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Showing posts from December, 2018

Happy New Year 2019

Sure all of us have had our shares of happiness, successes, failures and sorrows last year but it makes sense to dwell on the happy moments and learn from our failures and sorrows. I sincerely hope that the coming new year has something wonderful to offer you all. And I promise to come with more informative, in-depth and ponder-worthy posts in the coming year and would love your valuable inputs and comments on them as well.

Best of 2018

The year 2018 is coming to an end and how fast! Compared to 2017, I did manage to pen quite a number of posts, though nowhere near my expected goal.    I revisited quite a few older posts, updated outdated info in them and reposted them as new posts; that was quite a bit of work, which was much needed!   So now, without much ado, I’d like to list out some of the best posts from the year 2018.  

Shining infrared light on itchy skin may provide relief

You all must probably be wondering why something as trivial as itching is being given so much importance and why researches are conducted to find ways of relieving it! Well, for most of us, if we do get an itch, we scratch it for a while and forget about it. Do read the post Why scratching an itch provides relief and home remedies to relieve itching .   But for those who have eczema , extremely dry skin , psoriasis or any skin ailment that causes chronic itching, it’s not at all that simple. They go crazy unable to bear the severe itching and the incessant scratching that follows to relieve it. It’s for this reason that a search for a long-term, effective cure for itching is still going on!   Image credits:Wikipedia

5 health benefits of foot massage

We already know that getting a body massage helps a lot when you want to relax. But a lot of people don’t know that a foot massage provides even more health benefits you never thought of. After a long day at work or walking around, our feet will feel tired and sore. In order to make it relaxed and in order to relieve sore muscles, a good foot massage will greatly help. It improves the blood circulation and improves one’s general health. With several therapeutic techniques, it can help heal even serious illnesses.

6 Gorgeous Fashion Statements for Winter

Winter weather can sometimes get in the way of one's fashion sensibilities. The colder weather forces women to shift from stylish layers to functional ones. Slim silhouettes are disrupted by puffy parkas. Scarves and hats put a damper on makeup and hair styling. Here are some fresh looks to keep the winter blues at bay.

6 Cosmetics That Aren’t What They Used to Be

Cosmetics have come a long way, to put it mildly! As standards of beauty have evolved, so have the various ways to attain that beauty. This list will detail six ways that cosmetics have changed over the years.

How To Do Your Makeup This Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner, and everyone is thrilled. This time of the year is all about giving and receiving, as well as spending it with your loved ones. You've probably outdone yourself with picking out the right gifts for your friends and family. On top of that don't forget to add all the constant cooking and baking, as well as cleaning and tidying off the house. In this mayhem it is easy to forget about yourself, and that is why we advise you to splurge and pamper, just a little. Get to your Christmas party as stylish as never before, and look your best with the right makeup. In this article, we will teach you how to look glam with beautiful & long-lasting results.

5 Tips To Follow While Making DIY Beauty Products

A recent trend in the beauty world is DIY beauty recipes made with safe, natural ingredients. These cosmetics and skin treatments do not contain harsh chemicals, preservatives, or ingredients that will irritate the skin – at least in most cases. However, just because you are creating a homemade beauty treatment does not mean that you do not have to take care to ensure the safety and health of your products (even if you are just using them on yourself). The following tips will help you ensure your products are really as healthy as they are supposed to be.

Reducing the damage of hair straighteners

Millions undergo the practice of straightening their hair each and every day, some in fact carrying on the process several times throughout the day. The idea of being able to tame curly or frizzy hair into sleek, manageable and elegant styles without the need for a hairdresser is indeed appealing, which is furthered by the fact that none of the dangerous chemicals used by professionals need to be added into the mix. However, just because the chemicals are taken out of the equation does not mean that home straightening cannot significantly damage hair, which is something that all users of straighteners should be aware of in order to limit the damage as much as possible.