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Showing posts from November, 2018

7 Makeup Tips For Perfect No Filter Selfie

Technology is such a sweetheart, isn’t it? It has given people countless options to communicate back and forth at practically no cost. It has also made getting tight, refined pores so inexpensive that literally does not leave you anything else to do to your skin than simply snap a photo, tap on the “edit” button and filter away your skin imperfection!

Easy Guide to Pick a Perfect Outfit

Do you have any idea how to pick out an outfit? Or you’re confused what style shirt work well with pants? Or what’s really appropriate for the event? If you need to know the answer of all of these questions, then there is a step-by-step guide for you! This guide will help you out to pick out the classic outfit without any hassle or stress free. It’s just as easy as 1-2-3-4? So, here you go:

Holiday Food That Can Yellow Your Teeth

The holidays are considered the most wonderful time of the year for a season that is filled with festive decor and sugary treats. Although most people pay close attention to their waistline with what they eat, the holiday foods consumed can also stain your teeth and cause them to become yellow. To prevent discoloration and protect your natural shade, there are a few foods to skip this Christmas.

Top 5 Jobs for Makeup Artists

Most people have a hard enough time doing their own makeup, but if you're one of the gifted few that can look at anyone's face and see the potential beauty hidden there, just waiting to be brought out with a wave of your magic wand (or brush), perhaps you should think about becoming a makeup artist. You might be surprised to find that there's more to it than making up brides for their special day; there are actually several avenues to explore when it comes to this artistry of appearance. Here are just a few potential jobs you could tackle when you become a licensed makeup artist.

The 5 Most Beautiful Women in Music

Women are certainly a force to be reckoned with in the music industry. From every genre of music, women have led the way to have some of the most iconic and powerful voices. And whether it's their style, the way they do their hair, or the way they transform themselves, female musical performers are not only an inspiration to women to live strong and be proud, but a powerful motivation to people of all walks of life. The past couple of years have seen a number of amazing female musical artists take the highest ranks for beauty and style. However, what makes a female performer beautiful is not only her physical appearance, but also what she represents and stands for. 

4 Fabulous DIY Beauty Products

We love to save money on products, especially beauty products which is why affordable products like Neutrogena 洗面 are so popular among young women. However, the face is the first thing that other people see and oftentimes, we find it necessary to invest in our appearance especially as we leave our 20’s hoping the products will sustain lengthy use. Everyone always has preferred brands and products, but sometimes maintaining a beautiful face with high-quality products can be expensive. It is one of the many reasons why some people make use of do-it-yourself products with materials that can easily be found at home. You can make these beauty items just as you use them and then store them for future use.

Top 5 Beauty Pageant Movies

While growing up, a lot of us probably stayed up to watch the Miss America or Miss Universe pageant while quietly dreaming about being the woman who, at the end, would be in her evening gown with roses in her hand and a tiara on her head as she waved to all of the people admiring her beauty while she sashayed across the stage.

Can I Smoke After I've Had a Tooth Pulled?

If you are a smoker and need to have a tooth pulled, you are likely wondering whether you’ll be able to smoke after the procedure. The truth is that smoking immediately after a tooth extractions is extremely risky and delays your healing process. You will be encouraged to wait at least 72 hours after your tooth has been pulled.

Top 5 Beauty Must Haves for Every Woman's Purse

That boy you’ve secretly had a crush on at work finally calls you after weeks of encrypted text messages back and forth. He wants to meet you after work, which, you realize, is only in a half-an-hour! There is no way you will have time to go home and change into that cute red dress you just bought. You start thinking this might be a fashion and beauty emergency . You will not allow yourself to have both, as you thank the Sephora gods in heaven for that cherry lip-gloss you brought with you today. You convince yourself everything is going to be ok, as you practice your yoga breathing exercises and examine your Prada handbag for items that will give you a much-needed quick fix. It’s time to turn on the survival mode and get creative.

Serums 101: A How-To Guide for All-Natural Face Serums

If you’re not using a serum as a part of your daily skin care routine, you might want to consider adding one…or two. There is a lot of hype around serums lately—and for good reason. The right serum can do wonders to brighten, tighten, and transform your skin. However, all serums are not created equal. There are endless serum products available and many contain unnatural ingredients and fillers which are no good for the skin. If you’re going to add a serum to your routine, it’s best to use an all-natural version. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use serums and how to find the right serum for your skin.

Is Invisalign the Answer to Fixing Buck Teeth

Buck teeth are present if two or more of an individual’s front teeth extend so far out that they cover the lower lip. They are often the result of genetics, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, or the overuse of a pacifier. Children and adults may develop this severe overbite and feel embarrassed about their smile, especially if they are overtly conscious of their so called "rabbit teeth". Ashamed of your buck teeth?

The Art Of Self-Expression Through Clothing

Fashion is a form of self-expression. Your clothes on the outside reflect who you are on the inside. Your personal style can change depending on your mood, confidence level, and seasonal trends. Remember that clothing is something more than just something that you need to wear to cover up your body. It's used to make a fashion statement, and to express your true inner self. Here are some ways you can express yourself through fashion.

Is Exercising After Dental Implants Permitted?

Dental implant surgery is done to replace missing tooth or teeth. Dental implants are metal posts or frames, usually made of titanium, that are surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath your gums and are used to support artificial tooth. Once in place, the dentist will be able to to mount replacement teeth onto them. The benefits of implants is that dentures mounted on them won't slip or shift in the mouth which is an extremely helpful advantage over ordinary dentures when eating and speaking. They also feel and look more natural. Also read 5 dental implant myths .

The Stylish Woman's Winter Wardrobe

Soon it will be time to winterize our wardrobe. Depending on what part of the country you live in, a fall wardrobe can be worn during the winter months. This is the season where the cold weather is based on El Nino or La Nina. No, these are not clothing items, it is a weather cycle. El Nino is the warmer side of winter and La Nina is the opposite. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports that the 2018 winter months may bring warmer temperatures .

11 Free, Fun Ways to Pamper Your Skin

The human skin is the largest organ of the body. So with that much exposure, you need to find ways to take care of it and ensure that it is always looking good. Here we look at some simple and inexpensive ways to pamper your skin...that will leave you feeling good, too!