaller than the right one. Due to this, I always wear salwar suits with dupatta, although I long to put on shirts and blouses like my friends. Is there any cream or medicine which will help me?

Anti-Aging Tips To Feel Energetic & Youthful

The other day, I met a lady walking in the park. There was a spring in her step and her eyes were bright and sparkling. No, she wasn’t a 20 year old in love, but a grey-haired lady nearing 70. She was radiating so much energy and life that I wondered about youth - that passing shower that everyone craves to get soaked in for eternity.                   Everyone is in search of the proverbial Fountain of Youth ( Image Credits ) Time waits for no one and walks on relentlessly, yet there are ways to delay the physical ravages caused by old age, ways to imprison the spirit of youth and to keep it burning in our hearts.

Smart Eating For Weight Loss

It’s a fact that every woman dreams of having an hour-glass figure, but lack of exercise and poor dietary habits are some of the factors that cause a slim and fit body to remain a dream for many of us. A gradual weight gain over the years is a hard reality of life. Young girls, aided by a fast metabolic rate, find it relatively easier to control their weight but, as we age, the metabolic rate slows down, and our tussle with excess fat starts. Every woman wishes to have a slim, svelte and an hour-glass figure.

Dianabol - When in doubt, stay away. Men's fitness needed

[Sponsored Post] If you are looking for a way to gain those muscles that you really want, then you should really try Dbal Crazybulk . It's completely legal and very easy to purchase. A lot of bodybuilders who are dying to increase the size of their muscles have now found a way in order for them to see the results right away. It's pretty understandable that they are not that patient with these kinds of things.

How to overcome exam fear and exam time sleeplessness

J asks : Whenever my exams are round t or the corner, I find I cannot sleep at nights. In other words I have exam phobia and exam insomnia or sleeplessness. My family doctor has prescribed mild tranquilizers but these are of no help. What can I do? Response : Apparently, anxiety over your approaching exams robs you of your sleep. Tranquilizers can only artificially sedate your nerves. It is wiser to tackle the root of your insomnia problem: anxiety and stress. A good night’s sleep is absolutely essential for a good memory and to recall whatever you have read easily and quickly. Spending sleepless nights before the exams can take a toll on your physical and mental abilities and not help you perform your best. So make some lifestyle changes and try some of these tips and measures to tackle your sleeplessness and tension.

Another health benefit of being short

People of short height are often envious of tall people and have self-esteem issues. That's because tall people not only look good but studies have also shown that they have better self-esteem , better social status, earn more  and are generally more successful than people of short stature. While one can't do much about one's height, one can certainty do something about self-confidence and self-esteem issues. Do read the post 5 Tips to Build Self-Esteem For short People . Image Credits

Gandhaali Foot Scrub Soap - Review

2 months ago, I happened to notice Gandhaali Foot Scrub Soap at a departmental store and after reading from its cover that it's a soap meant exclusively for the feet, I immediately purchased it. I especially needed a foot scrub soap to keep my feet clean in the rainy season. In the monsoons, as you all know it is a herculean task wading through muddy waters and puddles, especially in India. Also there's a high risk of contracting a fungal infection as well as other skin infections if you neglect foot hygiene. So it's highly necessary to wash, clean and scrub your feet thoroughly after you come home from outdoors. (Read Pamper your feet & Pedicure at home - easy steps )

World Coconut Day - 2nd September

The coconut palm is often compared to "Kalpavriksha", the celestial wish-giving tree in Hindu mythology and why not! All the parts of the coconut tree can be put to some use or another. Coconut is a staple diet of the people of several countries in the world, though it's considered as exotic in the western world. Coconut oil, wrongly got the bad press for being an unhealthy oil but recent studies have shown that it's one of the healthiest oils. Coconut water, especially tender coconut water is one of the most healthiest, nutritious health drinks out there which is full of electrolytes. Being rich is potassium and  magnesium, two important electrolytes, this makes for an awesome after-workout energy drink. If you're vegan or lactose intolerant, you can use coconut milk as milk substitute. Even if you do eat dairy, you can add coconut milk in your recipes to enhance the taste as well to reap the health benefits. These are just a few uses of coconut that I have enum...

Replace your kitchen sponge instead of sanitizing

The humble kitchen sponge - should you sanitize it or replace it? If you are in a dilemma over this one, then you have to read this! A few decades ago, it was quite common in South India to use coconut fiber / coir as a scrub to clean the vessels.  Since coconut is the staple diet in most households in South India, coconut coir is available in plenty. After 3-4 days this old coir scrub was discarded and a new one used in its place. After all, there was no dearth of coconut fiber or fibre. But with time, the humble coir scrub became uncool and most women started using store bought kitchen sponges. Waste coconut fiber / coir can be used as kitchen scrubber.

Never Share Nail Cutters With Others

Even an innocuous, grooming task such as trimming nails is not left untouched by superstitious beliefs. An ancient European belief forbids a person from cutting nails on Sunday and Friday; cutting nails on Friday invariably brings bad luck and on Sunday attracts evil spirits. Another superstition doing the rounds in 19th century Europe was that a mother should never cut the nails of the child before it's first birthday and if she does so the child will grow up to be a thief.  India too has its share of superstitious beliefs regarding nail cutting. In India, at least in the part of South India where I grew up, there is a belief that cutting nails after dusk is a bad thing. Moreover clipping nails on Saturday and on the day of the week you were born is supposed to bring bad luck. So most people avoid cutting nails on these days.

Slow down for the sake of health

This one's for the workaholics who work for long hours incessantly, unmindful of the devastating effects it can have on their health. Don't work for long hours incessantly.

Memory Loss Could Mean Vitamin B12 Deficiency

If you find yourself or your dear ones often forgetting things, don't panic. While in most circumstances, memory loss is associated with stress, dementia etc., there could also be other reasons for forgetfulness and memory loss.

Does PMS Really Cause Brain Fog? Separating Myths from Menstrual Cycle Facts

Today, let's talk about something super common, yet often misunderstood: PMS and "brain fog. " You know, those days when you feel a little… off.  Maybe you're a bit forgetful, your mood's a rollercoaster, or you're just not feeling your sharpest. Sound familiar? We've all heard the jokes, right? " Is it that time of the month? " or " Someone's having a case of the Mondays, huh? " But let's get real for a minute.  Is there actual science behind this, or is it just another stereotype? And what about those "sexy" remarks that are often thrown around? They're not only dismissive, but they also perpetuate harmful misconceptions. The Hormonal Rollercoaster: What's Really Happening? It's true that hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle are real. Progesterone levels rise in the luteal phase (the second half of your cycle), and this can indeed lead to some changes.  It's often linked to a drop in serot...

Stay cool the unconventional way this summer

I love skimming through the Sunday Edition of Times of India supplement to read Vinita Dawra Nangia articles. She always has some wonderful insights to share in her column O-Zone. In one of her Sunday articles, she shared some tips on how to keep your cool in summer, which is an interesting read. I was particularly intrigued by one of her unconventional suggestions to stay cool. She says, trick your mind to feel cool.    And how should you do that? " Close your eyes and imagine cool things – ice-cubes, snow on mountains, a beautiful waterfall. As the mind dwells on cool imagery, it sends signals to the body and the body temperature also comes down! "

Drink water from an earthen pot in summer

In this scorching summer heat, our parched throats yearn for cool water to quench our thirsts. This liking for cold fluids and beverages could well be evolutionary in origin if we go by this PubMed study . While the Internet is replete with articles about how drinking cold water is bad for your health, interferes with digestion ,  causes dreaded diseases such as cancer , there seems to be little truth in this statement. Unless a person is in a state of hypothermia (low body temperature) or severe dehydration, there is no reason to believe that drinking cold water could harm a person. So go ahead and consume cool, chilled drinks without any guilt. Also cold foods and beverages do not harm any of our internal organs, so no need to worry. However consumption of  too much of water / fluids after an intense workout or after spending several hours in hot sun should be avoided. [Refer to this study ]

Mother's Day Wishes & Quotes

A Very Happy Mother's Day to All. A particular day dedicated to a mother is never enough to let her know how special she is. But then in our busy schedule we hardly get to spend time with the family. So at least on special occasions like these we must make a point to let her know how much we depend on her and love her. No need of showering her with expensive gifts; just do your bit to make her feel special!

Using hair removal creams on eyebrow hair?

Bina asks: On every hair-removing cream container, there is a warning that, it should not be used near the eyes. However I find it very convenient to shape my eyebrows by removing the extra hairs with the cream. Will it affect my skin, later on?

Smartphone is bad for your vision and posture

Do you use your smartphone for hours together? Are you always busy texting, playing games or watching videos on your cellphone? If yes, then there is some worrying news for you.  Not only does your productivity gets affected with excessive smartphone usage; your addiction to this gadget could lead to a host of psychological as well as physical health issues.  I know it's very difficult to wean yourself from the smartphone since it has become a part and parcel of your life, almost like another organ of your body.  And that is the very reason why you should try your level best to escape from its clutches and concentrate on more productive things in life. More so, for the sake of your health!

Is some white discharge from the vagina normal?

I am a 22 year old unmarried girl. I keep myself clean and wash my private parts regularly while bathing. Sometimes I notice a whitish sticky discharge from my private parts. It does not pain or itch. I am very worried. Please advise. Response: Some vaginal secretions are normally present which are meant to lubricate the vaginal walls. It’s absolutely normal for your vagina or cervix to produce these clear or white secretions.

Why Do I Have Bad, Vivid Dreams Before My Period? A Personal Exploration

There's a pattern in my life I can't ignore: a few days before my period, my dreams take a bizarre, vivid turn . They're not always nightmares, but they're definitely unsettling.  I might find myself wandering naked in a crowded place , desperately searching for something I can't name, or being chased through a maze of unfamiliar streets.  Sometimes, it’s the wrenching grief of losing a loved one , so real it leaves me shaken even after I wake.  Other times, the dreams are just a bizarre, hazy mishmash of images and emotions , leaving me feeling disoriented and confused. It's like my brain decides to throw a surreal movie marathon, and I'm the unwilling audience.

Googling for your symptoms is not a bad idea

Should you google your health issues?   Long back, I had written a post about how hypochondriacs have become obsessed about using the net to diagnose their symptoms  and got chided by a commenter for branding all those who search for online health information as "cyberchondriacs" or "hypochodriacs".

Happy Women's Day 2017 & Inspiring Quotes

Happy International Women's Day! Sharing a few inspiring quotes this Women's Day!

8 Reasons To Buy Handmade Jewelry

[Sponsored Post] In this fast-paced, technologically driven world, it’s really difficult to get people to like handmade products. But handmade accessories, be it jewelry or other handicrafts are always superior to machine-made goods. An artisan takes significant amount of time to create a beautiful masterpiece and does it with utmost precision, skill and ingenuity whereas machines mechanically churn out thousands and thousands of similar, monotonous, droll looking pieces per day.

Transitioning to a Natural Beauty Regimen: What You Need to Know

Your skin is the largest organ on your body, so it's essential that you care for your skin with the right products. The truth is, a number of conventional cosmetics don't do much to improve your skin's health. Some of these products even have harmful chemicals that can damage your skin. Making the switch to natural serums, moisturizers and cleansers can improve both the look and health of your skin. 

Achieve Perfect Equilibrium In Both Body And Mind By Starting Yoga

The main purpose of practicing yoga includes the likes of creating strength and harmony within the human body and not only will this confer everyone the right amount of confidence and self-esteem to make sure that they are not going to be hampered by any factor in their daily lives but it will also ensure the fact that they will lead a healthy lifestyle. The phenomenon has taken the world by storm as more and more people start practicing it and it has been proven by researchers over the last couple of years that relaxation techniques as well as the amount of exercise done in a yoga session will help with issues such as chronic pains as well as boosts the immune system and makes a person who practices it lead a better overall lifestyle.

Use Neti pot carefully to avoid health risks

Nasal irrigation using a neti pot or Jalaneti has proved to be very effective in dealing with sinusitis, clearing a blocked, stuffy nose, easing sinus headaches, reducing nasal dryness, heightening the sense of smell and taste, reducing snoring, as a remedy to reduce the appearance of dark circles around the eyes and many such issues. A person who is suffering from repeated sinus infections and cold should discuss with his/her doctor about using nasal irrigation using a neti pot as a part of his therapy. Jala Neti is that effective for sinus problems.

Top 9 Prettiest Beauty trends to look glamorous this Spring

I’m pretty sure that you’re interested in looking glamorous because if you were not interested, you would not have been reading this article. There are plenty of things to care about if you want to look glamorous. You should take care of your face to your feet. From healthy skin, new haircuts to fancy makeup, everything should be spot on for looking glamorous. You may have noticed some of the attractive models in various fashion shows. They attract many eyeballs in the show. There are many secrets behind them attracting so many eyeballs. Their makeup, hairstyle, dress, and others are carefully selected by the fashion designers. However, it does not mean that you cannot look glamorous. Many girls do their research, and it helps them to look glamorous as well. In the next section of this article, you will get to know about top 9 prettiest beauty trends.

Missing A Tooth? 3 Procedures For a Confidence-Boosting Smile

Nothing can dampen a smile quite as quickly as having a few missing teeth. The lack of confidence from having gaps where pearly whites should be is enough to make people avoid taking photos entirely. Though with advances in modern cosmetic dentistry making replacements easier and cheaper to obtain, finding excuses to put off procedures to fix your smile are becoming harder than before.

WEN Cleansing Conditioners – The Latest in Hair Care

In the world of conditioners, there are many distinct products to choose from. WEN by Chaz represents an interesting option for those hoping to improve their hair more naturally, but will it work for you? Here’s what you need to know about this increasingly popular cleansing conditioner. Many conditioner products stake their claim to fame on being unique. The WEN product line takes this a step further by offering a less complicated solution to hair care that relies on natural ingredients.

Top Whitening Toothpastes That Will Make Your Teeth Glimmer

Over time, your teeth are going to stain. It is inevitable and natural, although certain things contribute more to staining that others. Fortunately, there are effective toothpastes available to whiten your teeth, and they are not just gimmicks. The five toothpastes below have similarities and stark differences, and they are pretty much guaranteed to whiten your teeth.

Look Fabulous this New Year with these 5 makeup looks

Introduction- The New Year has just started, and you know what that means – it is time to finally try all of those things that you have wished for so long since the New Year practically means a brand, new start! Forget about all of your excuses and get to work. Today is the day that we are going to try five bold makeup looks! The time for a change is here. Maybe some of these makeup looks have been on your wish list, or maybe you will hear about them for the first time. Not that is important or relevant! We are here are we are ready to share these five excellent makeup looks that you can try for either day or night gatherings, work, and any other occasion of your choosing. Let’s start!   Before you proceed with reading the following article and exploring the world of makeup, take a minute to go through your makeup collection. It is not uncommon for women to proceed with using several makeup products long after their expiration date has passed. Not only will you not get...

Modest Is Hottest: 4 Ways To Dress Conservatively Without Losing Your Style

We are all unique beings, and most people have some sense of personal style, no matter how subtle this might be. Some love to be a little bold with their style, but this may not be appropriate at all times. At some point in life, you will probably have to dress a bit more conservative. This could be for a meeting, interview, event, or perhaps you are entering the corporate world. Many feel they have to give up their sense of style, but this is not so. You just have to make a few adjustments that will allow your true self to shine. The following 4 tips will help you do just that.

Does losing weight make my skin darker?

Simi asks: My figure is unsymmetrical with a bulging abdomen. My height is 5 feet 1 inch and my weight is 58 kg. I have a fair complexion, but I am afraid that  losing weight will make my skin dark .   Should I take some vitamin pills to prevent these problems? Being a non-vegetarian, should I abstain from non-vegetarian food? All the remedies I have tried so far have had no effect. Please suggest something that works. I am only 20 years old.

Best Diet and Nutrition Apps for 2017

Living a healthy life is all we strive for nowadays, having in mind all the stress and work we have to cope with. Sometimes is very hard to maintain your health at top level due to many external factors, such as job, traffic, relationships. However, we live in modern times where we are able to find all the help we need in order to stay healthy. What we eat is who we are, and we should pay attention to the food. If you think you do not have time to take care about your diet, we have found something helpful. All you need is a phone or a tablet and you are ready. There are so many health applications out there, but here are some great diet and nutrition apps for you.

2017 Style: 5 Ways to Jazz Up Your Look

2017’s latest style trends give you numerous options for customizing an innovative wardrobe that's fashionable yet uniquely your own. Consider these 5 items for jazzing up your look and making it fresh for 2017.