In this scorching summer heat, our parched throats yearn for cool water to quench our thirsts. This liking for cold fluids and beverages could well be evolutionary in origin if we go by this PubMed study . While the Internet is replete with articles about how drinking cold water is bad for your health, interferes with digestion , causes dreaded diseases such as cancer , there seems to be little truth in this statement. Unless a person is in a state of hypothermia (low body temperature) or severe dehydration, there is no reason to believe that drinking cold water could harm a person. So go ahead and consume cool, chilled drinks without any guilt. Also cold foods and beverages do not harm any of our internal organs, so no need to worry. However consumption of too much of water / fluids after an intense workout or after spending several hours in hot sun should be avoided. [Refer to this study ]
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