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Showing posts from March, 2017

Why Do I Have Bad, Vivid Dreams Before My Period? A Personal Exploration

There's a pattern in my life I can't ignore: a few days before my period, my dreams take a bizarre, vivid turn . They're not always nightmares, but they're definitely unsettling.  I might find myself wandering naked in a crowded place , desperately searching for something I can't name, or being chased through a maze of unfamiliar streets.  Sometimes, it’s the wrenching grief of losing a loved one , so real it leaves me shaken even after I wake.  Other times, the dreams are just a bizarre, hazy mishmash of images and emotions , leaving me feeling disoriented and confused. It's like my brain decides to throw a surreal movie marathon, and I'm the unwilling audience.

Googling for your symptoms is not a bad idea

Should you google your health issues?   Long back, I had written a post about how hypochondriacs have become obsessed about using the net to diagnose their symptoms  and got chided by a commenter for branding all those who search for online health information as "cyberchondriacs" or "hypochodriacs".

Happy Women's Day 2017 & Inspiring Quotes

Happy International Women's Day! Sharing a few inspiring quotes this Women's Day!

8 Reasons To Buy Handmade Jewelry

[Sponsored Post] In this fast-paced, technologically driven world, it’s really difficult to get people to like handmade products. But handmade accessories, be it jewelry or other handicrafts are always superior to machine-made goods. An artisan takes significant amount of time to create a beautiful masterpiece and does it with utmost precision, skill and ingenuity whereas machines mechanically churn out thousands and thousands of similar, monotonous, droll looking pieces per day.

Transitioning to a Natural Beauty Regimen: What You Need to Know

Your skin is the largest organ on your body, so it's essential that you care for your skin with the right products. The truth is, a number of conventional cosmetics don't do much to improve your skin's health. Some of these products even have harmful chemicals that can damage your skin. Making the switch to natural serums, moisturizers and cleansers can improve both the look and health of your skin.